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Sharia Police (in Cop Cars) in NYC

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posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

I'm also going to go and climb thee olde proverbial limb... ready?

I bet more than 2 handfuls would prefer the "Sharia Patrol" cruise around in a MARKED 'prowler' then some Ladies? walking about in full-on Hijab...

Any takers?

It should be noted I am a medically retired cop so My views may be 'skewed'.. But EVERY Muslim I came across was ALWAYS the VICTIM and usually preyed upon because they were "different" And each one was kind and hospitable..

But the media wouldn't print crap that is used to stoke fires would they?

Come on Man... Plus, "Propaganda" is now LAWFUL signed by #44 on Sept. 15, 2015...


sew buttons.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: Sheye

originally posted by: UncleTomahawk
a reply to: Sheye

I was speaking mainly about pictures I’ve seen where lineups of much older men with their very young brides ( between the ages of 5 and 8 max ) are waiting to be married. It makes one understand why Islam and the Muslim religion is seen as the religion of pedos.

I really did not want to be the one giving context for child brides and marriages but...

From what i can rationalize of such in most cases it is custom for families to arrange marriages through payment or lineage and they usually not actually marrying kids but giving the promise of marriage in the future through ceremony. That is not to say some sick people are not out there hurting kids and such or that child marriage gives the person any sense of free will or that i condone such. I am just hoping that they are waiting until the people are of proper breeding age before such happens to put it bluntly.

Thanks for the clarification.

Only problem is that some of these men look like they are in their 80’s and it will be a good decade before the ‘promised’ child is of decent age for marraige. Who really wants a 90 year old husband at the age of 16 ?
None the less I understand what you are saying about the culture.

Ummm...thanks for the clarification...?

Your basing this response on what some dude says he can anonymously rationalize on the internet...

He just obfuscated the intent by stating he had no idea WTF goes on...but here’s what he thinks goes on...

He’s justifying pedophilia...and getting you to agree... people are easily manipulated...


I’m not easily manipulated . If I was I’d let responses like yours get to me.

I was merely agreeing that their culture is much different than ours, and it is wise to an extent to try and understand their ways and their culture before dismissing them as all pedos.

Just trying to be fair in the context of things and not be filled with misplaced and irrational hate.
Do I agree with the culture ? No ! I don’t believe in arranged marriages for any couples.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:17 PM
Sounds like Jewish ambulances, but with a sprinkle of harassment. I don't think neighborhood watch is wrong, but enforcing Muslim practices are..

I'm sure it's mainly happening in heavily Muslim areas, so not being report that much. Not much to worry about, seems like a local police issue.

edit on 11-2-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: nofear39
All I’ve got to say is WTF ? 30 Muslims that’s all so stop it now before it’s ok to rape white women and marry 10 year olds because that’s what will happen !!! Yea and I’m racist for saying that 😏

Islam is not a race.

It took you only one sentence and 26 minutes to start this thread off-track. And then resorted to personal insults.

First, this is not the mud pit. Your behavior is petulant and unwelcome.

Second, you either intentionally ignored or completely missed the message of the post you attempted to invalidate. If you are non-muslim and say anything negative about them, even if it is blatantly true, you are branded a racist hater bigot. Apparently you are unaware of the fact that in today's world those words are so overused and interchangeable they have lost all meaning except for the value of insult to the person they are directed at.

Third, if you want to put a point on it islam is a religion not an ideology. An ideology is an economic or political vehicle. Recycling is an ideology.

These so-called community watches have no authority. Anyone they stop for any reason is a victim of false arrest for being illegally detained, possibly false imprisonment and potentially kidnapping. The mandate for most community watch programs is "observe and report", not intervene.

Those who saw the writing on the wall years ago and warned this would happen were shunned as racist hater bigots. This is just the next logical step in what has been and continues to be an invasion and a threat to our way of life. These people do not assimilate, they invade and conquer. After all, the word "islam" means "submit".
edit on 11-2-2019 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

All those abrahamic religions are filled with violence and customs totally against society now.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Exactly, as soon as they do something wrong on a camera to a person with the monies and means to sue, they will end up losing there fake Police car and uniform ta boot.

Law of the land is the only one that applies, over here anyway, i imagine law takes a similar line in the states.
edit on 11-2-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: JimNasium
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

I'm also going to go and climb thee olde proverbial limb... ready?

I bet more than 2 handfuls would prefer the "Sharia Patrol" cruise around in a MARKED 'prowler' then some Ladies? walking about in full-on Hijab...

Any takers?

It should be noted I am a medically retired cop so My views may be 'skewed'.. But EVERY Muslim I came across was ALWAYS the VICTIM and usually preyed upon because they were "different" And each one was kind and hospitable..

But the media wouldn't print crap that is used to stoke fires would they?

Come on Man... Plus, "Propaganda" is now LAWFUL signed by #44 on Sept. 15, 2015...


sew buttons.

Firstly, I"m not entirely certain what you're asking in your initial question, so maybe you could ask it again a bit differently. I'm not being smart here, I sincerely just didn't quite get the question.

Secondly, my thread is not Muslim bashing and I think I've made that rather clear both in the OP as well as in my follow-up responses. In the OP I stated clearly that I completely support neighborhood watches, that I think they're a beautiful thing that I wish more communities engaged in. I also would encourage Muslim communities to engage such watches with full and unabated support. My concern is two fold, one is the formalization of it in a way that seemingly mimics the actual police so closely that it could easily be mistaken for actual lawful law enforcement (which in the news report the CAIR representative insinuates). Secondly, they're enforcing (well, firstly they shouldn't be enforcing anything, but rather simply protecting), but they're enforcing religious and cultural law in NYC! As I stated in another post, I would be opposed to any foreign group coming to an American city and behaving thusly, whoever they are and whereever they're from.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Pretty much.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:24 PM
Man...I hope Uncle Trump disbands that crap, real quick.

No need for a bunch of stuck in ancient times “law” enforcement clowns, pushing more crap.
Makes me sick

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:26 PM
I do hope those Sharia Law Patrol Cars (let's call them what they are) get trashed every time they leave the garage.

edit on 11/2/2019 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I think you're overthinking this incident...An invasion? Come on....

The Jewish Talamud says all sorts of terrible things and practices against non-jews... Yet Jews are a large part of our society and haven't tried to create their law system to enforce their ideals..

A few zealots don't qualify as an invasion. Religion brings out the wackiness in some people, but most people don't take it to that level. Even if they believe in very conservative hardcore religious ideals..
edit on 11-2-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Thats apt to occur really.

Someones going to take the huff.

Not beyond the realms of possibility for them to be shot at.

Stupid but one cannot teach pork.

I've seen a poor Jehovah Witness get there head kicked in for disturbing a guy on the night shift.

So good luck to them, personally i think it will end in tears.
edit on 11-2-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: blueman12

Exactly, as soon as they do something wrong on a camera to a person with the monies and means to sue, they will end up losing there fake Police car uniform ta boot.

Law of the land is the only one that applies, over here anyway, i imagine law takes a similar line in the states.

I think this position is naive. Islam has an ever increasing 'protected' status here, and the proof is in the pudding, especially when compared against Christianity. If Mike Pence's wife resumes part time at a Christian school where she taught for 12 years and that school has a policy against LGBT on staff (in conjunction with their faith), then everyone loses their minds and it's splashed all over the news, but Muslims throwing gays off of rooftops because they're gay goes without a whisper from the LGBT crowd. I watched a video on YT (I may find it and start a thread on it) where a gay couple went to various Muslim owned bakeries and asked for "gay" wedding cakes, and all were flatly refused, but do you hear about law suits of such bakeries or an outcry over denial of services? No, but a Christian baker says no and gets sued out of existence.

No, there's definitely a double standard being applied. What about the grooming gangs that have come to light that were allowed to persist because, on record, the police were afraid of appearing racist by intervening! That's straight lunacy. No, this is more insidious than you might think...

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:34 PM
Let them teach and follow what they will in their homes, churches, meeting halls. etc., they can have HOAs too but when they try and enforce their rules on the public, they have crossed the line. Nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand and things turn violent.

Live and let live, they can believe and follow what they want to under the law, same as anyone else. Unfortunately they have zero respect for infidels and backsliding Muslims. Give them an inch and they will take a mile, give them a mile and they will take even more. Islam is more than just a religion, it's a way of life that combines religion, politics and the military. IMO it has no place here except in their private lives, so keep it that way and there should be few problems.

The general public isn't obligated to respect their beliefs much less be harassed into following them. Respect is earned, not forced down the people's throats. Personally I wouldn't want to be in a Muslim neighborhood for any reason, esp. if they are causing trouble for law abiding citizens. Freedom of speech and religion is for everyone, not just some religious zealots that want to control the public at large. Our rights are only good until they are used to restrict the rights of others, they need to learn that lesson.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

Well live and let live should be the colour of the day imho.

Sticking religious noses into things that don't concern them is apt to provoke something bad happening.

Especially when they come across the wrong person.

Political correct nonsense is the problem where policing is concerned.

But that does not mean that all Muslims are bad people, fact is we share more similarities than difference.

I think organized religious practice in naive in the extreme.
edit on 11-2-2019 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

Would You rather the 'Sharia Patrol' (but not really) go out in a MARKED patrol car that plainly reads "Sharia Law" dogs or a couple what You 'think may' be Female in the backseat of an unmarked CrownVic, keeping an eye on cops?

Being involved in Law Enforcement; the only ones that would be happy about ANY LOOKIE LOOs hanging around, would be the SLUGS that hang around the Station and study for Promotional Exams while their Beat goes to shyte...

You did want the truth yeah?

Now You KNOW why Law Enforcement NEVER improves--- And to make it even more difficult to improve it, now there is PRIVATE Jails/Prisons... The Slugs that take their time to get to the call and then treat the folks like crap, are the ones who get promoted...

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

I watched a video on YT (I may find it and start a thread on it) where a gay couple went to various Muslim owned bakeries and asked for "gay" wedding cakes, and all were flatly refused, but do you hear about law suits of such bakeries or an outcry over denial of services?

Yes, please. I've pondered that very situation many times; didn't realize anyone had gone out and done it.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: gallop

"Christians don't call a pedo the best man to have ever lived."

Naw you right we don't, Christians call pedos a Priest. LoL

"Nor do they act in accordance with his beliefs - to act slowly, hide, till numbers are sufficient, then take over."

Sound more like the Illuminati than Muslims to be honest.

"Quite intricate, really."

The game has to be intricate, else the illusions up and the sham revealed.

Did you even have a point?

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: TheElectricPriest

Well live and let live should be the colour of the day imho.

Sticking religious noses into things that don't concern them is apt to provoke something bad happening.

Especially when they come across the wrong person.

Political correct nonsense is the problem where policing is concerned.

But that does not mean that all Muslims are bad people, fact is we share more similarities than difference.

I think organized religious practice in naive in the extreme.

We are not of vastly different opinions here. I believe in live and let live as well, problem is that this is not that. Do you now what I think it is...I think it's arrogant.

(post by gallop removed for a manners violation)

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