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Nasa administrator announces plans to ‘go to the moon and stay’

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posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 04:10 PM
oh, ok, now NASA wants to go back.... guess they wish they had that telemetry data now don't they?

let's see someone get passed low earth orbit...

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 05:07 PM
Hey, it is that time again? This moon base planning has been going on since the late 50s and every few years somebody comes up with a pitch. It's just another way the government can keep a lot of brainiacs working for the U.S. rather than taking their over-educations to Brand X. White collar welfare.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
oh, ok, now NASA wants to go back.... guess they wish they had that telemetry data now don't they?

let's see someone get passed low earth orbit...

they dont need it with modern computers.

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: toysforadults
oh, ok, now NASA wants to go back.... guess they wish they had that telemetry data now don't they?

let's see someone get passed low earth orbit...

This again? You mean these missing tapes?

Wiki: Missing Apollo Tapes.


Can't get past LEO, can we? Because?

1. Van Allen Belts
2. Thermosphere
3. Glass dome.

Please let me know which or all of the above you think might apply, or do you have some other delusional "reason"?

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 06:40 AM

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy
I think toysforadults is being ridiculous when he suggests there's a problem getting past low earth orbit, but I think he's right that NASA wishes they had the missing tapes. I don't know what your link about the missing tapes is supposed to prove, it confirms they are missing and that considerable effort was expended looking for them. The moon landing was one of the most historic events in the history of human civilization so it's difficult to comprehend how NASA didn't appreciate this and failed to preserve the best possible records of the event. According to your own link, what they ended up with is far inferior to what was on the missing tapes, for a number of reasons.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 07:38 AM
It doesn't sound like the plan is to put another man on the moon. Must be equipment to explore and exploit the moon..
edit on 2/13/2019 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Yes, but the point is that toysforadults was, I believe, being sarcastic about the tapes being missing as this is a standard position for Moon Landing Hoax believers.

Namely, that the tapes were destroyed by NASA to hide the supposed hoax.

I may be wrong, but there you go.

The link is was it is.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Also, NASA hardly needs these tapes to go back to the Moon today, which is what this poster seems to be suggesting but then as he/she has not replied, we don't really know, do we?

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 08:35 AM
It's ridiculously obvious what we need first.

An orbiting platform (like the ISS) for the Moon. Otherwise you're left with that iffy 'lunar lander and lunar orbiter' method, which was OK for a dash and flag plant but not enough for a base.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 08:55 AM
In my opinion NASA has no intention of ever sending humans to the moon in the forseeable future.
This has nothing to do with believing they have been there or not before.
So why do I think NASA wont send real people?
The answer to me is that normal humans who have not been gene edited cannot survive in a healthy state in space for long periods of time. The loss of gravity and the bombardment of cosmic energy is deadly to human cells, organs, tissue, bones etc.

There has been research into editing genes so people can withstand dangerous levels of radiation:
How gene therapy could help astronauts survive deep space deadly radiation

However I doubt NASA will reveal any top secret gene edited superhumans in the near future. The types of changes needed to survive in space are many. Such humans would need super bones muscles and cells that have none of the weaknesses that normal human tissue would normally have. Meaning they would need to be able to have a self contained system and be unaffected by environmental factors like gravity and space radiation. Such humans would not be considered human at all by normal standards. Also ethical questions of procreation, diet, waste, lifestyle, and lifespan come into question for any such posthumans.

6 months is considered a general limit for normal people in space, but to those who do go into space risk permenant damage to their biology and may develop cancer. So its a huge risk for science.

So what is this announcement really all about?
In my opinion this is to counter Russia and China which has just landed a rover on the dark side of the moon.

Its part of the space force and i think we are preparing for space dominance to counter percieved enemy presence in space.

So in my opinion I think NASA with the department of defence will most likely work together, and will attempt to set up a unmanned military base on the moon for drones, various weapons, and other military robots.

I also think these bases will have the capability to destroy satelites as well as send projectiles to earth from a huge railgun.

There has been research into creating massive railguns to send projectiles from the moon to the earth:

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Maverick7

This is what we need:

Wiki: Lunar Space Elevator

posted on Feb, 15 2019 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo

originally posted by: turbonium1
Only people who believe we landed on the moon are allowed to reply, because it's not open for discussion here. If you don't believe we landed on the moon, you must go to the 'conspiracy' forums, where people who DO believe in the moon landings are allowed to reply, and tell you it happened.

Anything wrong with that?

And it says that where, exactly? Discussion is always welcome. Your standard approach, however, is not discussion, it's a soapbox of empty rhetoric and hyperbole that probably sounds awesome when you practice it in the mirror but actually proves nothing.

You should be able to show me some of those posts, right? Thanks...

Where are they, now?

posted on Feb, 16 2019 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Check your post history.

Any relevant contribution to this thread? No?

posted on Feb, 16 2019 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I think NASA may have hopes of sending people back but the budget to do so will not happen.

Your suggestion about long periods in space, however, is incorrect - there have been many long term residents (ie over the 6 months you refer to) of the ISS and MIR who have suffered no significant long term ill effects from their experience.

The idea that anyone can use it as a weapons base to threaten Earth really doesn't work. Anything threatening launched from the moon is not exactly going to be a surprise attack even if it does survive re-entry. The link you posted isn't about projectiles as a weapon, it's about projectiles that would transport cargo and people and is still only a vague concept.

posted on Feb, 16 2019 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
a reply to: turbonium1

Check your post history.

Any relevant contribution to this thread? No?

That's not what I asked you for. I asked you to show me ANY posts that dispute what is claimed on space forums, etc.

Issues related to space have many different opinions, same as other issues have many differing viewpoints.

Except if you don't believe it was true, of course, which is taboo. It is forbidden to discuss this, in the space forum.

That's fine, it's no big deal to me, so the reason I bring it up here is to point out there are many opinions on issues.

I realize it can go into off-topic matters, on issues of conspiracies in general, but it can hold up as well. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say about it.

posted on Feb, 16 2019 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
a reply to: turbonium1

Check your post history.

Any relevant contribution to this thread? No?

That's not what I asked you for. I asked you to show me ANY posts that dispute what is claimed on space forums, etc.

And I don't care what you asked for.

Issues related to space have many different opinions, same as other issues have many differing viewpoints.

You are entitled to your own viewpoint, not your own facts.

Except if you don't believe it was true, of course, which is taboo. It is forbidden to discuss this, in the space forum.

Where is there any ruling that it is forbidden to discuss things and present viewpoints? You were told over 3 years ago that it is not a taboo. Why are still moaning about it now? Desperately trying to crowbar in your pet peeve at every opportunity and dragging a discussion off topic (as you are doing here), is what the forum has a problem with. If you don't like the way things are run here the internet is a big place, go explore it.

That's fine, it's no big deal to me, so the reason I bring it up here is to point out there are many opinions on issues.

Opinions are one thing. Facts are another. This topic is one that can generate varying opinions on whether or not returning to the moon is a reasonable proposition. Opinions on whether it is a return or a first time are not the topic.

I realize it can go into off-topic matters, on issues of conspiracies in general, but it can hold up as well. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say about it.

So you have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to try and drag it off topic and complain about a non-existent forum policy?

posted on Feb, 17 2019 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
And I don't care what you asked for.

If you don't care what I say, and that I "have nothing to contribute to this thread", then replying to my threads is hardly contributing to the thread, and makes you look like a hypocrite.

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
Opinions are one thing. Facts are another. This topic is one that can generate varying opinions on whether or not returning to the moon is a reasonable proposition. Opinions on whether it is a return or a first time are not the topic.

The thread title is Nasa administrator announces plans to ‘go to the moon and stay’ It does NOT say they have plans to return to the moon and stay. You groan about my lack of contributing to this thread, and I'm the one telling you what the thread is titled!? Ironic, but true.

originally posted by: OneBigMonkeyToo
So you have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to try and drag it off topic and complain about a non-existent forum policy?

At least I know what the thread is about, which is more than you can say.

On the issue itself, which is about a moon landing, with possible long-term stays....

I believe they will not land on the moon, let alone stay there. No moon landing will happen at all, just as no moon landings have ever happened before.

That's based on all the valid evidence, which proves it was never done. It was elaborately hoaxed, that's certainly true.

They claim Apollo-era technology allowed manned moon landings. Somehow, they managed 6 near-perfect moon landings, in only 3 years!! And then, they stopped everything at once, dumped it as trash, went back to Shuttles, orbited Earth for the next 40 years, or so, until they finally said it was time to 'return' man to the moon again.

A technology, which works, will always work. No matter how old it is, or outdated, or whatever, the technology will always work, as before. All of us know that, of course, but I'm saying it for a reason..

Any technology that works, which will always work. Technology is used in specific ways, and it is never dumped as trash, outright, and until advanced technology is developed, they will always use, or can use, the same technology.

This ridiculous argument about Apollo-era technology being outdated, worthless, or 'unsafe by today's standards' all BS.

Apollo-era technology, if it really worked, wouldn't have been thrown out like trash. They'd treasure it, protect all documentation, and have used it, to improve what works, if possible, to replace specific parts, and so on.

If Apollo-era tech worked, it would always work, and it would not be trashed, or buried away, or ignored.

They claim Apollo-era technology was used within Shuttles, and other useful ways, they did not ignore or trash the Apollo-era technology.

And it's all bs...a cover story.

If Apollo-era tech worked, it certainly would be used after Apollo ended. What would a technology that landed men on the moon, which allowed for the greatest achievement in all human history, possibly be USED for, after the missions?

Would they use it for any possible FUTURE lunar missions, to make it better than before, start to develop other technology, and if it works, along the way, replace the TRULY 'outdated, old technology' of the Apollo-era.

This makes sense, and that's why it's done that way, every time, within such fields.

Apollo-era technology would never end when the Apollo missions had ended. This could only have happened in the magical Apollo-land.

All patents have references to previous patents, because they use them in developing of their own inventions.

Knowing this technology worked so well, the only technology capable of any future lunar landings, currently. Nobody knows what technology changes in the future. The Apollo technology would continue with any future lunar missions, in all parts, or some parts, replaced, improved, etc along the years.

So when they make another claim about going to the moon?

It's just more of the same old nonsense.

posted on Feb, 17 2019 @ 12:52 PM
I believe that all nations should do it together. We should all share the costs and risks.
Additionally, if we were really told to stay off the Moon, now they would have to deal with all of us!

posted on Feb, 17 2019 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

The Apollo program ended in the 1970's for one reason


After we beat the godless commies to the moon public support for the program waned

After all how many times can you watch bunch of guys picking up rocks on the moon

The cost of the Vietnam war escalating . With lack of public support NASA budget was slashed and last 3 moon missions cut

Nasa was told to concentrate on something closer to earth (and less expensive) The SATURN V rocket which was specific
to the Apollo program was retired, Just as the Space Shuttle was retired few years back when became too expensive
to operate

The technology is still there - in fact in last few years interest been revived in redesigning the F1 engine of Saturn V
as base for heavy lift boosters

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