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Evidence of Precognitive Dreams and hacking reality through Lucid Precognitive Dreaming.

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posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 02:44 AM
I've put together a page that has timestamped forum posts, photographs, witness testimonies and links to many other peoples accounts of having dreams present future information. Quite often this happens under the guise of a deja vu (already seen) experience where a person finds that the feeling of familiarity links to a memory of something they dreamed of, days, weeks, months even years in the past. This is known as Deja Reve or Already Dreamed. A friend of mine Dr. Art Funkhouser has been researching Deja experiences since the 1960s and has quite a collection of different types of lesser-known Deja that people experience. You may already through first-person direct experience have your own encounters with Deja Reve.

In my case, I have had nearly every form of precognition from the lesser deja vu linked to a past dream, to symbolic precognitive dreams where the future information is warped by noisy dream symbolism however the symbols such as a person in that dream to whom I've never met in waking life later appears and I recognize them from that originating dream. In some cases, I have these written down in my journal and one example where I was able to photograph and gather a statement from a person I first encountered in a dream as the dream content although symbolic had the body of the conversation and even the unique name of a person he mentioned before I shared the journal entry.

Another example is of dreaming of peace between North and South Korea 93 days before they announced it. At the time I had the dream my bias was war was inevitable and peace would never happen. In other cases, paying attention to my dreams paid off huge when I had a literal precognitive dream that saved my daughters and my life as I was killed by a white pick-up truck when my car slid down a road on a hill with black ice. It was a T section and the truck smashed into my driver's side door killing me and waking me up. This dream prompted me to buy for the first time in my 20 years of driving full studded winter tires, which altered the circumstances as I found myself in the same situation in waking life on the same hill, and even with the studded winter tires, my car still slid but this time the only difference was the sounds of the studs scratching the black ice and I stopped one foot past the stop sign and the white pick-up truck drove past my car, not through it. Had I not had that dream, I would have had two all seasons and two winters on the front as I've always been a bit cheap saving money on tires and where I live the winters are not that bad.

But it doesn't stop there, I have also had lucid precognitive dreams and in a wave of them asked the question, "What if I could change these types of dreams, would the changes happen in real life?" so I made efforts to try to change them and eventually those changes did happen and in the most phenomenological way when they actualized in my waking life. I've always been very skeptical and never believed that there was a mind-matter relationship but in this specific case, by altering a precognitive dream while lucid the evidence simply presented itself so I have zero uncertainty that this potential exists however it is very difficult to achieve at least for me. Took me 8 years to get the answer if you want to know how long it took until results surfaced and the question was finally answered. Very difficult but so very satisfying to have that question answered with a resounding yes.

There is a video that has the original photographs to show they are not photoshopped and that I can reproduce from my phone, scan or camera and in addition, I have witness testimony to that particular event and other testimonies from other people where I reproduced similar results on them. It took me 20 years to find another person who has had lucid precognitive dreams that I could speak with face-to-face (I only ever had people e-mail me their stories and only two of them after reading my course on consciousness reproduced similar results changing the dream and observing the changes happen here). The person who I met was Joe McMoneagle who is a US trained remote-viewer but started as a lucid dreamer with Dr. Stephen LaBerge and participated in his studies that resulted in evidence that people could be lucid when they dream.

The most chilling revelation when I discussed this with Joe was his first lucid precognitive dream had the same identical process as mine. We had this discussion in a group of people who heard what he said about it, and I was able to pull up my articles where I share my accounts and prove that I too had written about this process. When I asked Joe if he ever changed these types of dreams, he got a bit spooked and said no. It was quite an adventure for me.

Lots of information to parse through here but I think many of you will at least find it interesting.

Here is the link:
edit on 9-2-2019 by YouAreDreaming because: just misplaced a term.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 03:37 AM
Fascinating. Brilliant that you have managed to get solid evidence too.

I often dream about something and it happens, usually people actually then I see them. I had put this down to coincidence obviously. Maybe now I should look into this more. I used to enjoy lucid dreaming as well.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 03:55 AM
i think precognition gets clearer as it gets closer because consciousness is an echo in a way.

We are in the now, but as your consciousness wanders into the future or the past it gets fuzzier and less solid.

Are you saying you can change this physical reality landscape by changing your lucid dream landscape via your mind?

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: and14263
Fascinating. Brilliant that you have managed to get solid evidence too.

I often dream about something and it happens, usually people actually then I see them. I had put this down to coincidence obviously. Maybe now I should look into this more. I used to enjoy lucid dreaming as well.

I tried my best, it's very hard to transcribe a dream into text and expect people to see the vivid images that one has in their memories that later match the future event. I find dream-to-text conversion very poor hence it makes it so difficult, not to mention all the dreams which are mundane events that don't have a news source or something to photograph. Add to that simply not having the time to journal the dreams however like you many people have this experience. You can access this specific band in the dreaming spectrum with lucidity, it's hard to navigate in that space as dreams have a spectrum and many of us get stuck in subjective dream layers working out fears, fantasies, desires etc. One really has to let go, start from scratch and start becoming a pioneer of their own inner-cosmos to gain the veridical evidence that dreams have this covert relationship with reality. I've done my homework, satisfied with years of evidence what you read on that page is just a small sample of hundreds if not more events that have presented themselves since 1988 in my sojourn here as a human stuck in one hell of a profound reality.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:06 AM
I believe this 100%

I’ve had dreams that have come true, nothing earth shattering or even important.
I had a dream I was in my dads backyard picking songs on a jukebox, I turned around to see a massive marquee and flowers everywhere, I woke up and just thought that was weird.
18 months later my dad had his wedding at his house and before it started I went to check out the jukebox I turned around and kinda had to double take as it was the exact, and I mean exact same scene as my dream.

It wasn’t any different to any other dream and I’ve had a few other similar dreams that just seemed like dreams.
It would be great to know the difference between a normal dream and a predictive one.

My favourite theory explaining dreams is that they are glimpses of you in alternate realities, when you get a predictive one you’re glimpsing a reality that is very close to your own.
I said favourite theory not most likely, just like to point that out

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: booyakasha
i think precognition gets clearer as it gets closer because consciousness is an echo in a way.

We are in the now, but as your consciousness wanders into the future or the past it gets fuzzier and less solid.

Are you saying you can change this physical reality landscape by changing your lucid dream landscape via your mind?

I'll give you a bit of a back story. When I first started out in 1987 I came across an Omni Magazine with an article written by Dr. Stephen LaBerge entitled, "Power Trips: Controlling Your Dreams" where he described lucid dreaming and that some people could be awake in their dream and change their dream content. For me, at 15 this idea was very adventurous. I was a skeptic, I mean... very hardcore skeptic as I didn't believe in psychic phenomena and was being coached by a 69-year-old skeptic who wrote skeptical newsletters locally. But I had already loved dreaming from a pure entertainment perspective and the thought I could control them and make them even more entertaining was the motive. Within days of reading the article, I had my first lucid dream and it was better than anything I could have imagined. So I was hooked, 31 years later I lucid dream regularly.

What LaBerge didn't mention and I didn't expect but started to surface in my dreams was this anomaly of precognition. At first, I was dismissive citing coincidence, even had my first precognitive dream confirmed by a friend to whom I told the dream too. As the dream was unfolding, in reality, he came up to me and pointed out that the dream I told him was happening and I still laughed it off. But it came in waves, absolutely pounding waves which once I realized through literal precognitive dreams they were indeed future events, I became terrified. It rattled everything I believed and at that time I had no internet, no other sources of information that supported this. I didn't think I was going crazy because I had journal entries to reference and sure enough the details matched.

At 17 I would have my first taste of lucidity in a precognitive dream state. If the non-lucid literal precognitive dreams were not nerve-rattling enough, that dream was absolutely life changing and also terrifying but after 2 years of precognition, I was ok with it. That allowed me to start to openly explore it without fear and more lucid precognitive dreams surfaced. Eventually, I raised enough curiosity and courage to try to change them just to see what would happen. That took place in 1998 and if you look at the time to finally get results that were 1989 to 1998 so 9 years before I had results and the results again beyond anything I could imagine.

What I set out to do was map out the dream layers, by this time I noticed that dreaming appeared to be spectrum based with different information bands. I targeted what I described to myself as the "Precognitive Layer" and set out to map the dream state by changing the topology of the dream putting geometrical footprints on the surface of the dream, such as a triangle, circle, square even some hearts. Just shapes. The idea was if the dream was precognitive maybe these changes, the shapes would actualize when the dream came true. In 1998, that happened.

In the photograph of Kevin, who was 17 at the time. I became lucid in a dream, saw my workplace and him. As there is such a small window, sometimes only minutes, I followed through with my mapping exercise and put a triangle on his forehead using intent and dream control, as one would in any dream. I didn't know if it would come true. Had no idea, I just mapped that dream.

Roughly three weeks later, the dream proved it was in this specific precognitive band and to both Kevin and my surprise as I simply went through the motions of the originating dream, the triangle formed over a distance of 8 feet as I stood ushering people into a movie theater and he was working behind the concession counter. He felt it, whatever it did have an energetic charge to it. People around him saw it, and some of the girls screamed and even ducked behind the counter.

He asked me what I was doing and I told him I put a triangle on his head, so he runs to the bathroom to check and freaks out, there it was. His mom saw it that day when he went home and thought he hit his head, the mark was that visible. He tells her that this guy at work put it there. He didn't know the process, wasn't a willing participant. He was simply in the right dream at the right time when I was experimenting with the potentiality of this.

His father, a stout Christian ended up coming and talking to me about it. I became very well known for that period of time and couldn't go to a party without people lining up wanting me to try to give them what they were now calling, "Psychic Tattoos". And I didn't like the attention so stopped and moved on. Suffice to say, I did that many times and also one on my hand as listed in that article from 1998-1999 then stopped once I was satisfied with 100% certainty this was legit, not some delusion and trust me I spooked a lot of people during that time.

But what this did to me, was provide me evidence to something most of us here in immersion would never believe possible and that was prove unequivocally that this reality is, in fact, some type of dream experience but one with a very rigid rule-set so in 2001 I started publishing my views on this perspective that we existed in a dreaming Universe and that attracted the attention of Dr. Fred Allan Wolf who wrote a book entitled, "The Dreaming Universe" . Yes, Dr. Quantum is convinced also that our reality is some type of dream and he too has had more than his share of precognitive experiences. We had quite a few good email discussions and that was very refreshing to talk to such an intelligent physicist who actually had a handle on this idea.

For 20 years I've shared this and other experiences on the internet but have become more of an advocate since the 2013 incident where the dream actually saved my life. I mean, I wouldn't be here to write this reply had I not changed those tires and I never thought I'd have a real-life final destination moment thanks to these experiences. It's wild stuff. I want more people to know and hopefully, they can also explore it. Since writing articles on this on the internet only two people have contacted me claiming they have also altered precognitive dreams via lucid dreaming based on my articles and both were quite timid regarding it, not really wanting to have their story shared or exposed.

Now that I am more open about it, a few more lucid precognitive dreamers have come forward. In one case, this woman from NYC was having dreams about a person named "Wilson" and "Deja reve" so she googled it and found me. Next thing I know I get this facebook message and she's like we have to talk. Dispenses all her lead-up to finding me from dreaming. That was very cool because I did similar with the US remote viewing program before it became public back in the fido-net days I had a dream where someone from Los Almos described the US secret program in great detail. I thought it was just a dream, only to have someone contact me and hook me up with people involved in that program.

My life has been its own x-file, no denying that. I live and breath woo, but I have no choice it simply landed in my lap and I am just running with it now.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
I believe this 100%

I’ve had dreams that have come true, nothing earth shattering or even important.
I had a dream I was in my dads backyard picking songs on a jukebox, I turned around to see a massive marquee and flowers everywhere, I woke up and just thought that was weird.
18 months later my dad had his wedding at his house and before it started I went to check out the jukebox I turned around and kinda had to double take as it was the exact, and I mean exact same scene as my dream.

It wasn’t any different to any other dream and I’ve had a few other similar dreams that just seemed like dreams.
It would be great to know the difference between a normal dream and a predictive one.

My favourite theory explaining dreams is that they are glimpses of you in alternate realities, when you get a predictive one you’re glimpsing a reality that is very close to your own.
I said favourite theory not most likely, just like to point that out

That's awesome! I know that it's more common than we realize. There has been such a negative stigma regarding personal subjective experience that skeptics have become so ingrained in their own tenants and beliefs hampering the needed funding and research into this area. Even when evidence immerges, and it has in many studies, it still gets tossed out because people who do not have the experience just cannot accept that it exists. Even though this experience is written about since Babylonian times. And I get it, if you don't have the experience it's a hard red-pill to swallow especially if you only ever eat the blue pills.

But first-person direct experience such as what you and others are having is what gives each individual their own first-person veridical evidence through direct-experience and I believe that process is how it is meant to be. This is something you experience, not read or believe in. Either has it or don't.

For me, I know we have homework to do while we live. Just enough of a lifetime to try to figure it all out and dreams seem to be a wealth of unusual and profound experiences if we harness those naturally occurring four-to-six we have each night. If any advice, learn to participate in your already on-going dreams and strive to be lucid in each one. Make that a discipline and become your own student/teacher. Let it answer these questions with evidence which seems to naturally emerge if we engage this part of ourselves in a routine nightly discipline.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

whoa ok. Thats pretty crazy.

I've also come to the conclusion that this reality is a dream. It is thicker and harder to manipulate via the mind however.

What are some things we can try to prove this?

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

whoa ok. Thats pretty crazy.

I've also come to the conclusion that this reality is a dream. It is thicker and harder to manipulate via the mind however.

What are some things we can try to prove this?

The only thing that worked for me so far has been intercepting precognitive dream content and changing it there. Other than that, I've never bent a spoon (tried/failed), moved an object (tried/failed). But change a precognitive dream and observe this causality occur... success.

If that works for other people, I don't know but that is certainly a place I'd start looking within myself. If you have non-lucid dreams that come true, you have the same starting point as I did. It's a logical next step to realize you can be lucid in these types of dreams, they are your dreams after all. Get that experience first so you have evidence with this through personal experience, then proceed to the next challenge... try to change one.

That's my formula that worked. Be conscious during sleep, navigate as best I can to the precognitive spectrum, try to change... observe results. The nice thing is if you are successful, it just happens later on in time and you just go through the motions as if re-writing the script of reality. It's so otherworldly cool to experience I hope all of you at least one lucid precognitive dream that you've changed. Put that on the bucket list. It's an epic epiphany.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 04:59 AM
ill definitely try now that i've heard it's possible.

I think we all have these latent powers hidden inside us. We just need to remember how to activate them.

When I first came to this website 15 years ago i had no clue astral projection was possible. I was Catholic. I've been lucid dreaming since I was 6 or 7 years old though.

I think through meditation we can learn to access anything in this reality that we can do in our lucid dreams.
This might take thousands of years of evolution however for humanity to embrace.

I have no doubt that we are dreaming.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: booyakasha
ill definitely try now that i've heard it's possible.

I think we all have these latent powers hidden inside us. We just need to remember how to activate them.

When I first came to this website 15 years ago i had no clue astral projection was possible. I was Catholic. I've been lucid dreaming since I was 6 or 7 years old though.

I think through meditation we can learn to access anything in this reality that we can do in our lucid dreams.
This might take thousands of years of evolution however for humanity to embrace.

I have no doubt that we are dreaming.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream.

That's the spirit, always fun to explore our potential. Just don't get too spooked if you are successful hopefully our conversation will be enough of a buffer against any fear as to not stunt your growth and progress. I find people jump into this, find out it's real, get spooked and back off rather than say cool, what else. I am still exploring, learning trying to figure it out. And on my own as not very trusting of others, especially ideological groups. Scary stuff. Been a lone wolf, will always be a lone wolf. Just doing my homework my own way. At least, not afraid to share my findings even if it's not stamped in some peer-reviewed journal. Doubt that will happen in my lifetime. Too much ... disinformation, shilling, propaganda and control if you catch my drift.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

yeah i know what you mean.

The study of consciousness is disregarded as science in this western culture we are immersed in.

It is truly something only someone who really seeks the answers can find.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 05:54 AM
When I was a kid, like 15 years ago, I had the ability to lucid dream. It wasn't something I could always do, it took practice and intent to make myself consciously aware of the fact I was dreaming, and that's probably why I cannot do it anymore, I never try to do it, and I don't really dream as vividly or as often as I used to. Probably has something to do with all the green stuff I inhale on a daily basis lol.

I never really had any predictive lucid dreams though, it was usually just random stuff like flying through the sky. I wouldn't totally dismiss the possibility of precog dreams though, reality is a weird thing, and if the many worlds interpretation of QM is correct then we could be somehow linked to parallel universes. Our intent may also allow us to control which time line we enter into.

For example, one really weird theory for how Trump won against all the odds is that so many people, including myself, were strongly wishing Hillary would not win, so I ended up on this unlikely time line. Maybe the people who were wishing she would win were more likely to enter the time line where she is President, although logic would seem to dictate I also exist in the Hillary time line, so I'm unsure.

EDIT: Also something you may want to try to alter your predictive dreams, is to replay the dream and do things differently the second time around. Sort of like when you have the same dream over and over again, with intent you can replay the same dream, but instead of it being the same each time, use your lucidity to make it play out differently.
edit on 9/2/2019 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

yeah i know what you mean.

The study of consciousness is disregarded as science in this western culture we are immersed in.

It is truly something only someone who really seeks the answers can find.

I think this system is engineered for each of us to do our own homework through direct experience because that is when you know and not believe in something that involves you and your relationship with reality.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
When I was a kid, like 15 years ago, I had the ability to lucid dream. It wasn't something I could always do, it took practice and intent to make myself consciously aware of the fact I was dreaming, and that's probably why I cannot do it anymore, I never try to do it, and I don't really dream as vividly or as often as I used to. Probably has something to do with all the green stuff I inhale on a daily basis lol.

I never really had any predictive lucid dreams though, it was usually just random stuff like flying through the sky. I wouldn't totally dismiss the possibility of precog dreams though, reality is a weird thing, and if the many worlds interpretation of QM is correct then we could be somehow linked to parallel universes. Our intent may also allow us to control which time line we enter into.

For example, one really weird theory for how Trump won against all the odds is that so many people, including myself, were strongly wishing Hillary would not win, so I ended up on this unlikely time line. Maybe the people who were wishing she would win were more likely to enter the time line where she is President, although logic would seem to dictate I also exist in the Hillary time line, so I'm unsure.

EDIT: Also something you may want to try to alter your predictive dreams, is to replay the dream and do things differently the second time around. Sort of like when you have the same dream over and over again, with intent you can replay the same dream, but instead of it being the same each time, use your lucidity to make it play out differently.

There is that old saying use it or lose it. We do develop cognitive atrophy when it comes to dreaming so we can become proficient for a period of time with practice, stop and our skills diminish in the same way our muscles atrophy when we stop using them. Good news is you can always get back on top of it and build it up again.

I don't drink or use drugs and only because they affect memory which is vital in dreaming thus I value my dreams much more and get drunk and high when there lol. Zero consequences and feels about as real as it does here.

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 11:34 AM
I’d be very interested to know your thoughts on consciousness, the nature of reality and our existence. You’ve written about meeting the ‘one dreamer’ the one singularity who dreams/projects us. Is there anywhere I can read your thoughts on this.

I’ll say it again, I’m fascinated by you and your experiences. I find it mind blowing that you have time stamped indisputable evidence. I also wonder how many people find reassurance that they are not insane when they read your experiences.

I’m going to talk about you tonight with my three skeptic friends, they’ll have the same reaction they had when I told them I got the law of attraction to work.

EDIT: Actually from reading your old threads i get an idea.
edit on 9-2-2019 by and14263 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2019 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: and14263
I’d be very interested to know your thoughts on consciousness, the nature of reality and our existence. You’ve written about meeting the ‘one dreamer’ the one singularity who dreams/projects us. Is there anywhere I can read your thoughts on this.

I’ll say it again, I’m fascinated by you and your experiences. I find it mind blowing that you have time stamped indisputable evidence. I also wonder how many people find reassurance that they are not insane when they read your experiences.

I’m going to talk about you tonight with my three skeptic friends, they’ll have the same reaction they had when I told them I got the law of attraction to work.

EDIT: Actually from reading your old threads i get an idea.

Thanks, I have had a lot of people thank me for proving to them that 1.) They are not crazy. 2.) They are not alone. And in polls that I have done, I've seen about a 35% average where people voted yes that they have had deja vu linked to past dreams. I know how genuine this is, but how misguided we thanks to groups trying to control narratives and beliefs.

I doubt you skeptic friends will buy it usually they need to have direct experience with their own precognitive dreams should it emerge to even go there but you never know. I've had skeptics argue with me over the years to suddenly have their turn and that's how it works. We learn through direct experience and our own self-edification of truth through the only means we have, our own relationship with reality and the mysteries that lurk within each one of us.

posted on Feb, 10 2019 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

I've found this thread quite enlightening - I've experienced plenty of dreams that acted as a prelude to an event that happened sometime in the close future: One of which will not be good for me if I move out West or visit over there before 32 (Still tempted to go out there just to see if it happens).

The only one I have direct proof of was one in which a former friend (who vanished many years before the dream happened) and myself were excitedly chatting and catching up. I woke up, thought that was weird, and checked my phone: She recreated her profile, and as predicted, we were catching up on everything. The kicker? I had the dream sometime between 3:00am and 4:00am, around the same time she was online chatting with other people. I didn't look at my phone at that point, because once I look at the phone I can't get back to sleep.

(Also, if anyone wants to know: I had a second dream later that month, with her telling me I "blew my chances to ask her out; it was the wrong time to ask". However, I think that one counts as the subconscious talking, but it too happened a few days later).

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: fossilera
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

I've found this thread quite enlightening - I've experienced plenty of dreams that acted as a prelude to an event that happened sometime in the close future: One of which will not be good for me if I move out West or visit over there before 32 (Still tempted to go out there just to see if it happens).

The only one I have direct proof of was one in which a former friend (who vanished many years before the dream happened) and myself were excitedly chatting and catching up. I woke up, thought that was weird, and checked my phone: She recreated her profile, and as predicted, we were catching up on everything. The kicker? I had the dream sometime between 3:00am and 4:00am, around the same time she was online chatting with other people. I didn't look at my phone at that point, because once I look at the phone I can't get back to sleep.

(Also, if anyone wants to know: I had a second dream later that month, with her telling me I "blew my chances to ask her out; it was the wrong time to ask". However, I think that one counts as the subconscious talking, but it too happened a few days later).

Thanks Fossilera,

It's a cool experience and lots of people have it but sits in the taboo of human experience. Eventually, science will come around, just a lot of people who don't so they remain very skeptical which is understandable.

posted on Feb, 19 2019 @ 06:40 AM
Hi again,

Since reading your material I have stopped drinking so my dreams are more regular and I have also managed to regain some of my lucid dreaming capabilities. It's still early days.

But I thought I would share my dream from last night - you were in it!

Now, I must explain, I completely believe you but parts of this dream must have come from my skeptic within. So please do not be insulted by parts of this dream.

It begins as I am in a very high building, a sky scraper with floor to ceiling windows. In true dream-style the sky outside is a brilliant blue and the occasional cloud is vivid and fast moving. I am here explaining to my partner and some unknown friends all about your precognition and also explaining what lucid dreaming is. At this point I am not lucid/conscious of the dream.

The scene changes and we are in your garden, somewhere in the USA. Your house is a new build (UK style) and there are nice green fields surrounding it, they are grass not crops. The garden is slightly sloping and it has some nice stone features and a picnic bench. You're stood on the bench welcoming a group of us to your party. You're holding a party for everyone to promote the idea of precognition and how it can possibly make the world a better place.

I come out with something like "If it's all about love then why are we having a party?" - yeah I know, it's a dream though....

So we are having a good time. The place vaguely looks like a house of a friend from over 10 years ago. Someone asks me "You think it's real then?"
And I say "Yes of course"
"Well Google him then"
So I Google you and I am dismayed (for some reason) to see you are sponsored by various online poker companies. I'm not sure why I am dismayed but....

I end up putting 2 and 2 together and decide that you cannot precognate (a word?) and what happened is in the 90s you got lucky on a load of bets on the horses, which made you think you could 'tell the future'.

Then we're all sat round a table. You have a little brother in this dream. He's next to you, you are staring at your phone, really down.. You turn to your brother: "you know that piano I gave you that was mum's, I'm going to need it back". Basically you just lost your fortune on a bet and it is at this moment you realise you cannot precognate via dreams and you have just been 'getting lucky'. Your younger brother looks dissapointed but like he knew all along.

So the party disperses and there's a few of us left. You're left with nothing. I ask you what you really want out of life and you tell me you always wanted to own a pet shop (which is something I almost once opened). So I tell you that there's loads round where I live and I will introduce you to them and get you a job.

We end up in a charity shop near my house and I become lucid. I spend a few minutes smashing up the shop for a laugh, then start to wake, I manage to draw myself back into the dream but I'm having so much fun smashing things up that I wake up.

Haha - crazy hey! You have infiltrated my psyche!

There was another dream involving football hooligans but you were not in that one.

Here's hoping for another night of madness and lucidity!

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