posted on Feb, 6 2019 @ 03:34 AM
For fourty years we have pushed the narrative of man made global warming. Our efforts, for the most part, has been successful with governments and the
many people of the world believing it is CO2, themselves, and not the sun which is causing climate disruption.
The old adage for authority figures that says “if you tell a lie long enough people will believe you” is certainly true. As the Northern
Spring weather is starting to be delayed along with frost after the normal planting seasons you have to figure our preparations could not have been
delayed by even a few more years. For those in the Southern hemisphere the crop losses will be on par with the northern hemisphere due to flooding,
fungus, pest, and drought over the next 30 years.
We started our underground storage centers and living quarters in a effort to avoid what we have known is coming for almost 50 years, The rumors
of our efforts could be found on some conspiracy web sights and I think the acronym was something like “DUMB” which meant deep underground
military base or something like that ? If they only knew !
Our hydroponic garden centers are already producing so much food we sell most at the local farmer's markets or just convert the excess for
Our underground natural gas pipelines supply the fuel for our power generation. The gas usage of the known gas reservoirs are projected to last
at least 500 years without bringing any new supplies on line. All the excess heat is trapped to purify and heat water for our underground needs.
Another benefit of living 500 to 1000 feet below ground level is the room temperature stays a nice 68 degrees year round no matter what is going on at
the surface.
Our efforts since the late 1800s to convince the masses there were to many people in this world for “Mother Earth” to support has always been
an up hill battle but in reality it only takes a small percentage of people to change the direction of a population through well configured
propaganda. Once again our efforts have been successful as we reached the critical mass of non critical thinking several years ago. On almost every
continent, except for Africa, there is now zero population growth and in many cases the established population in shrinking.
Getting the women educated and out of the house to work at low paying jobs like their husbands has been a total success as they are so busy and
poor they can not imagine having another mouth to feed, much less to care for.
You see, our sun every 13,400 years goes through a phase where some call it a Micro Nova or others just say there is a huge coronal mass
ejection. The sun basically sheds its' corona in a huge explosive event; call it an X 6000+ flare event is our best guesstimate. Either way
populations crash and empire fall due to the resulting ice age that follows if they are not killed immediately during this massive solar event.
A Micro Nova was first observed by stars like our sun back in the 70s. When a Micro Nova happens the sun facing side of the earth/planet receives
the full brunt of the solar wind and CME which all but collapses what if any magnetic field the planet has. Oceans start to evaporate due to the blast
causing huge amounts of water vapor and clouds which off set the ten times greater than CO2 warming tendency of the water vapor. The earth actually
cools and all the evaporated water is released as ice and snow. Our scientific conclusions say in the past the cooling lasted for almost 400 years and
seems to happen like clock work according to the geophysical rock records. We now have high confidence that by the year 2046 or at the latest 2100
this event will once again happen so we have prepared. Even if we are totally wrong about the Micro Nova event (the sun plays by its' own rules) our
star is going into its' grand solar minimum phase which means cold and huge crop losses. It is a win win scenario for our carefully constructed and
laid out plans.
Our committee members in China have been busy securing land in fertile parts of Africa to grow crops as they know China is going to be hit hard
with crop losses just as they have before in the past grand solar minimums. They want to feed the masses until they can button up in their holes and
stay safe from all the mayhem that is coming their way.
It is to late for most of the continental masses as many will have starved or be frozen to death by 2035 due to the grand solar minimum as our
sun gets ready for its' CME event on or around 2046.
Everything has been perfectly planned as we are finally able to have artificial intelligence work our underground factories and repair its' many
facets of production when the need arises. Other than the occasional monitoring of the machines our products are manufactured and tended to without
human interference.
There are those in our group who only want a very select 500 million people to survive but we have finally convinced the committee that only
those who have a testable I.Q. Above 105 should be allowed to survive except for some women who are considered genetically superior breeding stock.
They could be saved if they have an I.Q of at least 95.
Considering most of the population of the world has an I.O below 85 there is going to be a great thinning of the so called useless air breathers.
In the next few years food prices are going to skyrocket due to growing seasons being disrupted which will cause misery and riots. Societies will
rip themselves apart as our “Divide and Cause Strife” program has been a total success.
I was talking to George last night and he seemed genuinely happy and content to finally see all his efforts and money spent come so close to
fruition. He was not sure he would live long enough to see the plan finally come together but he thinks the light at the end of the tunnel is finally
shinning brightly for all our plans.
I have to feel fairly smug at mankind's future and our new world order plans. Only the fit will survive and the dregs of humanity which should
have been aborted to begin with, will perish.
Paying for recognized accredited scientist to produce studies that scream “hot” when in actuality it is going to be freezing was not that
difficult; they did what we said or never got another grant for their scientific endeavors. It is going to be to late for the masses to do anything to
save themselves... What a great program we have instituted for our New World Order and to save Mother Earth.
The End.