posted on Feb, 5 2019 @ 08:36 AM
Hello all!
I don't post often here, but I have been doing a lot of soul searching on the personal implications of a fractal infinite/eternal existence
About 4 years ago I went through a horrible shakeup in my life and had a few days of no sleep and near mental breakdown. On the third night, I was in
the common sleep paralysis pre-state of fading in and out with strange noises.
I was hearing static that sounded like an un-tuned radio, that got louder and louder until it suddenly stopped with a *pop* sound and went to dead
silence. Then a man's voice said "Alright we're in", loud and clear, and sounding like I was wearing headphones but more "inside" my head than
coming in through my ears. I recognized the voice but couldn't place it at first.
He started talking directly to me, saying he was ME, from a parallel existence where they had discovered inter-dimensional communication. He told me
that relatively expensive software allowed you to contact alt-versions of yourself, but a free open-source version had just been released and he was
playing around with it. He then told me a few things that blew my mind, stressing that if I remembered them I could have power and knowledge well
beyond what was currently available in my dimension, and said that "kinging" your lower alt and then tracking their progress and new power was a
huge hobby. He told me we could maintain communication if I downloaded something called dotcera, as it was supposed to be able to induce the state I
was in but of course it doesn't exist and I've found nothing that sounds similar.
I know my brain was just being extra, but it's a fun concept to me. I was completely blown away by a few things he told me, all I could think was
"this changes EVERYTHING". It's hard to not wonder if there is something to it when your brain reveals information to you that you could never
believe you possessed on your own.