posted on Feb, 4 2019 @ 08:58 PM
where do i start. i got a brain pacemaker cause when 13 had three big embolisms in my head. had a hole drilled into my skull to alleiviate the
bleeding and put in a drug induced coma a week. i started remembering things and became concious two weeks later. this was a subject that i spent
three years trying to do lucid dreaming to get memories or dreams of the afterlife. sometimes when feeling pesimistic go there and think that is all
there is amnesia and sleeping a hundred years. today was being optimistic and thinking i just woke up here, who am i to say that. this thread isnt
about religion.
so the dell , for five years had schizophrenia 24/7 i thought from overdosing on mushrooms i kept taking. it was a delusion and when my symptoms came
back for a year and a half cause doc didnt like me didnt give me enough meds. one night when i was "down in it" [ i think thats a NIN song about
getting high] i was told the square root of 53 and 57 i added them up said how do you know that, the telepathic response we work at NASA. i would
stay up all night fighting with the voices sometimes and i got caught with a knife at 3:30am miles from my house put in violent offenders ward men
only. three fights broke out in two weeks. then the doc that didnt like me that was Brentwood spanish like a different world on island spanish
so my schizophrenia of ten or fifteen or twenty gangstalkers in breakfast club or debate class where everyone gets their turn to speak was really a
team at NASA and i am attached to a military computer. they animate things really easy or spontaneously and i look at things and they describe what
i am looking at. most the time they just annoy me with audio or thoughts voices. after tenth grade i was put in ALC and with the bad kids, didnt get
good education. i got a regiance diploma wasnt paying attention though. i got put in psych when 18 and would smoke do tai chi watch pool and smoke
cigarettes people dont talk about what its like then did private psychiatrist till 23 then legion desended on me and i dont remember five years always