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Sarah Sanders Confirms - GOD Wanted Donald Trump to be President of the United States.

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posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Dude I've seen it in practice "if you're against Bush you're against God because God put him there". Even if YOU are able to tell yourself what you're saying above, this is playing with undue connections of adoration and so on subconsciously. The brain wires itself up, the mind barely influences the brain for most people (no doubt as most people dont spend years of conscious effort and research of how to and it still an incremental process), but the brain majorly influences the mind:

During the run-up to the 2004 presidential election, while undergoing an fMRI bran scan, 30 men--half self-described as "strong" Republicans and half as "strong" Democrats--were tasked with assessing statements by both George W. Bush and John Kerry in which the candidates clearly contradicted themselves. Not surprisingly, in their assessments Republican subjects were as critical of Kerry as Democratic subjects were of Bush, yet both let their own candidate off the hook.

The neuroimaging results, however, revealed that the part of the brain most associated with reasoning--the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex--was quiescent. Most active were the orbital frontal cortex, which is involved in the processing of emotions; the anterior cingulate, which is associated with conflict resolution; the posterior cingulate, which is concerned with making judgments about moral accountability; and--once subjects had arrived at a conclusion that made them emotionally comfortable--the ventral striatum, which is related to reward and pleasure.

"We did not see any increased activation of the parts of the brain normally engaged during reasoning," Westen is quoted as saying in an Emory University press release. "What we saw instead was a network of emotion circuits lighting up, including circuits hypothesized to be involved in regulating emotion, and circuits known to be involved in resolving conflicts." Interestingly, neural circuits engaged in rewarding selective behaviors were activated. "Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones,"
Westen said.

To overcome the inherent self-deceptive influence of tribalism, as that explains, I've had to make my own worldview based on that study. I mean I could see partisans doing that before that study, blame everything on the other team / my team can do no wrong, but that paper there was game changer. And years and years of other research into the mind brain and how we can be and how we are manipulated. The only solution I could think to that problem is this anti-ideology approach. The problem though, aside from the challenges of deprogramming the political cultmind everyone has themselves in, it not being a group fervor thing (that most all people yearn for its in our DNA) it just cant ever catch on like wildfire like a good old fashion groupthink movement could.

So I've managed to hardwire my brain away from the delusional nature of tribes. Not for the faint of heart. I was rare I was looking for this kind of info and all the above pieces. Now note I happened to be blessed with the info of the age right when I needed it.

Most people in history had none of that going for them. Total sheep. Probably get sent off to fight some bogus war for it. Or not question and rise up against their divine monarchs when they should have for it (which the Bible tells them not to wtf). Totally screwed. Billions of people over millenia marching around in groupthink autopilot half their lives, self-deceiving themselves to maintain some ideal vision of their groups, which always have a psychopath at the top in charge of it.

And on and on. On the one hand tribalism brings us together to form civilizations. And the other is it makes into murderous tyrants on a whim against other groups ("Group Psychopathy" I call it), when we get into our groupthink, when normally we'd never act like that in our otherwise individual life.

Freewill was Gods Design? Where is it?

Mind Control is the Core Design i only ever see.

The brain is able to rewire itself, but damn spend years on this forum sometimes its like every other day youre correcting the same crock of snip Party prescribed talking point for the same person week after week again and again. Our DNA has us yearning to join up with mind control (ideology) groups to get high of self deception, and rag on outsiders for doing behaving certain ways, so then we can be brazen hypocrites and do the same exact things as the "enemy" (I'm sure we get high off this too but havent seen a study on it).

So all that framework in context I just cant believe some supreme being god thing would make us that way. If you did that on purpose god you suck!

Now couple that realization with the abysmal track record of all of gods election tampering for eons now, and god you suck!

Its like it deliberately made us the flaws that would ensure maximum self-destruction tendencies, blind loyalty sheepdom, manipulablity, capacity for damage destruction greed etc.

And the thing about people tends to be once they 'get into something' it becomes a habit then a lifestyle. Addiction is in this design.

So again, god you suck at this human stuff.

And that stuff its all at the core of everything thats wrong with the world and / or it what makes sure when things go bad they go really bad.

The world is in major trouble, where the only hope is masses all break free from the standard way god has our brains operate.

I just cant believe god would be so half arsed to make us all that way thus setting us up for eternal war and strife and self-delusion.

Oh, Im pretty sure after the New Test. god was no longer Mr Eye For An Eye God.

edit on 31-1-2019 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Point taken and well received.

Thank you for eloquently and calmly rebutting me, and I have an open mind to it.

I'll admit, I probably do one of the things I dislike most and jumped to hyperbole, I try and make that a rare occurrence.

Trump certainly hasn't gone to the extent Bush has, and I should have kept my remarks isolated in responding to members claiming he was appointed by God, instead of leaping to implying he claimed divine self appointment.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Is that comedy or poetry? Both.

But seriously, you tackled it well and with humor.

It worries me that so many people are taking this hook line and sinker, but does not surprise me.

Taking this approach is cheap, lazy, dishonest, and it loses potential votes. Because I would rather throw a vote away on a third party than support zealotry. The seconds someone acts divine, they are no longer a viable lesser of two evils, they are just evil. 2020 is a no vote from me no matter what, partly because Sara Sanders took this approach, and partly because people are not only buying it, but bathing in it.

Yeah but all the ones that embrace it will end up hardliner true believers till the end no matter what, like those last holdouts Bush managed to have (and the entire Democrat base for Obama at the end). Obama had Racial Identity & Orgasm Identity all hot and bothered though. Only real way to compete with those two is Religious Identity.

All where the Two Party's care not about taking from the other team, is about Total Mind Control so their people NEVER leave, oh and those annoying little Third Party's out there gotta messy up their day when get a minute.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Dude I've seen it in practice "if you're against Bush you're against God because God put him there". Even if YOU are able to tell yourself what you're saying above, this is playing with undue connections of adoration and so on subconsciously.


We're not talking about Bush... we're talking about Trump. I never saw anything divine or even approaching divine with either Bush, and certainly not with Obama. Reagan, eh, maybe a little, maybe not... Bill Clinton the same... but nothing even remotely as indicative as I have seen with Trump.

I'm going to stop here... I just read my last statement, and you should too. I treated both parties equally, both in the "maybe a little" and the "no way" categories. That was not on purpose... that statement was a brutally honest assessment of how I saw all four previous Presidents.

So that kind of blows your theory on how my brain is operating. I am, as I have said multiple times before, an Independent who looks at policy, not at party.

That said, you are describing the same phenomena that is in full effect during a football game. I am an Alabama fan. ROLL TIDE! regardless of anything... Nick Saban could rape a nun in the middle of Tuscaloosa while eating live baby seal brains on live TV and I would still yell ROLL TIDE! Why? Probably because of exactly what your report suggests... my brain gets to turn off and rest for four quarters. When it comes to politics... that affects my life, so I am looking for results, not party lines.

Most people in history had none of that going for them. Total sheep. Probably get sent off to fight some bogus war for it. Or not question and rise up against their divine monarchs when they should have for it (which the Bible tells them not to wtf). Totally screwed. Billions of people over millenia marching around in groupthink autopilot half their lives, self-deceiving themselves to maintain some ideal vision of their groups, which always have a psychopath at the top in charge of it.

Quite likely. However, what is the take-away? Oppose everyone else simply because they are probably using that tribal influence? Or should we not at least examine, based on logic and reason, their claims? To my way of thinking, the former is simply another example of the tribal mind in opposition mode. How is that any different?

Freewill was Gods Design? Where is it?

Genesis 1:27-28

So again, god you suck at this human stuff.

Have you ever considered maybe us humans just suck at that god stuff?

Oh, Im pretty sure after the New Test. god was no longer Mr Eye For An Eye God.

He never changed; we did.

You apparently never had the opportunity to understand the religion. That's not a cut; many people did not. Heck, I did not when I was young! I was raised Southern Baptist before converting to Christian (reformed Southern Baptists will get that joke; unreformed ones will send me death threats). We are not simply animals. We are something unique in nature... animals with spirits. Our bodies are mammalian primates, but we have a spirit that is separate.

I'll stop there, but I do hope one day you come to understand.


posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I'm glad.


posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 12:19 PM
All Trump is doing is pandering to his base.
He’s hardly an example of Christian morality, & his lack of Biblical knowledge is rivaled only by his lack of historical knowledge.
“Two Corinthians.” Really? Tells me all I need to know.
He especially likes the “eye for an eye” part—the doctrine specifically contradicted & replaced by Christ himself. Again, tells me all I need to know.

How have his policies benefitted the poor, hungry, & homeless? Oh right, he thinks we solved the hunger problem. How has he embraced the immigrant/outcast? Oh right, he put the children in cages.

Keep drinking the orange Kool-Aid Trumpkins because sobriety might just be an unbearable prospect at this point.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I hope one day you'll take a good look at my pieces on Hyper-Tribalism, which is the purest truest bonafide form of total mass scale mind control. Its all about converging combining multiple mass scale identities into ONE ideological super identity, under the Party, where religion and race are the two most powerful mass scale identities that exist by my estimates, from the many that social manipulators could pick from. You put those two together with nationalism (and of course Party) and thats how the Nazi's enacted the most unshakable diabolical devastating social force the world has ever seen.

Its kind of like Robert Baratheon "One Army is more powerful than five armies" concept:

But applied to individuals that would otherwise have 4 or 5 separate major mass group identities as part of their complex self, the sort theyd throw down in defense of, all diabolically combined into one hardcore IDEOLOGY like a FIST. And once it takes hold, forget about it theyre ready to stormtrooper like Antifa, shoot like BLM, and thats just as the activist level (against their citizen counterparts like the Brownshirts), they get off on brazen hypocrisy derailing demagoguery self-deception etc. Now to get thru to them becomes impossible because instead of try to peel back the layers of one complex identity they're all wrapped into one, which just cant be tackled in human conversations. Now take these types put them into the government security etc apparatus, and watch unfold a circus like all this FBI / leakers / etc / etc / etc drama Obama left in his wake. I was anticipating under Hillary full blown SS stormtroopers the next step, where they also already had active Brownshirts out beating down citizens that got in the Party's way (note the key thing about Brownshirt's compared to other riot groups is they were there to attack citizens that didnt get in line, where most all others in history were just about opposing the state they deemed tyrannical. Brownshirts fought the Party on the streets into power, then fought to protect it, then disbanded here came more sinister SS.

And here today its routine in America for both Party's to fiddle around with permutations of the formula. And predictably we saw in a few short years the "anti-hate" "anti-racist" party entranced under this model turn into the most widespread, hate fueled rabidly racist social political movement in our history here. And the "liberals" by like every key social movement metric (aside from the group(s) they hated / loved) of the OG Nazi Movement they were nailing it right down the list. Yet they absolutely refused to acknowledge any and all of the parallels. No getting thru to them. At least the old German that joined the Nazi's didnt have a historical example and people pointing it out to them they were copying them verbatin movement model and propaganda model wise and sure enough the social behavior had the same outcomes. The American's did, oddly enough the Nazi's were supposedly their ultimate nemesis, yet shown a clear side by side they went into denial and carried on. That's the power of Hyper-Tribalism. It is the ultimate evil, not mere racism like the SJW keep it pointed.

Trump didnt openly embrace the race thing though like Obama, or the religion angle like Bush, but if this becomes his thing he'll be like at least 2/3 "Nazi" (by this key social engineering metric the one that most defined what they became how they did it). Note that Obama is about 4/3 "Nazi" as they took total number of mass identities into the FIST than even the Nazi's did, and one upped them in several ways such as taking the nationalism 'world identity' the next next "GLOBALISM" level, and even had the balls to bring orgasm into the fold.

Trumkp's already idolized after how far the dem's have kept them back into defending him. And look how they still WORSHIP Obama even after he was out even without religious identity, but a better stacked Hyper-Tribalism model overall than Bush had. But Trump goes this route he's no better. And just for the clear ploy of manipulation alone those of us still able to think should be a deal breaker. To me in all my studies, this one is the most important. I mean just look at the social turmoil the SJW's caused in a few short active years. Where they're too absolutely brainwashed ever consider the fact that their the most racist sexist etc maniacs possible, which being against those things is supposedly their platform, but their indoctrination "info" doesnt provide them a concept of all those things being but shades of tribalism. Because then it wouldnt work itself, if everyone realized that tribalistic identities combined with ideology inherently lead to bigotry on the mass scale. Every single time it will happen. So if they realized that all the stuff they're supposedly all active about are historical pitfalls of tribalism, and they're being told to fight it with yet the most sophisticated permutation of it in history, then some of them might just realize that the whole SJW movement the way it sold to be against what it itself was modeled from, and millions of decent folk got sucked into it and turned rabid lunatic, it really is one of the most tragic mass social events in history. Like top 10 all time maybe not counting wars, and theres still time for them to start one.

So yeah you wanna talk about important policy metrics by which to judge a leader, what could trump the importance of whether or not a leader engages in bonafide high level Nazi Mindsetcontrol (Hyper-Tribalism)??

Anyways, humans have proven quite adept at playing at being god. Better than him / it has even proven to!

You know all that stuff about false idols, and false prophets (that part taken to the extremes of there wouldnt be any new ones again)? Dont ya think god would stay out of politics so then nobody could falsely get people worshiping them because God chose him, or whatever? Or is god a moron? It always seemed to me a good reason to not send more prophets etc to eliminate false ones to sucker people. A pre-empt all future inevitable hucksters, forever, approach.

But if thats not enough to make get you to reconsider being open to associating POTUS' with God, possibly spread that notion to others that would take it literally as I described and as billions of other humans beings have undoubtably done, for real I'd be embarrassed to have a God that has left wide open across history for tyrants to run totally amok, and so on like assassinations, but then god finally decides to show up to help out Donald Trump of all people, I mean I like the guy but for real he's the sleaziest POTUS ever. Epstein, casinos, pornstar hookers, and on and on. Thats the one politician he holy annointed but se stopping hitler couldnt be bothered. Or where was he for Ron Paul WTF??

edit on 31-1-2019 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Perhaps when I get some time I'll check it out.

In the meantime... no, God is not a moron. Just like in politics, people who think He is are simply not looking at the whole picture.


posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
When you consider the many powerful entities working against Donald Trump becoming President of the United States in 2015/2016, it's obvious that a "higher power" interceded to ensure that he beat "sure winner", Hillary Clinton.
Oh, I'm sorry...should have said so sooner. I may not have mocked him as much.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 02:44 PM
Oh no, Sarah Sanders expressed a thought based on personal belief in God's plan!

She obviously must be silenced. Can't have people speaking freely and openly about their personal faith based beliefs. Not in the USA, especially about this particular president whom she works for.

You can't use that three letter word in this century. People are desperately seeking outrage.


posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

If he was into politics why would he put Trump in, but not Ron Paul? Why not prevent the JFK assassination? Sbhut down the Federal Reserve? Stop ANY war? Etc. Etc.

To say he's for one politician the least "Christian values" one like ever, sets yourself up for endless 'then why didnt he....' fodder.

Meanwhile if he was involved in any of our affairs they world wouldnt be like it is, easily, there would be no Islam etc. Because if he could do key historical interventions but chose not to then he let that competing religion (for one) go on to take a billion of his people (humans that he supposedly loves) meaning he himself literally sentenced them all to eternity in hell. Which would make him the all time top level dick in the entire universe (for lack of a bigger thing), and dumbass, because here he says hes "A JEALOUS GOD", okay so wipe out the competition, prove youre the real deal every so often toe the word, and viola 99% of humans would WORSHIP him. It really is in our DNA to worship, to submit. Instead he went and left over half the total human population ever be sent down the path to HELL. When all he had to do was show up every now and then swipe a few key books, put on a show proving him to be real, bask in all that worship he craves, and hardly a soul would have been lost to the ultimate unending torture chamber.

So you see either he would have to be all in, or never at all. There is no middle ground on this. Which is convenient for every person that invented a god for everyone to worship.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: ausername
Bull/playing victim
Who said she should be silenced?

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: toms54

Right over your head, you have it backwards. The poster is saying "if" god elected Trump, then he must be responsible for electing Hitler, Stalin..etc as well.

So, I can't 100% speak for the poster, but I'm sure the poster is suggesting god had nothing to do with anyones rise to power.

What is gods favorite sports team?

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: vonclod

What is gods favorite sports team?

LA Angels.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I can tell's not the Vancouver Canucks

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: ausername

What if Obama's Press Secretary had said Muhammad personally selected Obama to be president...

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: XAnarchistX

Then all the Democrat's could finally not have to keep their Muslim faith int he closet to protect Obama's Legacy.

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 03:58 PM
In the past 1.5 years I knew Sarah Sanders “as the White House press secretary”, since when she promoted as “the GOD’s press secretary”…?

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss


posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: carewemust

If that higher power is the stupid half of the US then i tend to agree.

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