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most realistic U.F.O. photo...

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 06:50 AM
What is to be considered the most realistic or best photo of an alleged U.F.O., and I am not talking about obvious fakes.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:42 AM
I've seen a lot of photos that claim to be of UFOs from the 60s and 70s and they look fake. They're very detailed in what they show in the pictures. That kinda leads me to believe that they were faked. Although, I wouldn't know what a real one looked like anyways.

I think there's more credible video than there is photos.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:07 AM
does it have to be a photo...

The many examples of miltary gun camera footage are the best proof I have seen.
plus the age and resolution, as well as the military security measures lead me to believe they couldn't have been altered.

just my input... I can try to get you the name of the program that showed them (i think i still have it tivoed)

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 11:43 AM

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 12:00 PM
Genuine red x's in a white box?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 12:21 PM
1997 Mexico City. This video was shown on many Mexican TV stations and was in many magazines as well. Allegedly there had been 100 witnesses to the event. For whatever reason now it is considered to be an ingenious hoax. I don't know what evidence was put forward that it is a hoax. I'm still on the fence for this one.
1997 Phoenix lights. This was witnessed by thousands. Pretty much everyone in Phoenix seen the UFO or knows someone who has seen it.
Debunkers have made many explanations, none of them have satisfied the people who have seen the UFO.

EDIT for links.

[edit on 28/2/2005 by Umbrax]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
1997 Phoenix lights. This was witnessed by thousands. Pretty much everyone in Phoenix seen the UFO or knows someone who has seen it.
Debunkers have made many explanations, none of them have satisfied the people who have seen the UFO.

Which shows that you can never really satisfy people (and that goes either way). For me, the phoenix lights are flares, with proven and perfectly logical explanations. The OTHER sigthing near phoenix is another matter though, but I dont believe anyone took a picture of that

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
1997 Mexico City. This video was shown on many Mexican TV stations and was in many magazines as well. Allegedly there had been 100 witnesses to the event. For whatever reason now it is considered to be an ingenious hoax. I don't know what evidence was put forward that it is a hoax. I'm still on the fence for this one.[edit on 28/2/2005 by Umbrax]

This ufo is indeed suspected to be a 3d synthesized image encrusted in a true video sequence. But more suspicious is that the video came from a company specialized in 3d video games...

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:17 PM
The Phoenix sightings and the Mexico UFO have been thoroughly debunked many times.

As people have said on here, the Phoenix episode was proved as Air Force flares and the Mexican footage was done by a sort of ILM company in Mexico City.

To be honest, I find it amazing that people come on here nominating this sort of stuff as the real deal.

It shows how little research some people actually do into such matters.

However people who do research seem to agree that the most convincing and reliable UFO pictures are the two Trent Oregon pics circa 1955.

Even the most advanced computer enhancements judge them to be authentic
and untainted by any corruption.


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:43 PM
sorry double post

[edit on 28-2-2005 by niv]


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by JayKew
The Phoenix sightings and the Mexico UFO have been thoroughly debunked many times.

As people have said on here, the Phoenix episode was proved as Air Force flares and the Mexican footage was done by a sort of ILM company in Mexico City.

By any chance do you have ATS links to those debunkings? I tried to search and came up blank. I remember hearing about both events on the news when they occured and, based on what I remember was described, flares ( but, to be honest I'm not sure what an ILM company is) seems unlikely. With respect to the Mexico incident, if this is the one I am thinking about, not hundreds but tens of thousands of people reportedly saw the UFOs live and it was also broadcasted live on local TV.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:52 PM
the ufo on the mexico footage looks asif it is wobbling like it is on a piece of string. Any links to websites about this footage?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:56 PM
I found some interesting stuff regarding REAL UFOs!!

Very good to investigate...

Is it possible to tell...?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:11 PM
JayKew, so you are saying all the people who were in Phoenix and seen a solid object are all lying? Night video is terrible I can see that someone who was not there dismissing them as only lights but the people who were there seen more than the lights. In Prescott Valley the object flew directly above them and blocked out the stars.

Two months after the lights Francis Barwood of the Phoenix city council, asked city authorities if they had any information of the on the Phoenix lights. Even authorities at Luke Air Force Base were questioned and at first said that nothing anomalous occurred. It was a few months after that when they finally said the lights were only flairs. The type of flairs used as a decoy. These "Flares" after traveling from the mountain to Phoenix then Stopped and hovered for 4-5 minutes over the intersection of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue.
Witnesses say that there was no noise form the UFO but Flair decoys make a lot of noise.
These flairs don't look like the Phoenix lights.

The people of Arizona and myself do not accept the flair explanation.

The subject of this thread is most realistic U.F.O. photo... I posted the 2 that I thought were most realistic. To assume that I have not done any or little research... well you know how the saying goes about assuming..

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:24 PM
I second you on that Umbrax. Flares explanation is a joke.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:29 PM
those ufos look like coins stuck on the glass and pictured at an angle to make it look real

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:42 PM
The Mexico City one looks really fake. However, the Phoenix Lights on the other hand seem to be pretty real to me. I remember seeing a program on Sci-Fi or the Discovery Channel about the Phoenix lights. They had a guy who used a program to analyze the lights from real footage of military flares and then analyze the lights from the footage. The light signature from the flares and the ones on the video didn't match. There's other evidence out there as well.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 05:33 PM
If you are refering to the recent Mexico sightings at the airbase, i personally think they were not impressive... looked like regular lights on regular aircraft...

phoenix lights: there were two instances... one that the people all said looked like a large solid craft...
and later the same day....the famous video of the flares being dropped to make the previous sighting less credible...

I still think the best footage is the military gun camera footage...
mainly becuase it is extremely difficult to alter an image of a moving object taken from a moving object and keep shadows and lighting correct...

for those that haven't seen them, i found a link that has some...military ufo witnesses...

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 05:42 PM
I to don't believe the phoenix lights were a hoax, not after seeing the video of those lights flying over the town.

Not to mention all the witnesses that claimed they saw this large V shaped craft flying slowly and quietly over the town.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by JayKew
The Phoenix sightings and the Mexico UFO have been thoroughly debunked many times

I have never seen any debunking or proven theories that it was merely flares

By the way, what's those two oregon photos you speak of?

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