posted on Jan, 30 2019 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to:
There is nothing fake about it. That criminal hag Hillary and her bitter criminal cronies
RIGGED the Dem primary against Bernie. They even lied
about "chair throwing" at some event...
Then, they lied about the fake Russia BS 6 ways from Sunday. Even invented this whole self-described "false flag" Russian bot fake operation down
South (targeting you lefties BTW, none of us RW conservatives believe a word they/you all say)
Then what happens? Not only does Clinton illegally circulate the fake invented "dossier" but she/her campaign failed to report that contribution AND
they "colluded" with the Russians/British to subvert (which is what they do best) our lawful election. Additionally, thousands of criminal
co-conspirators have been engaging in a seditious/insurrectionist conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate President.
Radical trash deserves a needle in the arm. (not talking about the illegal junkie drugs most of them use or support either)
edit on 1/30/2019
by JBurns because: (no reason given)