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Brexit is not the Fairy Godmother

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posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 07:20 AM
If we do achieve Brexit in the UK don't for one nano second start believing that our problems will end. They are only just beginning.

A National Enterprise like this is intrinsically nationalist by its very nature. You can't get more nationalist than this in motive. Brexit is sacrificing the EU destiny for its own national opportunism.

Get used to this present turmoil and uncertainty. This little Drunken Boat Britain is going to be bombarded continually politically. There will be no certainty. Membership of the EU was a burden shared and a burden spared for all the nations taking part. Already the sluice gates have had to be opened. Ireland is an immediate issue. The nationalist enterprise has already caught a nationalist influenza there for sure. It is nationalism haunted by nationalism like a self fulfilling prophecy. This Ireland issue has opened up a can of worms that "Good Friday" sealed. They are letting the demon out of the abyss already after so short a time?

Scotland will come too like Braveheart with a sword. to slice itself from Britain. Nicola Sturgeon is already prowling for an opportune moment to seize the issue. I have no doubt she has the will to bring independence for Scotland if the Scottish decide they want to stay with the EU. Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands will come to haunt Britain again too. Al those with a grudge will seize their opportunity. There are no friends for nations any longer. Britain was the Torch of Globalism. Globalism has fallen on its own sword here in Britain. Britain is a frightening prophet like Jonah under the tree for the Nineveh of Globalism. It is like a good Omen for Mr Putin.

No friends, just creditors taught by the very best in banking - the British! How apt that Frankenstein must now face his creation alone. It is do or die in trade for Britain. Will anyone say to us how cute we are and let us in on their "Cherry Pie" with Cornish clotted cream on top? I don't think so. I think there are a bunch of credit agents with loans and investors looking for a bargain in the bargain bucket waiting to meet us, that's all. We leave a union behind for the job of toilet cleaner in the world office, starting off as the new kid. To be the new kid in this world is not an opportunity. It is a vulnerabilty. That is why I am worried and why I did not vote for this change of destiny.

It feels like we are losing a seat at a feast to go and fight for bones with the dogs. Do we believe that all those bones will ever equal the banquet inside? It will not. It will not work for business and it will not work for people. I feel sad because I know this is going to happen. The false sense of security of the Brexiteer is half hoodwinking and half self seeking opportunism. There is a Brexit Clique in Britain who will set themselves up as kings out of this. They will be the only ones to gain, but you and I will be new age paupers. Britain never had a problem with peasantry before the EU. It was exploited with workhouse discipline.

I am socially, politically and economically afraid of this lie they call Brexit. My anxiety is typing right here and now. This turmoil will not stop. It is the new era of certain uncertainty and self survival as a small fish in a very big pond full of maneating sharks. As an EU gang we ruled the block. Now little Johnny Too Bad is on his own and will have to hide like a hood fugitive on his own wits. This is who you remind me of Britain!

For the politicians and the people the headaches and heartaches have only just begun. I think we have been separated off for punishment and correction as an example to the nations.

edit on 29-1-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Malak777

I don't understand what you're so worried about? They're making sure no deal won't happen. This way Brexit will get postponed until 3020 or later.
Chill, the banks won't allow it.

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:24 AM
Yes i get that now. Braxit not going to happen. Not for long time.

But Today. Tesco fired over 1000 of employees. And many many companies started to fire people left right and center.. i think. Think its a tactic.. we eat cake or you dont eat bread. Fooking lovely.. those ‘who dares wins morons’ need good bashing..

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Malak777

Obviously one thread of doom and gloom is not enough for you?

*You say you care about your nation, but do you?*

Nothings changed......

The UK will be fine without the EU when they are no longer propping

up other lame countries clinging together for support ...... and those

waiting with baited breath to leave the corrupt corporation that is the

EU will be following suit!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I am wanting for you to be right about this more than you want to be right about it.

Independently, a bleak future awaits the EU nations. They will honestly get used terribly by the bigger nations. Squabbling will break out again for sure, even the European nations may go to war with each other again.

The EU needs to learn some lessons about getting too big for its boots and leartning some security lessons. Britain could have been a tough friend instead of walking out the door.

It is the unfortunate big picture. Together we stand, divided we fall. it is the value of teams rather than just the individual, but team effor requires everyone playing as a team and making a few compromises for the sake of the collective benefit.

I am a European and I have analyzed this and the conclusion I am drawing is that Britain has done a politicaly destructive deed here and if it has there will be price to pay that we all wil have to pay.

In world politics there are no favours any longer. Britain has no individual pull to get itself a good deal. It will have to make do with what America tell it to be and even China. That is a bad swap.

This feels awful for me. We are not going to have an easy ride if we follow through. Thanks for your interest. Hope you are doing okay and having a good day today.

edit on 29-1-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:36 AM
And the universal credit rolled in on perfact time. For those who dont know what universal cradit, government pay the dole sponges rent on their own hand. Not to the land lord as always been. You get whats going on here? Anyone in there right mind would not rent their house to those on dole and go to courts for years for eviction. Mean while paying the mortgage on it.. one thing leads to another, the whole low class society become uncivilised and moral less like one in middle America..

Wait and see. Its perfact recipe for total melt down.
edit on 29-1-2019 by Pandaram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Malak777

Yes, thank you, but we have all lived through quite enough of Project Fear already. Yes, we know, the sky will fall in etc.....wake me up when that happens.

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:41 AM
In this graphic (sorry, German only, but you might get the gist)


there are several ways to "No Deal", a smaller number of ways to "New Deal", one way to "UK stays in the EU" and at least three ways to "Unknown Outcome"..
edit on 29 1 2019 by ManFromEurope because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Malak777

The EU needs to learn some lessons about getting too big for its boots and leartning some security lessons. Britain could have been a tough friend instead of walking out the door.

The EU never wanted friends or indeed equal partners......

The EU requires subjects...... subservient subjects.

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:45 AM
Look Chinese to me...

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: eletheia

I am really feeling this. I have analyzed the situation and we are going to come off badly out of the EU. If the EU splits all hell will break loose.

There is nothing selfish here. If I believed it was a good thing and healthy I would back it, but I am too certain that we are going to have a heavy burden on all our backs. I wrote that a burden shared is a burden shared. That is what has been happening in the EU.

I think we have no idea of the nasties waiting just out of sight down the Brexit Avenue. Talk about take a walk on the wild side. I admit that I am using the power of parental style concern for a naughty child about to embark on a very stupid and dangerous prank. Who would I be if I did not try to warn them?

If you are right then I will not grumble about that, but I think it is naive to think that this Brexit will bring anything better. We will all be a lot less comfortable and we will not have economic certainty like we have been used to. We will lose much choice, even in the supermarket. Remember how basic all the ingredients were in the shops of pre EU Britain? Wine was a luxury and French cheese, pasta only for the rich. Europe has been a great influence on us. Ohhh no! You wait! It's gonna be monotone "knees up mother brown all over gain", simple lives for a simple people. All we need is grog, all we need is grog, grog, grog is all we need!

Don't for a minute believe that somehow it will free us from Zionism. The Brexit crew are full on Zionist. I admit I am pro that too, but in a much more roundabout sense that lifts the Western nations. I am in conflict with my usual political order as I believe they need to learn a lesson or two. It is complicated now. I am looking for what is good and ridding us of illusions and parasites. I will not choose a greater evil just to spite a lesser. Ultimately, I believe Brexit to be this shallow in nature.

Trump is a Zionist. He has worn his kippah and been to the Wall to pray. He is very pro Israel. Boris is too and Jacob Rees. They all are. Corbyn and socialism would be a catasrophe for Brexit Britain in Venezuelan proportions. There is much to worry about.

This is the most dodgy period I have ever known for Britain. It could go well bad. I am ultimately a survivalist and want our society to survive. Hence the concern.

edit on 29-1-2019 by Malak777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: eletheia

The EU never wanted friends or indeed equal partners...... The EU requires subjects...... subservient subjects.

Just like Englands does with the rest of the UK. Glad we got that sorted.

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Everything is not about how much you dislike the English, you know. Change the record, please?

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:04 AM
Tesco cutting jobs is simply because they want more profits, nowt to do with Brexit, though I am sure it will make a fine excuse.

Maybe one day people will look back and realise that getting out was the best thing we ever did.

Or perhaps we will see it as a lost opportunity if the fascist remainer elite get their despicable way.

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK

Maybe one day people will look back and realise that getting out was the best thing we ever did.

3019 you tube video.. 10 Greatest mistakes ever made. And the no1 is...

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Malak777
a reply to: eletheia

I am really feeling this. I have analyzed the situation and we are going to come off badly out of the EU. If the EU splits all hell will break loose.

Are you a qualified analyst to draw those conclusions? The UK has always been

a successful country. The EU is not doing as well as it would like to think it is and

why do you imagine the EU is making it difficult for the UK? it needs the UK to

support it and keep it glued together.....the cracks are showing!

I think we have no idea of the nasties waiting just out of sight down the Brexit Avenue. Talk about take a walk on the wild side. I admit that I am using the power of parental style concern for a naughty child about to embark on a very stupid and dangerous prank. Who would I be if I did not try to warn them?

Nothing nasty waiting but opportunities that were not available while

tied to the EU. I wouldnt like to be your child, you would squash my

ambitions after all NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAINED and the UK

will take its chances.

If you are right then I will not grumble about that, but I think it is naive to think that this Brexit will bring anything better.

I dont doubt hiccups along the way but we will get there

We will all be a lot less comfortable and we will not have economic certainty like we have been used to.

Sometimes comfortable equates to lazy and destroys ambition.

Have we really had economic stability? The EU didn't stop the Banks going

down...... and what about the other members what has the EU done to the

Greek economy and Italy is on the edge...'

We will lose much choice, even in the supermarket. Remember how basic all the ingredients were in the shops of pre EU Brtitain? Wine was a luxury and French cheese, pasta only for the rich. Europe has been a great influence on us. Ohhh no! You wait! It's gonna be monotone "knees up mother brown all over gain"

Normal progress .....absolutely nothing to do with the EU.

This is the most dodgy period I have ever known for Britain. It could go well bad. I am ultimately a survivalist and want our society to survive. Hence the concern.

Take it from me the UK has been through a lot worse, and come out on top

I have every faith in the country and its people.'

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:24 AM
This is some good doom porn

If the UK is a useful trade partner for the EU, but the EU won’t trade with the UK. Doesn’t that show that strong(left) governement isn’t for their own people but for their own power and money.

If the EU will trade with the UK then that shows all the people that are predicting fear, are at best wrong or the worse, inducrinated to give the globalist money.

The only way Brixit turns out bad is if the UK is a crap country that cannot get trade partners based on the country.

If you don’t have faith in the UK, then stay in the EU. If you think the UK can survive or thrive on its own, then why not lose the weight of the EU?

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
Tesco cutting jobs is simply because they want more profits, nowt to do with Brexit, though I am sure it will make a fine excuse.

Maybe one day people will look back and realise that getting out was the best thing we ever did.

Or perhaps we will see it as a lost opportunity if the fascist remainer elite get their despicable way.

Hang on to your hat......'
' Brexit will be blamed for anything and everything

for the forseeable future, even the weather.'

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Everything is not about how much you dislike the English, you know. Change the record, please?

After a while you begin to glaze over at the hate it obliterates the message!!

posted on Jan, 29 2019 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Yes - now look what we have done - snow is on it's way! If only we had been told that would happen before we voted to leave!

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