posted on Jan, 26 2019 @ 08:44 AM
Howdy ATS...
Just a quick question/comment about when searching old threads here on ATS. Firstly, let me preface this by saying that I am basically one step above
a cave man when it comes to tech, so there may be some settings on my personal computer that need be changed, but all things being equal, whenever I
search for a thread topic (something I always try to do before posting in order to ensure I don't double post), the results are basically unreadable.
The color is like a yellow that blends into the background and the font is so small that on my little chromebook I can't read when it was posted at
all. It's just not really workable and I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this, or if there is a way to change it on my computer, or if
the MODS could simply update this function to make it more member friendly.
That is all, you may now return to your normally scheduled lives.