posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to:
No, I do not believe that any of the governments of the world, baring maybe a few of the Non EU, mainland European nations like Finland, and that
Bhutan out there near the borders of Tibet and India, are honest and on the up and up with their citizens.
However, whataboutsim is irrelevant, because the issue here is that you were the one complaining that information might seep into the public sphere
that has to do with OPSEC, when as a citizen of a nation whose governance is focused on controlling the people under its "care" you should not WANT
any operations to be secure, and should know better than to help your government do anything that is not directly, and exclusively beneficial to the
people. That does not mean keeping secrets, performing secret activities, using their black budget without oversight or ANY other thing that your
complaint actually supports.
I know the taste of bootleather can become familiar and even comforting after a while, but the Stockholm Syndrome you are expressing in your
complaint, and your attempt to deflect afterward, is not a healthy condition to be in, and I recommend you get your tongue woke a bit so that the
taste is no longer as palatable!