Well way back when al Gore was spewing his global warming bull he and real scientist stated as fact that by 2020 where I live would be the new East
coast of North Carolina well 2020 is less than a year away and East coast of North Carolina is still 30 or so miles away coast has not lost a single
town to rising ocean. My town and a few neighboring towns did have massive flooding from hurricane Florence that climate fools blamed on global
warming which was not the cause . The cause was manmade tho some morons in Congress decided that us 17 needed to be a four lane highway and recently a
massive bypass was built west of town and where it crossed river it acted as a bottlekneck causing the water to backup behind it and flood upstream
town of Trenton nd till it made it's way over bypass enmasse which caused the massive flooding in my town days after hurricane had left.. also a
higher content of co2 in atmosphere is loved by plant life want to pull co2 out of atmosphere then plant trees and make weyhauser and other paper
companies follow the rules and plat back 2 trees for everyone they harvest. Most of the carbon in the wood of trees is pulled out of atmosphere not
Plant trees. Grow algae. Pump CO2 into the bedrock. Pop volcanoes. Spray sulfates into the stratosphere. Plan for more mass migrations. Learn
how to SCUBA dive. Buy a houseboat. Make friends with dolphins. I don't care how you prepare, but be prepared.