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originally posted by: TerraLiga
Many of those people in todays societies choose not to get involved in the constant bickering and choose not to choose religion as their faith. They look for something else else.
originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
originally posted by: TerraLiga
Many of those people in todays societies choose not to get involved in the constant bickering and choose not to choose religion as their faith. They look for something else else.
But again atheist beliefs/systems force people to give up religion/spirituality. To this day there are millions of Christians and other religious groups who are being oppressed by atheistic systems. As an example, China. China has increased once again their oppression on religious people.
In China, they’re closing churches, jailing pastors – and even rewriting scripture
And China is not the only "atheistic state" doing this.
originally posted by: TerraLiga
Yes, but that is a communist State (although slowly progressing) and communism doesn’t allow any other control than the State. You are allotting atheism to a political system, but it doesn’t necessarily fit. There are and have been communist States that tolerate religion, although begrudgingly. China just happens to have a highly censored control of information.
Chapter 11: Communism and Religion
§ 89. Why religion and communism are incompatible
'Religion is the opium of the people,' said Karl Marx. It is the task of the Communist Party to make this truth comprehensible to the widest possible circles of the labouring masses. It is the task of the party to impress firmly upon the minds of the workers, even upon the most backward, that religion has been in the past and still is today one of the most powerful means at the disposal of the oppressors for the maintenance of inequality, exploitation, and slavish obedience on the part of the toilers.
Many weak-kneed communists reason as follows: 'Religion does not prevent my being a communist. I believe both in God and in communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution.'
This train of thought is radically false. Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.
I agree with your first two paragraphs. I believe in your right to hold your opinions, even if they disagree with mine, so I respectfully will agree to disagree with the rest of your posting - but that doesn’t make it any more or less valid than my own opinion.
originally posted by: TerraLiga
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
Marx was more than what is currently communist. As you can see from your source, his philosophy is called Marxism. This goes further than communism in that it takes away your right to own property. Even communism allows that!
originally posted by: TerraLiga
Let’s take North Korea as a communist example. Staunch far left politics, but also sympathetic to some religions. Some previous South American regimes also communist in ideology, but religious too.
originally posted by: TerraLiga
The political system doesn’t necessarily dictate the religious participation of its populous, although in some cases it does I would have to agree. China just happens to have an iron grip on its people and most Western ideologies are actively discouraged - traditional Chinese religions or faiths are tolerated far better.
To a great many people today, Science is their religion.
Satan's most effective method of seducing men and women to yield to his control over them is via a religious system. Source
Why is Islamic religion the "go to" moral religious pathway
originally posted by: Murgatroid
a reply to: glend
The religious pharisee's of the day were the only ones who refused to believe what was staring them right in the face back then...
It was true then and the same is true today, religious spirits are nefariously nasty which is why they love to hide behind a religious facade.
You can either believe religion or you can believe God, but you can't do both because they ALWAYS contradict one another.
This gives us one huge clue as to who the author of religion actually is and why religions in general usually contradict one another.
The stealth agenda behind Religion is to discredit the truth, this the reason why religion has ALWAYS been opposed to God and His word...
originally posted by: lSkrewloosel
a reply to: InTheLight
And Christianity is an offshoot of the Egyptian god horus and virgin mother isis. Who also had 12 brothers/diciples and died was resurrected after 3 days etc etc. .
Naturally, not a shred of etymological, linguistic, archaeological, literary, or historical evidence is given for these wild assertions.
Achayra's badly researched delusion ranks among other such nonsense as "The Davinci Code" or "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" any intelligent person who has taken a religion 101 course can shoot holes through her lies.
No serious scholar atheist or other wise has any real respect for this woman. She has been widely ignored even by the majority of anti christian atheists because her conspiracies can't possibly hold water. Achayra doesn't like Christianity so she borrows from a lot of other poor researchers to create fantasies that have no more basis in reality then Santa Claus. If you want anti christian reading pick up the Davinci code at least it was well written by some one with some thing resembling intelligence.
The Latest Lie Ever Sold
This review is from: "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold"
Follow her sources please. How did the comparison with the mystery religions start? Did it start by the Jewish scholars who lived at the same time and would have known about these religions and were themselves trying to discredit Jesus? No, it started with an Islamic writer named Yousuf Saleem Chishti, in his book, What is Christianity? ... Where did he get this information? No one knows, he listed no sources, and none have been found.
However that didn't stop a writer in the late 1800s and early 1900s named Gerald Massey from using Chishti as his source for the same information. Who is Acharya using as her source for most of her material? Massey, who used Chishti.
"The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold"
A humorous irony is that many atheists (including Dorothy Murdock / Acharya S.) rely heavily upon Gerald Massey, whom they claim to be a great Egyptologist. Massy is the first known to make the claim that Jesus is a copy of Horus (an Egyptian god). He also makes the connection between Jesus and 2000 other pagan gods—a so-called fact often repeated by Massy followers. The humor of this claim is that Gerald Massey was not a studied Egyptologist; he was a poet who died in 1913 and has no credentials with anyone but the atheists who cite him thinking that he was a researcher.
Gerald Massey claims to have gotten his ideas from ancient text; however, he does not cite the text he supposedly translated from. Since he appears to be the only one who found these secret texts and it cannot and has not been verified by any credible source, it does not stand as evidence but only speculation at best. Many have searched the ancient texts he studied, but none have found any evidence to support his writings. Since Massey never cited any original text, his writings show to be more of a fictional story than an attempt at translation. Yet his claims are the foundation the Christ Conspiracy stands upon.
Book Review – The Christ Conspiracy
There are many good people buying into the Zeitgeist movement. I was one of them. I now realize that the NWO does not oppose it's enemies, but infiltrates them & corrupts them. This is what is happening here, either with the cooperation of Fresco & Joseph or with them being used as 'useful idiots' of the NWO. I don't believe either Joseph or Fresco are idiots. Liberty is the answer to tyranny. Not a better system of tyranny. Love to all people.
I am against governments & statism but by advocating Global Resource Management & a technocracy to oversee it, you are describing world fascism. What if me & my people don't need or want Global resource Management? Will you say that you know better than we do? Will we be? 'allowed' to exist outside of this framework? As long as we are, I wish the Zeitgeist movement well & if it so good, we will ask to join at a later stage as will all peoples. But if you wish to enforce it upon humanity, you are the same as the NWO.
The true face of Zeitgeist
"The philosophy behind the Zeitgeist movement comes from the writings of H. P. Blavatsky who declared that Lucifer / Satan is the God of this world & the one whom she worshiped."
"...the TARGET of the film is Christianity. This is what they are after. To usher in the NWO they have to discredit and get rid of Christianity in order for them to succeed. They are very subtle in the way they work now. They are very slick in mixing truth with fact, as the Father of Lies always has done.
"Zeitgeist presents a long debunked theory that claims early Christians created a “Christ myth” that is loosely based on an alleged amalgamation of ideas that were borrowed from various pagan religions. However, serious scholars, long ago, refuted the ideas promulgated in Zeitgeist. To its own detriment, Zeitgeist quotes plenty of biased occult sources and very few, if any, primary sources.
"the worst thing about the movie is that it mixes some truth with much “that is plainly and simply Bogus.” "In watching Zeitgeist, I personally had a hard time believing so many lies could be crammed into one film."
originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: liejunkie01
For the record, perceived reality is reality.
"I will visit America again. A third Great Awakening will come. But, the days of America’s glory and beauty will never again be seen. My judgment shall come swiftly upon all those that have turned their backs to Me.”
A Vision of a Victorian Mansion
"William Seymour, the catalyst of that great revival, prophesied in 1913 that in roughly 100 years another revival far eclipsing Azusa would come. The fulfillment of Seymour’s word is overdue … or right on schedule."
Azusa Now: 75,000 Pack the L.A. Coliseum to Pray for Revival
"The Lord first confirmed to us that we were in a time of awakening during the weeks prior to the Azusa Now gathering in Los Angeles. On the morning of March 29th, 2016, evangelist Michael Koulianos contacted Lou with a dream he had the night before. In his dream, John Paul Jackson approached Michael from the cloud of witnesses and told him that the Third Great Awakening was beginning in America. Michael asked him directly, “Is it beginning at Azusa Now?” John Paul answered, “Yes, it is beginning at Azusa Now.”
Third Great Awakening Conceived at Azusa Now
"On the second day of the Portland gathering, one of the prophetic intercessors was taken up into heaven where she was told, “Today is the day history books will record as the birth of the Third Great Awakening.” She shared this privately with Pastor Trujillo. Just moments later, another leader got up on stage and prophesied, “This is the day and this is the moment that history will mark as the birth of the Third Great Awakening!”
The birth of the Third Great Awakening
"The fire that fell in Cane Ridge sparked a movement. Revival spread across the American frontier like wild fire driven by a stiff wind through the dry brush. I'm certain there are many who wonder if it is possible for God to move again in such a powerful way. They have concluded that America is too far gone to experience another great awakening. Cane Ridge shows otherwise. This revival that took place 215 years ago offers us great hope today. Look back at what God did and let it bring you to the revelation that He can and will do it again!
My friends, revival will always be God's remedy for an ailing land. Revival is the moment that the Lord Almighty invades a community, the slumbering saints are awakened and sinners are reborn. True revival offers total reformation for individuals, communities and even nations.
Yes, America is experiencing a spiritually dark time once again. The founding principles that brought us great freedom and prosperity have been forgotten. America is lost. But don't lose hope! Consider the works of the Lord. In times of great darkness or spiritual drought, these stories remind us that we've been here before, and when we finally turn back to God, He always revives. Look back at the times He has moved across our land. Remember and meditate on the times you've personally experienced the power of His presence. Let those stories fan the embers in your life back to flame. We need God to do it again, and do it like Cane Ridge!"
Why the Cane Ridge Revival Holds Prophetic Hope for America's Third Great Awakening