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What would you do if you found a UFO?

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:09 AM
Mr A. Alexander

Dear friends at Above Top Secret, it has come to my attention that, if we are ever going to find out if E.Ts are visiting or being hidden from us by the gov’s. I think we all need to follow these simple rules listed below.

1. If you obtained a classified document, study it before submitting to general public, copy it and hide it you may get arrested for holding classified info.

2. If you hold good evidence on a UFO, video, ECT please do share with the rest of us. Don’t forget to record your evidence what ever you have.

3. In the unlikely event, if you see a UFO flying or crashed on the ground, please remember you have limited time to research this event. The gov, police are not far by now. Some UFOs do get detected under radar. Always bring a video camera; always take a small part of the object, only if possible. Always record via camera what ever makes you happy.

4. Please do not call the government if you see a UFO, crash landing somewhere do not call your local police, you ask why do you want another 50 years of Roswell again ? So please if this happens to you do your duty to humanity.

I hate Mac Brazel

The Roswell crash might have been the most exciting thing that ever happened since our race started. The most ignorant man ever born rancher Mac Brazel in 1947 because of him we still don’t know the truth this man was really a coward he was the first to report it stupid man. Look where we are now 50 years old still in the dark because of him.

Ideas for you

If you see a UFO flying near your area get your gun point at it and shoot. Has any one tried it? Only heard that someone pointed a pen laser at a ufo and it pointed back . If the UFO is hostile you may get killed or just abducted.

I would like to develop a good normal laser not a gun but just a laser everyday use. And visit the ufo hot spots when I see one ill point towards it & see what happens after that.

Please I repeat do not call the government or the police these originations are only here to cover everything. So play it safe and report what you got at above top secret.

By the way if you are getting hazard by the Man in black, AKA MIB Take my Advice Shoot those punks. And report to us If they alien loll.

[edit on 28-2-2005 by Mr Alexander]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:23 AM
Now wait a minute. Don't go defaming poor Mac Brazel. We in this day and age tend to forget the climate of American society in the 40's. No one, I mean no one questioned the authority of the military back then. Mac was just a simple man trying to eek out a living on his ranch. You can guarentee if he had said anything, the military would see to it his ranch was closed down and he'd become poor and destitute. They would ruin his life and have made him out to be a mentally unstable individual. UFO's were something out of Science Fiction back then. I bet you that any one of us if we lived in the 40's would react the same way Mac did when finding strange material like that on our property.

[edit on 28-2-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Mr Alexander
By the way if you are getting hazard by the Man in black, AKA MIB Take my Advice Shoot those punks. And report to us If they alien loll.

Please do not advocate shooting people. It is a violation of the T&C of this site:

16.) Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia, hacking, etc. are strictly forbidden.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:10 AM
if any alive help them if not take as many photos as quckly as possible then post them on the net after that goverment is done for cause people would make so amny copises imf!# !^ingpossible to track alll down lol then get my schlor title on ats lol

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 04:29 AM
That is providing the Government spooks don;t get to you first. They have an uncanny ability to end up at UFO crash sites right when civilians discover them.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:08 AM
If I found a crashed UFO I would do several things.
1.Call some friends That I trust and while they are on their way take photos,lots of photos.
2.Call the Media. CNN,Fox,BBC,ABC you name it.
3.If I new the Government was going to come first ,I would set up a direct Transmission to the Media services and keep it open as long as possible.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:04 AM

Now wait a minute. Don't go defaming poor Mac Brazel. We in this day and age tend to forget the climate of American society in the 40's. No one, I mean no one questioned the authority of the military back then. Mac was just a simple man trying to eek out a living on his ranch. You can guarentee if he had said anything, the military would see to it his ranch was closed down and he'd become poor and destitute. They would ruin his life and have made him out to be a mentally unstable individual. UFO's were something out of Science Fiction back then. I bet you that any one of us if we lived in the 40's would react the same way Mac did when finding strange material like that on our property.

Well said.

One thing many don't realize.... Mac was held in military custody for days. Also for days he had a military escort while he went about his business in town. (seems like a lot of hullaballoo over a weather balloon doesn't it
, but hey, that's another thread, hehe...) If you've ever listened to or read his numerous interviews, it was very clear that the military scared the hell out of him, and made it VERY clear that he'd be a corpse in the desert if he talked. Lets see...corpse in the desert, or a shiny new truck.....??? Truck please!

That all said, the ONE think I'd be sure to do if I found a crashed UFO...and it's the one thing that nobody has yet provided....


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:10 PM
I personally would not want to find a crashed UFO at all. Considering the US Military's treatment I would not want them badgering me into giving up my freedoms as a sentient being.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by UnMature
call all the press....then alert the goverment...if everyone sees it then there's no denying.

Just think of the aliens flight recrod: 3 or 4 known crashes in the past hundred years....damn good if you ask me

[edit on 2/27/2005 by UnMature]

theres been alot more than 3 or 4 recorded ufo crashes in the past 100 years
try this site

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:25 PM
Strip it and sell the parts on eBay. You could probably make more money than the guy selling Jesus toast.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
I wouldn't do any of it. I would simply check if any aliens were still alive, and if yes, I'd give them some help. If none, I would simply leave the site and let their friends recover the crash site to clean up everything.

You are a clever fellow aren't you. You really could be on to something here my friend. Hope you are enjoying the rain.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:37 PM
I would take the thing for a test flight and if i like the way it handles keep it my garage. It could be so great, a friend of mine who recently got an M3 would be so jealous of my ride.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 03:41 PM
That is of course if the thing is still intact when I found it.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:10 PM
probably try to seduce an alien
see if my friends can top THAT story

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:25 PM
Frist of all never call the the governement. I am sure they are on their way. If not more time to get disclouser to the public.

Obviously help anyone first. Take video while calling everone, all PUBLICE SERVICE you can, neighbors, the whole dam town to come and witness crash site.

Send video to the internet to insure that you are not killed beacuse everyone will know you then and what happened.

Tell the governement the wrong location when they show up so more people can witness. Give them your your worse enemy name at this time.

Video government looking. Send everthing to ATS for award.

But really I would probably just Sh#t in my pants and go get cleaned up to find the goverment in my face.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 04:07 AM
"Please do not advocate shooting people. It is a violation of the T&C of this site:"

## i didnt know MIBs are human
ok am sorry please do not kill the man in black

FredT has been to close on hes TFT Screen again

[edit on 2-3-2005 by Mr Alexander]

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