a reply to:
Well, what I would like to see eventually, is a situation where the elections as we know them are completely changed, in order that the people gain
direct editorial control over policy and agenda setting, a situation where every human being in the country who is above seventeen years old, and not
dead, gets to make their voice heard by way of some kind of system or site on the net, which permits them to not only select policies that they like,
and have the ones which garner the most support enacted without delay, but also to table suggestions themselves, rather than having to get the
attention of an MP by way of their surgeries (which are a joke, because the MPs are rarely present at their local offices often enough or for long
enough to actually make it possible to gain a meaningful back and forth conversation with them), then get that MP to forget which hand is feeding them
long enough to get them to agree to pass on an idea as a suggestion to their party HQ, or indeed as a statement in Parliament or whatever, THEN have
that suggestion batted around the commons for ten straight years, while very often, the person who originated the idea becomes a victim of the problem
they were trying to solve with their idea in the first place.
I would like to see a situation where the people only select representatives for the purpose of having people in Parliament who are capable of doing
the paperwork, to make the MP a mere functionary, rather than a driving force, and to make the Prime Minister a mouthpiece and right hand of the
people, rather than being the one who sets agendas purely based on loyalties given not to the people as a whole, but to the donors who have provided
the most illicit funds to their war chests over the years.
I would like to see business leaders banned from communicating with any member of government or opposition, without a public recorder being present,
and for any meetings which occur to be put through a citizen led, anti-corruption oversight panel, made up of people who have a fundamental hatred of
corporatism and a determination that the only influence a government may be touched by, comes from the streets not the board room. I would like to see
Whitehalls operations become subject to the peoples oversight in a far more rigorous way than they currently are. I would like to see the people have
editorial control over circumstances that might see our nation go to war, in such a way as to prevent fiasco fabrications like the Iraq and Afghan
wars, and indeed the intelligence service involvement in the maintenance of groups like IS and others over the years. I want our people to be the
nations leaders, I want leadership from the bottom up, not the top down.
That would be what I would like to see in eventuality, but for now, a nation led by the party which has the most pro people policies, would be
sufficient, and a far more likely entity to permit the changes I would like to see, to come to pass in years to come. I certainly cannot imagine the
Conservatives backing an agenda which seeks to neuter Parliament and place power in the hands of the broader and more worldly wise hands of the