posted on Jan, 17 2019 @ 01:56 AM
Hello to everyone... I'm definitely a seeker and researcher. I put in about 18 years in on the road as a '70s - '80s style rock
guitarist/songwriter, then an indie record label... by accident migrated into the struggling author gig, with more time put in editing and formatting.
I've got a series of experiencer books I am doing research for, and additional esoteric, paranormal topics. That's just about all the research that
I've really been interested in even when I was out on the road. As the bones get older, I decided to stop sitting on the other side as a spectator
when my research is not too far from many of the acknowledged journalists in this realm of topics. I still would love to be on the road as often as
possible at conventions and hopefully vending.
I am not a gullible person, but there is not much that I DON'T believe in. I have been accused of sitting the fence, but I think my view of
the two sides of any subject is better from up there. I'm a female Fox Mulder, without the FBI or the sister that was abducted. I feel sorry for the
individuals who can not entertain the vastness of the Universe or of the human spirit. I like intelligent individuals and I don't play combative
forum games; if someone is trying to impress me by acting like a jerk or a know it all... we're not going to get off to a good start. There's just
so much to research and explore, I don't see the point in rude or degrading conversations.
I was headed down the rabbit hole on my own, back when the darn thing was still being dug!! Thanks so much for having me!!