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What if it were the Northern U.S. border?

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posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: JBIZZ
I'd have no problem with a northern border wall. Whatever helps deter illegal immigration & human trafficking. Landmines will also work, with warning signs of course. Illegal immigration is not fair to legal immigrants or U.S. taxpayers & has nothing to do with racism. Racism is just an insult used by the left when they don't have a valid argument. They'll call people other names as well, when they lose debates. That's how you know you've won the argument. People who use the race card are generally the most racist.

the Ottawa Treaty, the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, or often simply the Mine Ban Treaty, aims at eliminating anti-personnel landmines (AP-mines) around the world.

Keep the land mines on your side of the border, please.
We’ll be satisfied with just a wall.....

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: Flavian
a reply to: LSU2018

If you have been paying any attention to the El Chapo trial you would see that a wall will not make the slightest bit of difference to drug trafficking across the border. The vast majority of trafficking is not simply people walking over the border with it - it is highly organised importation by shipping / plane / container or even modified vehicles at authorised checkpoints.

I honestly can't comment as to the general crime aspect - you may be right that the wall would make a difference there but certainly not in respect to drug trafficking.

I know a wall isn't gonna stop everything. That's not why we want it built. You can avoid DWI checkpoints when you know where they're at, but they still catch some drunk drivers. The wall is supposed to be another deterrent and it's supposed to be something that helps the Border Patrol agents narrow their guard stations so they can concentrate more on the open checkpoints and tunnels. A lot of people seem to be unaware that this wall isn't a design meant to stop every illegal immigrant coming here.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 10:16 AM
Canada might think about building a wall if the American people get more corrupt and try to sneak over. I don't think Canadians would want to come to the USA with our high healthcare costs,

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Canada might think about building a wall if the American people get more corrupt and try to sneak over. I don't think Canadians would want to come to the USA with our high healthcare costs,

you would be surprised. high costs vs long waits for medical help you need often measured in years for the same help you might be able to get in days or weeks in the US. besides since so many people are insistent that Mexico pay for a southern wall, that it would only be fair for the US to pay for a northern one? after all it is illegals from the US crossing into Canada since the US can not seem to control those entering the southern border that is the real problem. fix that problem on the southern border and properly deal with the illegals in the US, and a northern wall would not be so needed, since there wouldn't be near as many illegals crossing through the US into Canada.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Having lived in Minnesota for over twenty years, I can assure all the border is quite "fluid." The lakes around the border are especially conduits for fishing and the houses on the frozen waters are teeming with a influx of Canadians and Americans.
No one is especially concerned with nationalities-mostly, fishing-and drinking.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Flavian

The drugs thing is a cop out.

Far more drugs are coming through the mail.

If you want to fight the cartel and the drugs you legalize and tax.

These people do not really care about that.

It's just a talking point
edit on 16-1-2019 by TinySickTears because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: wantsome
All this talk of a wall with Mexico is nothing but Trump trying to rally his moron followers.

I didn't know this was mud pit; where you could call anyone you don't agree with morons. Stay Classy!


posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: generik

Are you from Canada? Most people I communicate with from Canada say their healthcare is quick, in fact their waiting times seems way less than I experience with doctor visits. I also chat on line with people from Europe and Oz and they say it is quick. The rumors of long wait times was created by Americans not wanting to change to socialized medicine and those twisted interpretations are parroted to the healthcare workers in the USA to spread to the public.

I have chatted with at least twenty people from socialized countries about this, and even took some medical classes in Europe where they came right out and said that rumors are spread about socialized medicine being bad in America.

In Europe, you are required to do a meeting about quality of life with your doctor if you have a disease where treatment can cause you more harm than good. Not here, they just tell you to get the treatment then give you meds to make sure you die quicker if you decline. Nothing like severely dampening your immune system when you got cancer, no matter what you try to do naturally won't work when you take a few medicines. They say those medicines are to help you so you do not suffer as much so you die quicker because your immune system does not even try to fight it.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Justso

Canadians are almost like us far northern Americans. I'm a Yooper, I have gone around lake Superior a couple of times years ago. They never used to check your passport, nobody needed one back then to go to Canada. But if you had raw potatoes, they would take them when going to canada. I think it was an excuse to get free food, but they said it was because of blight risk from the potatoes. Flight risk, blight risk, no matter, the person taking them had spuds for supper.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Works the other (border) way too. Have very wealthy relatives in California and have sailed one of my uncles yachts back to the US before from Mexico with him. We discovered that Pomegranets are most definitely not welcome coming into the US - will add the proviso this was years and years ago and, being a Brit, have no idea if the war on pomegranets still goes on! It didnt make much sense to us at the time as we got them in Baja California so if the seeds were such a threat, how did they stop birds or wind carrying them across the bordet!

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Flavian
a reply to: rickymouse

Works the other (border) way too. Have very wealthy relatives in California and have sailed one of my uncles yachts back to the US before from Mexico with him. We discovered that Pomegranets are most definitely not welcome coming into the US - will add the proviso this was years and years ago and, being a Brit, have no idea if the war on pomegranets still goes on! It didnt make much sense to us at the time as we got them in Baja California so if the seeds were such a threat, how did they stop birds or wind carrying them across the bordet!

I remember the potato thing well, I will never forget it. My dad was a potato farmer and we took our potatoes with us when we went around Lake Superior, he loved potatoes. He knew what Blight was, we never had any cases of blight in our crops, growing russets and mountain potatoes to sell to lots of local customers. At the border they asked if we had anything to declare he said no, they asked if we had potatoes he said yes, we grow our own potatoes. So they said we could not take them in and had to surrender them. Pulling us out of line like criminals and checking our baggage even though he surrendered the potatoes immediately. Boy was he irked, we stopped in Canada to get potatoes for our supper when we were camping and he found some potatoes in the bag that showed evidence of blight. Again he was kind of pissed.

So on the way back we camped and boiled all of our potatoes before crossing the border and when we got there the border security told him it only applied to potatoes coming into Canada, he showed the guard the blighted potato he found in their potatoes along with the story of what happened. The guard just chuckled and told him to destroy it so it did not get into my dads crops. Of the whole trip, I only remember that crazy encounter and of course the ferry ride where we got some really good ice cream bars on the Canadian side. So I remembered the food but not any stores or sight seeing places that we stopped at. It was about the same as it was in the Upper Peninsula, all the sightseeing did not stay in my memories. I do remember getting car sick from reading in the car though.

Funny how we make memories of some things and do not remember other things that we deem as not important at the time.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: generik

Are you from Canada? Most people I communicate with from Canada say their healthcare is quick, in fact their waiting times seems way less than I experience with doctor visits. I also chat on line with people from Europe and Oz and they say it is quick. The rumors of long wait times was created by Americans not wanting to change to socialized medicine and those twisted interpretations are parroted to the healthcare workers in the USA to spread to the public.

I have chatted with at least twenty people from socialized countries about this, and even took some medical classes in Europe where they came right out and said that rumors are spread about socialized medicine being bad in America.

In Europe, you are required to do a meeting about quality of life with your doctor if you have a disease where treatment can cause you more harm than good. Not here, they just tell you to get the treatment then give you meds to make sure you die quicker if you decline. Nothing like severely dampening your immune system when you got cancer, no matter what you try to do naturally won't work when you take a few medicines. They say those medicines are to help you so you do not suffer as much so you die quicker because your immune system does not even try to fight it.

lived in Canada for much of my life. in fact the main reason i'm not in Canada now is actually due to my problems getting the medical help i needed. do you consider things like waiting a year to see a specialist about problems you are having quick, (and that's after they try just medicating you for more than a year, before they would even let you see a specialist)? i know many people that have waited that and longer. or how about 3-7 year waits to get a much needed hip replacement? again i know several people who have waited that long. in fact waiting while sick or in severe pain seems to be a pretty standard problem. sure if you have a heart attack, or are in an accident the hospital will take you in if they can, or if needed fly you out to one that can take care of you. in fact one good friend who was suffering in severe pain ended up waiting more than three years, being put on stronger and stronger pain meds (in the end he was smoking crack to try to deal with the pain, because the crack was cheaper than the pain medications he could not afford), until finally they decided perhaps there was something wrong other than "just" an injury. ended up he had been suffering from cancer that whole time. most people just have no clue about it because they have never needed things like specialists and help other than things that a GP would take care of or an emergency room visit. until they do, people think the system is fine and dandy. and then they find out the truth when they need it. and things have gotten even worse since they brought out that legal assisted suicide crap. i have had a couple friends getting pissed off at the doctors continually talking to them and harassing them, about how they need to consider killing their loved ones, since it would be better not just for them, but it would free up a much needed bed that someone else could use who had a life worth living could use.

from my and so many people i know experiences i would say your "rumors of long wait times was created by Americans not wanting to change to socialized medicine and those twisted interpretations are parroted to the healthcare workers in the USA to spread to the public." is actually a rumor created and passed on by those who want socialized medicine in the US.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: jaxnmarko

I would take canadian illegals over mexican illegals. Less drunk drivers.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

Oh no seeking a better life in America!
Isn't that the whole point of the romantic idea of America?

How about the other billions in other parts of the world without a land bridge? We have a very high percentage of immigration already, the highest in our history, so it is there.

Anyways, although the numbers from the southern boarder are rather high, it's at least understandable as to why.
But most illegals aren't coming from the southern boarder at all, they are from other places including Canada.

Overstay visas is a different event that also needs to be dealt with. Though over stay visas are wrong they are still documented and are not bringing their kids in that overwhelms our logistical abilities to deal with them. They are also not human trafficking, drug running etc etc in the vast majority of cases.

40k picked up on the border per month is those who get caught, not the total that gets across which is unknown that all have a status of unknown too. There are many issues and the border is one of those issues so lets work on them all.

edit on 16-1-2019 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

that fruit and vegetable thing has happened going both directions since at least when i was a kid. don't even think of taking fresh citrus fruit from Canada to the US (even though it came from the US in the first place) they get really pissed off. or any other fresh fruits and vegetables in either direction. we got searched once after we realized i had an orange i didn't eat at school in my bag going into the US. now it applies to meat as well since that mad cow scare years ago. and the border guards on both sides tend to be dicks. especially when it comes to which passport you use, or don't use. the US wants your US passport, the Canadians want your Canadian passport when entering each country. and then they get annoyed that you used the other one going in the other direction. they also tend to get annoyed when you use one passport and your car plates are for the other country, or have both Canadians and Americans in the car (seriously there is no pleasing some of them). it was so much easier before the US demanded passports to cross the border. although the TSA hassling people as they leave the US in recent years is rather new annoyance. especially since they pop up and stop you after you get through the toll booths to hassle you. and they are even bigger dicks then the border guards are.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

How many citizens commit crimes?

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Over 3 million people immigrated into the us in less than 4 years after world war 2. People from war torn nations. What's happening at the southern border isnt anywhere near that number. And the numbers are dropping btw. Because of strict border control.

The number we see today will only drop a bit with this new wall, but will it still, drugs? Nope, just look at what's happening right now with el chapo, hes opening a whole new can of worms showing it's not the Mexicans who cross the border by foot or truck, its Americans letting the drugs in.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: generik

Are you from Canada? Most people I communicate with from Canada say their healthcare is quick, in fact their waiting times seems way less than I experience with doctor visits. I also chat on line with people from Europe and Oz and they say it is quick. The rumors of long wait times was created by Americans not wanting to change to socialized medicine and those twisted interpretations are parroted to the healthcare workers in the USA to spread to the public.

I have chatted with at least twenty people from socialized countries about this, and even took some medical classes in Europe where they came right out and said that rumors are spread about socialized medicine being bad in America.

In Europe, you are required to do a meeting about quality of life with your doctor if you have a disease where treatment can cause you more harm than good. Not here, they just tell you to get the treatment then give you meds to make sure you die quicker if you decline. Nothing like severely dampening your immune system when you got cancer, no matter what you try to do naturally won't work when you take a few medicines. They say those medicines are to help you so you do not suffer as much so you die quicker because your immune system does not even try to fight it.

lived in Canada for much of my life. in fact the main reason i'm not in Canada now is actually due to my problems getting the medical help i needed. do you consider things like waiting a year to see a specialist about problems you are having quick, (and that's after they try just medicating you for more than a year, before they would even let you see a specialist)? i know many people that have waited that and longer. or how about 3-7 year waits to get a much needed hip replacement? again i know several people who have waited that long. in fact waiting while sick or in severe pain seems to be a pretty standard problem. sure if you have a heart attack, or are in an accident the hospital will take you in if they can, or if needed fly you out to one that can take care of you. in fact one good friend who was suffering in severe pain ended up waiting more than three years, being put on stronger and stronger pain meds (in the end he was smoking crack to try to deal with the pain, because the crack was cheaper than the pain medications he could not afford), until finally they decided perhaps there was something wrong other than "just" an injury. ended up he had been suffering from cancer that whole time. most people just have no clue about it because they have never needed things like specialists and help other than things that a GP would take care of or an emergency room visit. until they do, people think the system is fine and dandy. and then they find out the truth when they need it. and things have gotten even worse since they brought out that legal assisted suicide crap. i have had a couple friends getting pissed off at the doctors continually talking to them and harassing them, about how they need to consider killing their loved ones, since it would be better not just for them, but it would free up a much needed bed that someone else could use who had a life worth living could use.

from my and so many people i know experiences i would say your "rumors of long wait times was created by Americans not wanting to change to socialized medicine and those twisted interpretations are parroted to the healthcare workers in the USA to spread to the public." is actually a rumor created and passed on by those who want socialized medicine in the US.

My daughter has had a pain in her upper left under her ribs for four and a half years, it started when she had her last baby. She went to the hospitals and doctors many times for this. The first doctor said it was probably her apendix because the lymph nodes were big on it. That isn't even close to where the pain is. The second bout of testing they said it is her gall bladder, again the doctor said it would not cause pain in the area she is concerned about but the symptoms are similar to a gall bladder, but on the opposite side of her body. Two years later she went to the doctor and they said it was neuropathic pain, it had gotten a lot worse so she went in. Neurontin was what they prescribed. That did nothing, they also wanted to do therapy, she would get stuck in bed from lifting a basket of laundry. Another six months passed and they said her ribs were all distorted there so did a scan down her throat into her stomach...she asked if that is causing the pain, they said no but she needs to take some acid neutralizing chemistry. She doesn't even have enough stomach acid, no test even showed that she had high stomach acid. Now, she has a lot of bills again and nothing was done to fix the issue she has.

Yeah, come to the USA, you get the wrong test right away. An emergency room doctor said two years ago that she probably had a ripped membrane there, so she was sent to the doctor that said she should get her gall bladder removed, she asked the doctor about the ripped membrane....he told her we can't do anything about that, but we can take out your gall bladder here at this hospital. No symptoms pointed to the gall bladder at all.

I told her to go to Mayo Clinic, they find the problem, the screwed up rib cage probably is related to whatever she has, the last doctor said she definitely has something causing it, he said that anyone could see her ribs are distorted there. Again no follow up after the endoscopy of her stomach which could not cause that pain.

You get the wrong treatment right away, it is like watching the tv series House where they ran every test they could think of first then finally found the problem that they should have looked at first.

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: generik
a reply to: rickymouse

that fruit and vegetable thing has happened going both directions since at least when i was a kid. don't even think of taking fresh citrus fruit from Canada to the US (even though it came from the US in the first place) they get really pissed off. or any other fresh fruits and vegetables in either direction. we got searched once after we realized i had an orange i didn't eat at school in my bag going into the US. now it applies to meat as well since that mad cow scare years ago. and the border guards on both sides tend to be dicks. especially when it comes to which passport you use, or don't use. the US wants your US passport, the Canadians want your Canadian passport when entering each country. and then they get annoyed that you used the other one going in the other direction. they also tend to get annoyed when you use one passport and your car plates are for the other country, or have both Canadians and Americans in the car (seriously there is no pleasing some of them). it was so much easier before the US demanded passports to cross the border. although the TSA hassling people as they leave the US in recent years is rather new annoyance. especially since they pop up and stop you after you get through the toll booths to hassle you. and they are even bigger dicks then the border guards are.
We took the Alcan highway to Alaska back in 75, I went with my mother and stepfather, my father had died a few years before. They never asked for any fruits and veggies that year. The ride to Alaska was kind of boring for an eighteen and nineteen year old, I was almost nineteen, my stepbrother was eighteen. We could both drink in Michigan at the time, Alaska had a nineteen year old drinking age, I got dragged out of the New York tavern in Juneau by my mother. We did play a lot of frisbee on that trip. As far as the ride, the huge trees along the mountains we went through are cool for the first five or six hours of staring at them.

One good thing about that trip, I met the Fonz's uncle up at a fish BBQ in Juneau, they had some really great brown sugar salmon there, all you can eat. My stepbrother and I also got bitched out by a game warden for trying to kick a four and a half foot salmon to shore in a river, My stepfather started to bitch at us for kicking the fish and it satisfied the game warden. My stepfather actually sent us to get the fish so we could cook it.

edit on 16-1-2019 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2019 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

The number we see today will only drop a bit with this new wall, but will it still, drugs? Nope, just look at what's happening right now with el chapo, hes opening a whole new can of worms showing it's not the Mexicans who cross the border by foot or truck, its Americans letting the drugs in.

A big part is the message. Why do people come? If we have a message of open borders, sanctuary cities, schooling and healthcare for you and your kids, social program etc, path to citizenship by saying the magic words and so on we will not stop them and we will continue to overwhelm our resources. The wall is as much of a physical barrier and it is a psychological one to have people not want to come in the first place.

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