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Mom sees dead sons image on Nest Camera

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posted on Jan, 18 2019 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: saint4God

originally posted by: GreenGunther
My bet is it was delayed, daughter probably went to the kitchen and she received the text 2min later.
Could even be a glitch where the camera's wifi connection was down and when it came back on it uploaded a pic it took a while ago.

I'm a skeptic.
So my thinking is we'll need to exhaust every possible explanation before we can call this a ghost...
Just jumping straight to 'that's my dead son / brother' makes me think they're seeing what they would like to see and so are a lot of members on ATS.

I could be wrong, maybe spirits exist and it's her dead son. But I doubt it.

I can vouch for security cameras being buggy and poor framerate. My father was walking back to the house after getting the mail with the dog and half-way completely vanished within 1 second and didn't re-appear despite the rest of the scenery moving from the breeze. I showed him the video to see if he did anything that might've caused it, he laughed and said, "No, wish I could. That's a neat trick." I do not own video editing software or have skills to do this. Here's the upload:

Another possibility, perhaps the family was meant to see their departed loved one and no one else was meant to believe it. It reminds me of an article where a teen was surprised to find his father's 'ghost' on an X-Box racing game. Maybe there are recordings and playings going on like this in real life as well: Son Races Deceased Father's Ghost In X-Box Racer

Thanks, perfect example of a bug existing in compression techniques for video.
Just one of many possible explanations.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 03:37 AM
No "ghost". Just residual energy from the past.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: GreenGunther

This would be a reasonable explanation if the security system had been in place before his death but as previously stated this is not the case.

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

This would be a reasonable explanation if the security system had been in place before his death but as previously stated this is not the case.

Why is that a factor?
You’re assuming the image is of a human or ‘being’.
I’m saying it could be digital artifacts casued by any number of external or internal variables.
Could also just be a bug in the compression technique used. 🤷🏼‍♂️

The possibilities are endless.
edit on 19-1-2019 by GreenGunther because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: ItCameFromOuterSpace
No "ghost". Just residual energy from the past.

There are other, non religious possibilities. Our soul is just data. It can be collected and maintained. It doesn't have to disappear when the brain dies.

Maybe aliens collect it. Maybe time travelers collect it. (It would make me feel better about human nature to imagine that after time travel is invented, and genetics improve to the point of immortality, the people of the future choose to come back and rescue the rest of us.)
edit on 19-1-2019 by bloodymarvelous because: shorten

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: GreenGunther

Well I find it highly unlikely that the artifact just so happened to resemble an adult male that looks like the deceased family member standing in the kitchen

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 01:48 AM
What I find creepy is that people have cameras throughout their houses, that send recordings to an external organisation.

Super survelliance.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

This would be a reasonable explanation if the security system had been in place before his death but as previously stated this is not the case.

I'd believe that if we had proof it's true other than the daughter said so via facebook.
Got the Nest receipts?

I could tell you I'm an alien. As I stated it, would that make it true?

People lie for whatever reasons. People also make mistakes.
Things to consider on such matters I feel.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 06:58 AM
I personally dont know how i made it through my 20s with alcohol poisoning quite a few times and 3 overdoses on heroin before giving it all up 2 years ago. But to the Mom who lost her baby boy Im glad you have this to somewhat feel his presence. I know my Mom would have appreciated me stopping by to say Hi had I not made it through everything.
edit on 21-1-2019 by JoshJJackson because: Misspelled

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

I now think you're an 👽

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

Well I find it highly unlikely that the artifact just so happened to resemble an adult male that looks like the deceased family member standing in the kitchen

I don’t. Probability says that most times artifacts will be nothing, but every once in a while it will ‘resemble’ something.
It just so happens this one causes Pareidolia, and that the family miss their son.

The mind is a powerful tool that’s running rampant most of the time.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: GreenGunther

Oh come on, there is no way this is a case of pareidolia. The idea that the artefacts have arranged themselves in such a way that it looks like a clear figure standing in the kitchen is ridiculous. It’s not as if it vaguely looks like a figure if you squint at it like most cases of pareidolia are, this is a clear as day image of a full body.

edit on 21-1-2019 by SpaceMonkeeys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Valentinus
The photo and story certainly are compelling.

I suppose so. Except in Shakespeare, I've never really heard of a ghost saying or doing anything all that compelling.

It's the possibility of there being a ghost at all. And if so... WHAT IS a ghost? What are we seeing, and why are we seeing it?

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: TheLorax
What I find creepy is that people have cameras throughout their houses, that send recordings to an external organisation.

Super survelliance.
This. I'd be super creeped.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

Oh come on, there is no way this is a case of pareidolia. The idea that the artefacts have arranged themselves in such a way that it looks like a clear figure standing in the kitchen is ridiculous. It’s not as if it vaguely looks like a figure if you squint at it like most cases of pareidolia are, this is a clear as day image of a full body.

I couldn't say what it is, or what's caused it. But I don't think the family is seeing Jesus in their cheezits... it looks like a person.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: Valentinus

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

Oh come on, there is no way this is a case of pareidolia. The idea that the artefacts have arranged themselves in such a way that it looks like a clear figure standing in the kitchen is ridiculous. It’s not as if it vaguely looks like a figure if you squint at it like most cases of pareidolia are, this is a clear as day image of a full body.

I couldn't say what it is, or what's caused it. But I don't think the family is seeing Jesus in their cheezits... it looks like a person.

See what you did there?
‘Looks like’.

Yes, it ‘looks like’ a person, doesn’t mean it is...
It might be, not saying I’m right and it’s not.

But it sure ain’t a detailed Mona Lisa, it seems to be the back of someones head.
So yeah, of course it’s their dead ghost son back from the other side...

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: GreenGunther

originally posted by: Valentinus

originally posted by: SpaceMonkeeys
a reply to: GreenGunther

Oh come on, there is no way this is a case of pareidolia. The idea that the artefacts have arranged themselves in such a way that it looks like a clear figure standing in the kitchen is ridiculous. It’s not as if it vaguely looks like a figure if you squint at it like most cases of pareidolia are, this is a clear as day image of a full body.

I couldn't say what it is, or what's caused it. But I don't think the family is seeing Jesus in their cheezits... it looks like a person.
I'm saying I don't think they're totally 'out there' in thinking it looks like a person. Whether or not it's a ghost is something else.

See what you did there?
‘Looks like’.

Yes, it ‘looks like’ a person, doesn’t mean it is...
It might be, not saying I’m right and it’s not.

But it sure ain’t a detailed Mona Lisa, it seems to be the back of someones head.
So yeah, of course it’s their dead ghost son back from the other side...

posted on Feb, 8 2019 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: jhn7537

Yeah this... we have Blink camera system and the same happened here when we took them down to replace batteries. We put them back in the wrong spots.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 05:06 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm cialflow&fbclid=IwAR1fGsboMG0JcDLSM8CScEgZKuJxQ2ArpC4cPVwnzPEM8rgy1ZF-M4xO94Y

"Her name is Jennifer Hodge and last week, she was watching TV in her bedroom with her 21-year-old daughter Lauren. She checked her phone and saw a notification that there said, "Your entryway camera saw someone." Attached to the message was an image from the camera that seemed to show a transparent, bearded male figure in what look like pajamas. While that is enough to freak anyone out, what Jennifer and Lauren realized next truly left them shook - the person in the picture looked exactly like Jennifer's son Robbie, who died two in 2016 at the age of 23."

I know there are some that don't believe in these things, and I'm not sure anything other than experiencing it first hand would make them believe.
I believe this lady's story. Very sad how her son died, but this seem to bring her a lot of comfort. I went to the link on her facebook and it appears that others have had similar experiences.

This is a real head scratcher. At first I thought the family was doing all this so they could sell some books or rights to movie or start a go fund me page or something, but nothing like that has happen. Which makes this story a little more valid. Second, even on a nest cam, it clearly shows something there because light is bouncing off whoever or whatever that thing is and reflecting it back into the camera's len. So something was there. It doesn't look like any bug on a camera I've seen before. That nest cam seems be able to catch alot of detail on the objects around him, like counter, window behind him, etc. Yet the facial image gives a blurry effect, lots of so called ghost photo and videos have turned out like this. It's really hard to prove something like this without a clear picture and maybe even some physical evidence. Either way this one of the best ghost videos or picture in a long time. makes me deny all ignorance.

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