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Engineering Brexit : Trump Israel Five Eyes ACRE

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posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 06:13 AM
This thread contains open sourced facts about Brexit gleaned from wikipedia and news articles

The Commons vote on PM Theresa's May and EU created Brexit deal is tomorrow . Crucial events are about to happen . Hardline Brexiteers are now coming into line behind the deal , soft as it is , because they wish to see future UK governments wrest back control of policy . To regain overarching sovereignty is far more important than making the concessions to Europe which deal as it stands allows .

Four Conservative Brexiteer MPs who have been critics of the withdrawal agreement have now said they will support the government in the vote on Tuesday.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, MP for the Cotswolds, said he still had "deep misgivings" about many aspects of Mrs May's deal. But he said:"The events of last week have clearly demonstrated that the Speaker and MPs who wish to remain in the EU will stop at nothing to prevent that happening."

Former Public Accounts Committee chairman Sir Edward Leigh said Brexit-supporting MPs were "playing with fire" if they voted down the deal.

Andrew Murrison, a former minister, and Caroline Johnson, MP for Sleaford and North Hykeham, also said they were backing the government despite reservations.

There are EU stooges and plants in both major parties - the speaker is one of them , Corbyn is another .

Speaking to factory workers, Mrs May will say on Monday: "As we have seen over the last few weeks, there are some in Westminster who would wish to delay or even stop Brexit and who will use every device available to them to do so."

She is to add that she now believes MPs blocking Brexit is more likely than a no-deal scenario.

Oddschecker has put the chances of likely outcomes and you can place bets on them .

3 : 1 ---- Leave with no deal

3 : 1 ---- Second referendum where the public votes remain

There are no odds offered on the government's current plan of leaving with a deal .

On the European side of things , the unelected bureaucrats are getting worried . They would like Britain to exit on the date specified : 29th March , even with a deal or even no deal .

Why ? Because the "election" process in Europe is to renew itself in May this year . If the UK has brokered an extension to article 50 and remains in the EU during these elections there will be problems .

For the most part , the British people have not - yet - come to understand properly how the European voting system works . They'll be entitled to vote for MEP's , and as a result they will likely come to understand what a farce European politics actually is . With the last two years' further education of the British public regarding European politics , the conclusions they will reach, will be the same as Nigel Farage and LePen , et al. openly state - it's a farce a pantomime a stitch up .

The British people will come to understand just who are the major players and not least the European People's Party , and how the quiet but forceful undertow of illegitimate closed group bias and it's vested interest in superstate power has put once sovereign European countries into constitutional peril , despite the loud protests .

Britain is not facing this crisis alone , devoid of support from the continent and elsewhere in the globe :

The Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe, formerly known as the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, is a conservative and eurosceptic European political party with a main focus on reforming the European Union on the basis of Eurorealism, as opposed to total rejection of the EU

This is the umbrella group to which the UK Conservative Party now belong .

It currently has twenty-four member parties and three further independent members from twenty-one countries, in addition to seven regional partners worldwide.
[9] The political movement was founded on 1 October 2009,[10] after the creation of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) political group in the European Parliament. It was officially recognised by the European Parliament in January 2010.
ACRE is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by the Council, which represents all ACRE member parties.
[11] The ACRE's President is Jan Zahradil MEP, and its Secretary-General is Daniel Hannan MEP. The Vice-Presidents are Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson MP from Iceland, Anna Fotyga MEP from Poland, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP from the United Kingdom and Zafer Sirakaya from Turkey.

ACRE has considerable implications :

ACRE is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by the Council, which represents all ACRE member parties.

Various political parties from inside and some from outside Europe became members of this political party which PM Cameron helped to form after falling out with the EPP in 2009 . For example opposition parties from eg Poland Czeck Italy
In latter days leading up to the Brexit vote , these heavyweights joined ACRE :

the Conservative Party of Canada became the ACRE's first associate member (later renamed 'regional partners') in November 2012; Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party in November 2013;

And extra heavyweights are also now onboard :

The Liberal Party of Australia, Istiqlal Party of Morocco, National Party of New Zealand, and Republican Party of the United States joined as further regional partners in 2014, followed by Afek Tounes and Likud Movement in 2015 and 2016.


Adding together those ruling parties alludes to the existence the Five Eyes spy network , all five countries involved in that are on the list of ACRE partners which intend to reform Europe .

Add to them all the powers of Israel's leaders Likud , and that is now a formidable alliance which the EPP have to face off . Given the timescales since 2009 it increasingly looks like a comprehensive rebuttal to the covertly developing powers of a centralised Europe has been put together :

ACRE wiki Principles

Here ends a list of notable facts about Brexit which may better inform understandings . Comment is that no deal brexit , at 3:1 may start to look less likely , but , if the odds of that go up it might still quietly be on the cards .

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 07:24 AM
I found it funny that you whined and whined about the EU ("what a farce European politics actually is", "unelected bureaucrats", "it's a farce a pantomime a stitch up", etc), while completely avoiding the point.

The point being "what are you whining about"?
Losing some sovereignity - well that came with a larger impact overall on the global scene than being the UK alone. And every other country in the EU did the same, do not forget or deny that.
New rules imposed - well, the beaches ARE cleaner, the pollution went way down. Nobody needs the 60W bulbs anymore, LED is far superior. Well, the low-power vacuums do suck definitely in a worse way, but that might change in some years, too.

Anyway, IF the parliament WOULD stop the brexit, whose fault is that? Ok, we are on ATS, so it is "obviously" the bribing done by the EU. But it could be that there is a new insight into leaving the EU in the parliament, maybe?

Maybe they decide to pull the hard exit - that will be fun, like in watching the Titanic from aboard the innocent iceberg...

I do not think that May will pull through, her plan is so full of holes and wishful thinking, I doubt that the parliament will be pleased enough by it.

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I enjoyed reading your reply because it sounds as if its from Jean-Claude himself !

The point being "what are you whining about"?

That's what he said to Nigel

Maybe they decide to pull the hard exit - that will be fun, like in watching the Titanic from aboard the innocent iceberg...

Great line - the jest of a courageous brinksman .

Whether or not May survives , Brexit and or substantial reform of European Treaties appears to be (once again) the intention of a very powerful lobby :


The Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) brings together parties committed to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, private property, low taxes, sound money, free trade, open competition, and the devolution of power.
ACRE believes in a Europe of independent nations, working together for mutual gain while each retaining its identity and integrity.
ACRE is committed to the equality of all European democracies, whatever their size, and regardless of which international associations they join.
ACRE favours the exercise of power at the lowest practicable level—by the individual where possible, by local or national authorities in preference to supranational bodies.
ACRE understands that open societies rest upon the dignity and autonomy of the individual, who should be as free as possible from state coercion. The liberty of the individual includes freedom of religion and worship, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of movement and association, freedom of contract and employment, and freedom from oppressive, arbitrary or punitive taxation.
ACRE recognises the equality of all citizens before the law, regardless of ethnicity, sex or social class. It rejects all forms of extremism, authoritarianism and racism.
ACRE cherishes the important role of civil associations, families and other bodies that fill the space between the individual and the government.
ACRE acknowledges the unique democratic legitimacy of the nation-state. ACRE is committed to the spread of free commerce and open competition, in Europe and globally.
ACRE supports the principles of the Prague Declaration of March 2009 and the work of the European Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament and allied groups on the other European assemblies.

Legitimately these appear to be good intentions

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: DoctorBluechip
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I enjoyed reading your reply because it sounds as if its from Jean-Claude himself !

I feel flattered. You shouldn't, really

The point being "what are you whining about"?

That's what he said to Nigel

And yet, I do not know what you meant with this..

Maybe they decide to pull the hard exit - that will be fun, like in watching the Titanic from aboard the innocent iceberg...

Great line - the jest of a courageous brinksman .

I am not entirely sure what you meant by "brinksman". It seems to mean that I would be willing to risk something for my policies. That was a quite vague translation, I guess.

Whether or not May survives , Brexit and or substantial reform of European Treaties appears to be (once again) the intention of a very powerful lobby :


The Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE)..

Legitimately these appear to be good intentions

If only.. the former head of Germany's AfD, Bernd Luecke wasnt the (single) member from Germany in this.

Okay, they are not as extreme as the current AfD wants to be in the EU-parliament who seem to want to promote the "DEXIT", but only if the Deutsche Mark is installed prior and some more ideas of that kind. Crude stuff in my opinion. History has buried that currency, and to want it back is the epitomy of backwards looking.

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

Definition of brinkmanship. : the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety especially to force a desired outcome.

Is there a single member of ACRE from Germany ? ACRE profess to support the higher ideals of politics- belonging to individual nations - which are currently being cherrypicked by the EPP .
Currency is largely just a convenient means of exchange . Even if countries have already adopted the Eurodollar it doesn't necessarily mean they should have their other political or economic autonomy eroded .

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
I found it funny that you whined and whined about the EU ("what a farce European politics actually is", "unelected bureaucrats", "it's a farce a pantomime a stitch up", etc), while completely avoiding the point.

The point being "what are you whining about"?
Losing some sovereignity - well that came with a larger impact overall on the global scene than being the UK alone. And every other country in the EU did the same, do not forget or deny that.
New rules imposed - well, the beaches ARE cleaner, the pollution went way down. Nobody needs the 60W bulbs anymore, LED is far superior. Well, the low-power vacuums do suck definitely in a worse way, but that might change in some years, too.

I was wondering too. Going back to being led by Westminster...aka, sovereignty, simply means we shall all be once again lauded over by a minority of upper class twits who enjoyed their erstwhile power. Working man will once again restricted to a smoke and a pint at the weekend...and broke the rest of the week.
The funny thing about fervent brexiteers...apart from their lies during the referendum campaign that actually undercut the democratic way, is that they never mention that all the EU countries had input to all the decisions made in the EU, and not being, 'ruled by Brussels' unilaterally. They also seem to forget what a penny-halfpenny set-up Westminster is, there'll be no more big EU style projects coming our way like Wales got, as did the Republic of Ireland..etc. etc!

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 12:18 PM
Well let me see if I've got this right. As an Englishman I know the lie of unelected bureaucrats in the EU. The UK had 73 democratically elected MEPs. Just because they didn't do their just work the whole gets lambasted.
So yeah let's get rid of these elected MEPs and instead let's be controlled by an unelected elite, ACRE. Conservative at that. How does that work for our sovereignty.

posted on Jan, 14 2019 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

So yeah let's get rid of these elected MEPs and instead let's be controlled by an unelected elite, ACRE. Conservative at that. How does that work for our sovereignty.

Via the principles laid out by the ACRE for example :

1. ACRE believes in a Europe of independent nations, working together for mutual gain while each retaining its identity and integrity.

2. The Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) brings together parties committed to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, the rule of law,

3 . ACRE acknowledges the unique democratic legitimacy of the nation-state.

Reading between the lines , these principles are set out to counter the unwanted changes the EPP has forced (eg Lisbon Treaty) which have presently taken most of Europe into the wrong hands . The principles are the necessary lines of attack which identify the particular areas most in need of reform .
And to anyone with a reasonable understanding of PPE then reform is necessary , because European democracies are being used and abused by a centralist elite in an unaccountable fashion of late , whereas the old school norms of legitimate governance are not to be ignored . Supersedence cannot be tolerated for long and in the case of Brexit is being immediately disallowed.

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