posted on Jan, 12 2019 @ 05:51 AM
Good day, my Human brothers and sisters.
So, here am i, after a long period digesting the pill, on my way to awakening and for the first time sharing my thoughts on a forum.
Until now, i just couldn´t find people who to talk with. i have found myself in a reality where prisoners are the ones making all efforts to avoid
each-other´s escape.
I am 44 years old, born in Africa during the Portuguese occupation right when "revolution" happened in Portugal.
I am Portuguese though and lived most of my life, here, in this most beautiful and special place.
Had the chance of getting in touch with several different cultures for i have been around Europe, living and working as life would present to me.
Right now i see Portugal already conquered by all means, even mentality and society, to the point of imagining being of the last ones in the
"civilized" world to come to wake up. Extremely hard to find people to even debate and discuss the fact of us being living an Incredibly Designed
This will go for my 4th year after my awakening event. It has been a process but i underline this event as the point in time when it passed from the
inside to my main conscience. I may be able to talk about it with whom may show such interest.
I Speak Portuguese as English and also Spanish and French on a slightly lower level than the first two, may help you guys with translating and
interpreting in case you need it.
I am happy to find such place that makes me FEEL that i may find some resonance with my line of thought.
well, i welcome you all to my world and leave you the key to my heart in case of this post giving place to a clear and honest relationship.
I wish you all a stupendous 2019.
May We All Be One