posted on Jan, 11 2019 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to:
Oh ya! The bailouts, I almost forgot about that whole thing, it was a big craze some years ago, even here on ATS. And it was more retarted then
the whole Obama arguments. That whole thing went through without any uproar and as smooth as butter in the government. Were they not selling it as it
will help the economy and jobs?
And meanwhile now some many years latter, it has achieved absolutely nothing besides what you said above, in fact tax payers will still be paying for
it for a while to come.
And meanwhile they have been arguing these past years for the 5 billion to build a measly wall that Trump wants, which will really effect things
besides creating some jobs, stop some illegals here and there, maybe put a dent in the drug runs and indentured sex market rings, but in all not that
much. But it will still achieve more then the whole 18.5 trillion has.
Ah ain't life funny.
The real danger is not the the insanely rich and there pet peves, but the really really stupid people. Its what keeps them
in power, and is the source of 99% of the worlds wows.