posted on Jan, 11 2019 @ 10:01 AM
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In that case, turned out the burglars were "Travellers". They got death threats and had to move out pronto. Journos covering the funeral were also
threatened and intimidated.
In a situation like that you never know what you will do until it happens.
Happened to me at uni. Big house and all other students had left for end of term except me - had exams left.
Landlord's girlfriend was in her room when her ex broke in and tried to rape her. I kicked the door in and confronted him and he left vowing dire
consequences for me. Bigger than me! I was terrified but as they say - "fight or flight". In the circumstances, flight was not an option.
I had to stay for a week in there on my own. Landlord put empty bottles round the windows to warn me if he broke in and gave me a crate of Bud and a
pick axe handle which I slept with. Not that I got much sleep.
Landlord told me later that the guy would not be bothering anyone again.