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Lady molested and injured by TSA-Left unattended, bleeding from wound.

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posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:16 PM
Yep, you read that right.
Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media reports on her being mishandled by TSA at an American airport!

Frankly, this incident simply enrages me and anymore, it takes an awful lot to get me riled up. Melissa makes a lot of valid points in this short video, and she's definitely correct about at least one thing..............the US is run like a damned prison anymore.

She's also correct in that perhaps the population of the US deserves what they're getting. As she notes, millions of brain dead sheeple put up with this very same form of abuse, year after year, as they are groped, molested and abused by airport security personnel.

Knowing that the vast majority of the US population has no stomach whatsoever for standing up to this abuse, a recent gallup poll shows a record number of people want to leave the US. umbers%2520of%2520Americans%2520Want%2520to%2520Leave%2520the%2520U.S

Story Highlights: 40% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S. 22% who disapprove of Trump would like to move vs. 7% who approve Canada is top desired destination for would-be migrant Americans

But hey, the vast majority of US "Americans" just go along with the abuse because......its all about safety. But hey, I guess there's one upside! You can rest assured that when you drop your teenage daughter off at the airport, her first sexual experience will be at the hands of someone wearing a rubber glove!

For those of you who can't, or are too lazy to watch the video, know that a couple of days before going to the airport, Melissa suffered severe injury to her knee in which she suffered a long and deep cut after a hard fall and apparently a slide on pavement. At the airport, she had her knee bandaged and wrapped. The security goon, after gleefully molesting her, then swept her gloved hand down Mel's leg, knocking the wrap and bandage off the wound which proceeded to reopen and bleed profusely. Rather than help, the security goon just.............left, and without clearing Mel to leave the security area.

Clear skies ahead!

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: TonyS

She's also correct in that perhaps the population of the US deserves what they're getting. As she notes, millions of brain dead sheeple put up with this very same form of abuse, year after year, as they are groped, molested and abused by airport security personnel.


Knowing that the vast majority of the US population has no stomach whatsoever for standing up to this abuse...

The really sad part is that someone somewhere will tell us why it's the injured passenger's fault and she deserved it. The poor TSA agent was just doing her job donchaknow...

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I'm tired of all the bootlickers.

All the thin blue line idiots who think it's ok for police of any kind to act as judge, jury, and in some cases, executioner. These people ASSUME that there is no corruption, meanwhile, they bark real loud about the 2nd Amendment and how it is there to protect us from government corruption, all the while forgetting that cops are the first line enforcers for the government.

TSA is no different. Though generally, they hire just about anyone with a clear background check, They still run a "we're always right and you'll take the abuse and like it" operation.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I've never heard or seen anyone defend the TSA.

They have to be, in my opinion, the most useless and incompetent agency in the entire US.

I think disbanding the TSA and letting the airlines and airports be responsible for their security will be more effective.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: Boadicea

I'm tired of all the bootlickers.

All the thin blue line idiots who think it's ok for police of any kind to act as judge, jury, and in some cases, executioner. These people ASSUME that there is no corruption, meanwhile, they bark real loud about the 2nd Amendment and how it is there to protect us from government corruption, all the while forgetting that cops are the first line enforcers for the government.

TSA is no different. Though generally, they hire just about anyone with a clear background check, They still run a "we're always right and you'll take the abuse and like it" operation.

Truth. Every word. And I'm right there with you.

But I have no idea how we got to this point and no idea what to do about it. And that's what really makes me mad -- at myself more than anything.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Boadicea

I've never heard or seen anyone defend the TSA.

Unfortunately, I have... a few I have to call "family"... and they're people who travel frequently for business and pleasure... I don't get it.

They have to be, in my opinion, the most useless and incompetent agency in the entire US.

I think disbanding the TSA and letting the airlines and airports be responsible for their security will be more effective.

I agree. I also think the airlines were quite happy for the TSA to be established and save them the liability and expense of security. Just one more craptistic piece of crony capitalism with a big dollop of tyranny thrown in.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

TSA aren't "police" anymore than IRS agents are. They're little more than perverts and psychopaths dreamed up and granted power by DC critters who believe all Americans should say "how high?" the moment Big Brother demands they jump.

In a perfect world, the shutdown drags on long enough for there to be no TSA agents willing to go to work for a delayed paycheck and the situation is forced to be commercial flights without any TSA. A month or two of zero TSA checked flights with zero incidents of Muslims hijacking or blowing up planes would make a good case for scaling down the TSA tremendously once the shutdown is over.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 02:19 PM
abolish TSA not ICE, end of story.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 02:52 PM
Melissa Dykes molested by a female TSA worker....

Is this a joke?

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:02 PM
Most people who use air transportation, do it as a part of their job. They either put up with the TSA groping or won't be able to fly. TSA will put someone on a troublesome flier list for almost any problems a passenger imposes on the TSA's actions. Being on the troublesome flier list targets a passenger for more aggressive actions by the TSA.

A passenger that can't accept security screening at airports should drive, not fly, charter a flight, or fly themselves to their destination.

The only collective action that can be taken is boycott.
edit on 9-1-2019 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:11 PM
So now we're back to believing stories with no proof? Okay, I just need to make sure we're all in lockstep. Glad I'm back on track because before I saw all the posts, I didn't believe her any more than Christine Blasey Ford..who I didn't believe at all.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:15 PM
I think she got the 2nd degree because of who she's married to.
Not that they don't randomly screw with people but in this case I;m betting they're both on a list.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Id like to see that poll done without Trump as the benchmark. How many actually want to leave, vs how many just want to spit hyperbole?

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: TonyS

Id like to see that poll done without Trump as the benchmark. How many actually want to leave, vs how many just want to spit hyperbole?

I had the very same thought. But my "guess", not particularly educated at that, is that its less about Trump than it is the demographic, i.e. females in their 30's. That's a group that is probably pre-programmed to embrace "globalism and diversty". At least until they get their first case of "tourista". Then its probably back to mom's loft in Portlandia.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

That's an interesting observation I will have to research. So, what is so special about Aaron?

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Boadicea

I've never heard or seen anyone defend the TSA.

They have to be, in my opinion, the most useless and incompetent agency in the entire US.

I think disbanding the TSA and letting the airlines and airports be responsible for their security will be more effective.

1. They have never once, ever stopped an incident from happening, since their inception.

2. When ran through testing through Homeland Security, they have a 98% failure rate.

given this information why we are spending billions a year on them, this is ridiculous......

If i was that bad at my job, not only would I be fired but my company would be out of business.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:24 PM
TSA workers have been arrested for everything from being in a child porn ring, to child rape and one even for taking up up-skirt photo's. Any low skilled, low paying job that gives a person power over others is a magnet for some very unsavory characters. I can't imagine anyone actually wanting to do what they do, for that money, for anything other than nefarious reasons.

List of just some of the TSA scandals.

The TSA is just a dog and pony show to give the false impression of safety. Walking through a detector and having a real professional just standing there observing would be far better security and I think they know that. I guess it does benefit bullies, control freaks and deviants by providing them with a secure job.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:39 PM
This is a topic, despite political affiliation, that sides can agree on with shutting down the TSA's anti privacy measures. There shouldn't be an issue, in a just society anyway, for pre 2008 or so techniques to security-- before airports were implementing the invasive scanners and groping throughout the airport system.
edit on 9-1-2019 by dreamingawake because: corrected

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Boadicea

I've never heard or seen anyone defend the TSA.

They have to be, in my opinion, the most useless and incompetent agency in the entire US.

I think disbanding the TSA and letting the airlines and airports be responsible for their security will be more effective.

It's disgraceful that citizens are harassed and forced to show their papers to travel domestically, but the left wants undocumented non-citizens to have the freedom to cross our border.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Boadicea

I've never heard or seen anyone defend the TSA.

I have had limited experience with Tampa and NOLA, but I found them to be courteous and professional. Maybe it was just the Canadian passports. But it's not like the good ones, and I'm certain the majority of them are, ever get credit.

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