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posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 11:44 PM
I am currently cunducting reserch on the western United States unixplained mysteries. I would like to talk to any one having an encounter with big foot in the 11 western states. This is a real study being conducted for a publication. Any one having first hand contact please send me a PM. I will be gathering information via e-mail and phone. Thank You for your help in theis matter.


I need to put this on hold until I can get aproval from the moderators of this site. I am sorry for getting ahead of myself.

[edit on 27-2-2005 by Sir_Titus]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 12:02 AM

This is a real study being conducted for a publication. Any one having first hand contact please send me a PM. I will be gathering information via e-mail and phone. Thank You for your help in theis matter.

Did you bother getting Simon's permission before soliciting the members? This is from the Terms & Conditions of ATS:

7.) You will not copy material from these discussion forums, to post on other websites, quote in offline research, or any other publication without my (Simon Gray) permission.

11.) You will not post advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or solicitations, all of which are inappropriate and prohibited by this website. You will not, furthermore, collect personal information about forum members for the purpose of sending them any such advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or solicitations through other means (email, messaging programs, etc.).

12.) You agree not to cultivate the membership of the discussion boards for the sending of private messages (board U2U or e-mail) for the purposes of marketing, mass mailing, or recruitment for other groups (offline or online) such as activist groups or other online discussion board websites. You will not also seek to rally the membership of the discussion board for any cause withouot prior written permission from the site owner.


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