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Sicilian mayor defies Salvini on residency terms for migrants

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posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: XL5

After all, true mixing of people will only result in one color, one religion, one culture and one language. There will be no boarders or walls, but there will be one govt. with many branches.

This will not create unity nor future for mankind but it will destroy humankind forever.If there is one race and once language it wont be the same as before. This only leads to destruction not world one govts. Imagine yourself living in that world where everyone looks the same?

What kind of future is that?


posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 02:41 PM
If there is no civil war and everything goes to their plan, there will be drama and more rapes, murders and thefts for a few generations. When every one is that same color and what not, there will be no more differences to "justify" any more attacks. By then the govt will have the power imprison anyone for anything and no one can claim racism.

It is the future they want.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: AtlasHawk
What a great logic you have liberal.
So just because the Spanish have taken Ceuta and Melilla does that mean those towns should get replaced by Africans? no. Does that mean Europe should also get replaced to?
That's your logic.

I see... so for you it's ok for the Caucasians to invade foreign lands and kick out the non-white population, but not for those invaded to fight back? Let me tell you something: no culture is above others in the world, we are all the same and all equal. Skin colour supremacy is an outdated ideology based on ignorance and only upheld by those who are jealous of the physical strength of people who look different.

Europeans replaced the native populations in 3 continents and that's ok with you, but you complain when you think the opposite is now happening? Hypocrite much?

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Agartha

The Mafia And A Nigerian Gang Are Targeting Refugees In Sicily

Targeting refugees and not locals, the exact opposite of what some xenophobic members here would have you believe.
Same as all their other fantasies, like saying more males than females ask for asylum.

originally posted by: XL5
After all, true mixing of people will only result in one color, one religion, one culture and one language.

One language? look how well Esperanto worked! LOL

One colour? Will not happen because of recessive genes which may be masked by the dominant genes but not exterminated. The rarer genotype will always be there and will appear every so often (hence why blue eyes, blonde hair or red hair will never disappear even with perfect mixing). The 'blending model of inheritance' is not possible, because a child is never a perfect mix between parents, a child is a genetic cross between 50% of his/her father and 50% of his/her mother, including recessive genes from their ancestors. Genes don't average! A good explanation here.

One religion? The opposite actually happens, look at Christianity for example, it started as one and now there are more than 30 thousand denominations... and they all dislike each other. LOL

There will be no boarders or walls, but there will be one govt. with many branches. This is what the left want

I hope you are joking and you actually see the contradiction in your sentence above... massive contradiction!


posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 01:38 PM
Agartha, so are you saying is wrong, or a bunch of nazi's? . That said, if 10k people are brown and one is white, basically non-existent, she or he will also be considered to be a freak.

Also, not joking, why would a one word govt. that controls everybody as they see fit need a border. If it is the one govt. with many branches that is the issue, right now there are many govt.s all with their own way of doing things, with a single govt. all the branches would serve one goal.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: Agartha

I see... so for you it's ok for the Caucasians to invade foreign lands and kick out the non-white population, but not for those invaded to fight back? Let me tell you something: no culture is above others in the world, we are all the same and all equal. Skin colour supremacy is an outdated ideology based on ignorance and only upheld by those who are jealous of the physical strength of people who look different.

Given your same logic then, how is that any different by punishing Caucasians by replacing them? Caucasians created the western civilization and have brought something to Africa what they never had. Medicine, Agricultural.

we are all the same and all equal.

Nice pipe fantasy you share that same fantasy as Soros and other Liberals preaching diversity, Multiculturalism. And please don't start claiming that we are all Africans or that somehow Europeans and Asians all human kind started in Africa. When the real history of the human race and many ethnic groups is actually hidden.
edit on 9-1-2019 by AtlasHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2019 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: XL5
Agartha, so are you saying is wrong, or a bunch of nazi's?

Bunch of nazi's? LOL No, supremacists are nazis, as nazis believed to be better based on ignorance.

Live science is ok but if you analyze the article you posted they do not give any evidence for their statements, it's just an opinion article, opinion based on guesswork and not studies as shown throughout the article but most specifically here:

"The only explanation for the observed pattern that was consistent with the data (that we could think of) was that assortative mating had changed," Lauderdale told Life's Little Mysteries.

That said, if 10k people are brown and one is white, basically non-existent, she or he will also be considered to be a freak.

Quite the opposite. Our ancestors were all dark until a gene changed and the first person with blue eyes appeared. As they were so unusual people wanted to mate with them and this is how we ended up with millions of blue eyed people.

Also skin colour depends on more than 20 genes, half from mother, half from father, hence it will be impossible for all the genes that cause lighter skin to disappear. EVIDENCE HERE. As a simple example just google the vast number of biracial twins with biracial parents who both inherited different genes, making one of them black and the other white. And that's how Brazil really is: ignorant people would make you think everybody in Brazil is a homogenous brown, when they are not.

Also read about black parents having white children (not albino, white). How is that possible? Very simple: dormant genes that are inherited until they meet their match, another proof of genes never dying (google the story of Nmachi Ihegboro).

Also, not joking, why would a one word govt. that controls everybody as they see fit need a border. If it is the one govt. with many branches that is the issue, right now there are many govt.s all with their own way of doing things, with a single govt. all the branches would serve one goal.

The contradiction was on what 'leftists' want: yes, we love open borders just like living in the EU is but we love countries to maintain their own identity, because we enjoy and respect other people's uniqueness, we are not afraid of differences, we embrace them. Hence the opposite of what we want is a one world government... hence the contradiction in your post.

originally posted by: AtlasHawk
Caucasians created the western civilization and have brought something to Africa what they never had. Medicine, Agricultural.

Colonialism destroyed Africa, in every way. Same with Latin America. Of course Africans should stop blaming the past, their modern governments are to blame for how bad things are right now, but there is something we cannot escape: if African had not been colonized and depleted of its resources and young people, the continent would be very different now.

The impact of colonialism on African economic development.

Nice pipe fantasy you share that same fantasy as Soros and other Liberals preaching diversity, Multiculturalism.

Wow.... how insignificant do you have to be to believe we are not all equal... disgusting...... we are one race, Homo Sapiens, we are all the same. People who think they are superior because they have less melanin need to feel so to compensate for low IQ, small manhood, ugly physical features and low paid jobs... psychology 101.

And please don't start claiming that we are all Africans or that somehow Europeans and Asians all human kind started in Africa. When the real history of the human race and many ethnic groups is actually hidden.

Sure pal... and the Earth is flat........

posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 05:33 AM
Salvini seems to be very good in recent times at gathering former "weird and dubious" terrorists and arresting them !
Not so good at a tight grip against migrants ...

I wonder how good is he, together with the minister of finance at searching for a "few" billion Euros to fix the 2019 broken budget !

edit on 19-1-2019 by Flanker86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2019 @ 12:07 PM
So , as thought by the elites, Italy got invaded by migrants with the purpose to replace the population, and to for an anti-Russian Islamist bulwark against Putin .... did it work well ?

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 03:21 PM
After the anti-migrants theater (the Italian govt including Salvini are heavily pro-illegal migrants) reality kicks in , and Slavini needs another media story to temporarily (very shortly) boost his ratings .... the usual one seems to be Roma people or other gypsies ... whatever the reason ...

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