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Another Recent Example Why Facebook SUCKS and why we need to BUILD THAT WALL!

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posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: JHumm

I don't think a stupid money pit of a wall equals a secure border anymore than a locked door will keep a determined burglar out of my house.

I don't think that a wall will keep everyone out either, I never said that it would.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 09:19 PM

edit on 290900000012 by JHumm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: gallop
a reply to: fleabit

So, you're not content enough with home grown murderers, you want imported illegal murderers also?

Seems while one is not easily preventable, you're not OK with the other being preventable.

Where did I say I was OK with any murderers?

Also I was just pointing out the hypocrisy. It's equally hilarious that it's overlooked that gun murders by illegals would also be reduced along with U.S. citizen murders, if there was better gun vetting than the joke of a system we have now.

But hey.. let's build a 120 mile WALL to fix the problem instead! yup.. hilarious.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Can I get one on e-bay?

But my dog will run away if I don't have a front door.

A good dog owner doesn't need to worry about that. Maybe you should spend more time training your dog instead of being on ATS.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: Carcharadon

I have a retriever. He tends to follow his nose.

Funny though, he just nosed my hand off the keyboard.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Phage

Well, it would be better than no wall. 5 billion is nothing compared to the total 2018 Federal Budget and if you want to look at "money pits" there have been worse offenders in the past than Trump's border wall.

The report notes that the number of people illegally crossing the Israel-Egypt border was more than 16,000 in 2011 and less than 20 in 2016, a 99 percent decrease.

The 2018 federal budget is $4 trillion dollars. Basically, $4,000,000,000,000. Donald Trump is asking for $5 billion dollars to fund the wall. Now $5 billion dollars is a lot of money for an individual. That is Lannister sh*tting gold rich for GOT fans. However, in the context of the US government spending $4 trillion, it really isn't a lot of money for a major capital project like securing the border.

Let that sink in. So the federal government is essentially shut down over what amounts to a $500 expenditure for someone who makes $400,000 a year... Since some of you can't relate to making $400k/yr if you remove one zero, it is like someone who makes $40,000 a year not being able to spend $50. If Republicans put this out in these terms so everyone could understand, I don't see how the Democrats can stand with a straight face justifying not giving DJT his wall funding.

The federal government made more than $136 billion in improper payments in 2015, according to a new report from a government watchdog.

Programs with the highest amount of improper payments in 2015 include: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps, which spent more than $2.5 billion in improper payments; Medicaid, which made $29 billion in improper payments; the Earned Income Tax Credit, which estimated improper payments of $15.6 billion; and Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance, which paid out $5 billion in improper payments.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: strongfp

That's a strawman argument.

This murder was preventable.

Authorities weren't able to report this POS to ICE, so he was allowed to stay here to kill a cop.

Who knows how many others he and his garbage family victimized while invading our country.

not as many as that white right-wing bastard in vegas mowing down what?...58/59 people?...what a white garbage family did that guy have?...keep stoking the hatred, that's the ONLY TALENT the right has on ATS

Since when was it established that he was right wing? If that were even remotely true the MSM would be screaming it from the rooftops 24/7.

Stop being a liar.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: Carcharadon
Anyone that is against the Wall being built is pro-slavery and pro sex/human trafficking.

Simple as that.

Seems we have a lot of people on this site that like sex slavery, human trafficking and the abuse and exploitation of poor brown people.

Bunch of sick and deranged people on the left these days.'s just you

Nope. That's on the degenerate left who want mass rape to keep happening to women and kids at the border. Ever heard of Rape Trees? Look it up. That's what you support so you should be informed.

It's the deviant left that want brown people to come in and be slaves in all but name so their corporate masters can maximize profits. RINO's are also included in this.

It's the degenerate left that wants the border left open so that the easy flow of future sex abuse victims continues unabated.

That my friend is what you and your ilk support with the open borders crap.

Just own it. Don't be such a coward, stand by your party. Be a man about it and be honest.

Is it an ideological thing for you or do you have a personal interest in keeping the slaves and sex slaves pipeline going?

Were you always a pervert or is it a recent development?
edit on 29-12-2018 by Carcharadon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

5 billion is nothing compared to the total

And won't build his wall.

He's been claiming his wall is "being built." It isn't. He wants validation. He won't get it.

edit on 12/29/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
Here’s an idea.

If every single person that had a problem with Facebook stopped using it, their stock value would plummet and they’d soon go bust.

What happens instead? Those same people create ANOTHER account to then moan about Facebook and boost their overall numbers, inflating their stock value, letting them collect more data which makes them more money.

Solution? Stop using Facebook. Problem solved.

I don't use Facebook and never have, but I often wish they weren't so biased so I could use their platform since everyone else does and I often miss out on many things my friends are family are doing as a result. As projectvxn stated, Facebook is now equivalent to something like a town square, I am often considered weird for the fact I don't use it, plus some employers require you to have a Facebook account. Your argument is pure nonsense and nothing but an attempt to justify the extremely obvious bias, censorship, and data harvesting that goes on at Facebook.

posted on Dec, 29 2018 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

A global village square.

With its share of global village idiots, I suppose.

Oh well. Never saw the point, but then, I have a flip phone.

edit on 12/29/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: TerryDon79

No, problem not solved.

This is about mass censorship on a platform that hosts 2/3rds of the population in user accounts in the US alone.

The censorship targets majority of those whom aren't supportive to the open border agenda or aren't pro migrant. Which is wrong.

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 06:12 AM
A little off topic, but does anyone know what that song is that Trump plays at the end of his speeches/rallies please? It's like a choral female choir song (though that may just be the intro of it, as these vids always cut out seconds into it). Thanks!

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 10:30 AM
How about illegal immigration reform and cracking down on jobs paying illegal immigrants. Then if that doesn't work, build a wall.

Does Trump even have a detailed plan on exactly how much everything will cost to complete and then maintain the wall?

Is there any research to back up on how well a wall will be effective?

I'm sorry for this cop, but I think people are jumping the gun on this wall issue..

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 10:30 AM
Double post
edit on 30-12-2018 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 10:43 AM

Nope. That's on the degenerate left who want mass rape to keep happening to women and kids at the border. Ever heard of Rape Trees? Look it up. That's what you support so you should be informed.

It's the deviant left that want brown people to come in and be slaves in all but name so their corporate masters can maximize profits. RINO's are also included in this.

It's the degenerate left that wants the border left open so that the easy flow of future sex abuse victims continues unabated.

That my friend is what you and your ilk support with the open borders crap.

Just own it. Don't be such a coward, stand by your party. Be a man about it and be honest.

Is it an ideological thing for you or do you have a personal interest in keeping the slaves and sex slaves pipeline going?

Were you always a pervert or is it a recent development?

What a hilarious pile of steaming bullcrap. Can you possibly be more wrong than you are (and any more dramatically)?

Just FYI, "build a giant wall" isn't the only way to fix world problems. By your logic, every country in the world that has problems with drugs, illegal immigrants, rape, murder, or just about anything else, needs to build a wall around their country as the only possible solution.

Every neighborhood in America that has issues of growing crime, rape, or drug use, should also obviously build a giant wall around their community, because like.. that's the only POSSIBLE way to deal with the problem.

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: shawmanfromny

Don’t use Facebook.

Problem solved.

Agree 100% People are being used by FB for everything from simple demographics to political leanings and religious beliefs. There's no free speech on FB - it's a venue for FB engineers to gather information - to sell it, to use it against people they don't agree with and to exercise control of the masses.

If you're not part of the "masses", you can't be controlled.

Cancel your FB account. Find another way to communicate with friends and family.
edit on 30-12-2018 by Phantom423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2018 @ 04:29 AM
Should of said 'criminal' instead of 'illegal immigrant' then I bet those posts would remain.

Because let's face it this is what it comes down to, the guy was scum, a criminal. People are scum regardless of nationality or citizenship.

That's how they'll be looking at it no doubt, not helped by the fact most of their 'moderation' is automated, get enough people report a post and the system shuts it down, regardless of if it breaches the ToS.

(A common tactic of soldiers and military supporters to shut down anti-military groups and pages. Just spam that report for desired results)

And let's be fair, this crap happens on both sides. There will be those (obviously) who will twist it to their own ends by pushing conversation on illegal immigration, that one bad Mexican makes them all bad.

No different from me seeing a mass shooting in the news and saying "That one American was a trigger happy psycho, so ALL Americans should be avoided....."

Deny it, but that is the exact logic being used here. If this had been someone born in the U.S who shot the cop this would hardly be making waves.

But yeah, what don't people understand? Everything on the interwebz is voluntary. Freedom of speech does not apply in private.
Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Buzzfeed. You visit a site, you become a member, you click AGREE every step of their EULA, you agree to their rules, whether you like it or not.

And if you don't like it? Then why the # are you even there. It's like people complaining about their enemies seeing their profile when they refuse to use the privacy settings available to them.

No different here? ATS has rules, we agree to them? Does anyone attack ATS staff when they staff a post or bans a user for breaking those rules?

Nope, people got a nice big easy target with companies like Facebook. They're in the public eye. They're easier to attack to push your own ends. You don't have to take personal responsibility when it's Youtube because they're the big guy, so they're the bad guy.
All the while forgetting we have freewill. We choose to be in these places. Nobody is forcing us to be there anymore than they are forcing us to be here.

While we're at it let's blame the TV for not having an off button.

Because that's the kind of crap this boils down to.
Lazy, whining, virtue signalling, slacktivism, agenda pushing.

So cry at facebook. Blame illegals for all Americas problems. Just be aware some of us see what it is you're really doing.

I'd give my sympathies to the cop and his family. Praise him for doing a dangertous often thankless job.

Because honestly, those I see crying about facebook and the words getting posts removed, I know you don't give two #s about that cop or his kin.

That is clearly not where your hearts are at.

Well that's my take away from this. But stop blaming everyone else and control your own damn lives. Don't like McDonalds, don't buy their burgers. Don't like Facebook? Don't make an account (or deactivate the one you have).

Just stop passing the buck. It's basic supply and demand.

Now excuse me. I have to go upload my entire life to a website then bitch about how I have no privacy and the companies I am giving my data to willingly are actually stealing it.....

95% of the intertubes problems = Humans who have no idea how the tech they use works.

This has given me an idea for a new tutorial video series on Computer and interwebz basics.

"Lesson 1: "The mouse wheel". A guide to scrolling past # of no interest to you on the internet."

"Lesson 2: "Click Accept". What that button that appears every #ing where means."

Although I'll have to recommend a companion guide to go with it. "Freewill and Common Sense: What they are and why you should use them more."

issue should be humans do #ty things, issue is people will use anything to fight about immigration instead.

posted on Dec, 31 2018 @ 04:30 AM
thank god for imaginary lines in the sand hey. If not for them we might have to actually share this planet with others......

posted on Jan, 3 2019 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

So you propose...something!

Elect this person immediately!

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