posted on Dec, 27 2018 @ 08:14 AM
Greetings and salutations, and festive cheers to all of you!
I have been remiss in not sending a greeting to the membership until now, but its been an eventful Christmas. I had my son from Christmas Eve, until
the evening of Christmas Day, and therefore I have been busy prepping and otherwise engaged, unable to spend time here, hence the delay in this
However, without further ado, I want to take this late opportunity to hope that you all had a marvellous festive period, that you looked after those
who were not having the best time possible, and that if you yourself were not having the best time, that you got the support and the love you needed
in the end. Furthermore, I hope and pray that all of us here on ATS, regardless of who we are or what we think, have a happy, prosperous and
productive New Year too. Once the hangovers are done, the singing and dancing ends, and the leftovers are gobbled up, try and take a little of the
festivity with you in to the new year, because as every year which has passed before has taught me, you never know when you might need a little of
that festive spark to get you through a crisis.
Much love to all of you, and my sincerest apologies for being tardy!
Onwards, dear friends. Onwards!