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China's Christians Forced to Find Places to Worship as Crackdown on Churches Continues

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posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:45 AM
China's authoritarian government is again cracking down on Christians this Christmas as they press their godless message of obedience to the state. China believes that Christianity promotes western values like "human rights" which conflict with their central theme of obedience and worship of the official atheist party.

This year, the Chinese government has:

Banned online sales of the Bible
Burned crosses
Demolished churches
Forced at least six places of worship to close

Many in the party believe Christianity, which by some estimates is China’s fastest-growing religion, promotes Western values and ideals like human rights that conflict with the aims of China’s authoritarian government and Mr. Xi’s embrace of traditional Chinese culture and Confucian teachings that emphasize obedience and order.

church members had been asked by the authorities to sign letters stating that they no longer believe in Christianity. He said Early Rain had no choice but continue to exist in secret. “We have moved underground,” he said.

Since Mr. Xi rose to power in 2012, the authorities have led a sustained campaign against unregistered churches. In one province, more than 1,500 crosses were removed from churches from 2014 to 2016, according to advocacy groups.

This year, some Chinese cities have banned Christmas displays.

“China’s Christians and other faith communities are under siege and treated as enemies of the state for daring to worship and peacefully live out their faith,” Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey said in a joint statement condemning the recent detentions.

Of course, there is one voice that is silent about the targeting of Christians:

One notably silent voice: the Vatican, which in September reached a provisional deal with the Chinese government to end a decades-old power struggle over the right to appoint bishops in China. The Vatican said it sent a delegation of leaders to China this month to work out details of the agreement, but declined to comment on the crackdown on Christian churches.

Despite Mr. Xi’s efforts to expand the officially atheist party’s control of worship, religious life in China is flourishing.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 12:07 PM
They want the state to be God , who raised you up gave you life fed you housed you put laws over you and sent you into the ground again : so you owe it your service you owe it your gratitude and you owe your life to the state .
It's ideological war on the minds of the masses be ing mentally subverted by jealous maniacal overlords and it creates revulsion in our stomachs , not that we defend God but we hate their systems .

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 12:57 PM
The only way the Chinese Communist Party can retain control is to turn the Chinese into robots. Any difference is oppose and reduced, and that includes Christians. The abuse against Uighur Muslims, where thousands are interned in "indoctrination camps" is another example of disgraceful Chinese human rights.

Don't know why people still buy "made in China".
edit on 25/12/2018 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Communist Chinese have been kicking our butts lately. When I was in Beijing I had the realization it is impossible to compete with the Chinese. Unlike American companies where 1/3 of the profit goes to CEOs and product branding, almost 100% of a Chinese company's profit goes into hire more cheap labor. The companies my company bought from all share trade secrets. Everything in China is about full employment. At least it was when I was there in 2005.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 01:17 PM
It's unfortunate that China ignores it's religious population in favor of Communistic thought. It's a Tree nothing scary about a tree dressed up with colored balls on it is there, and maybe a few People smiling and giving gifts to each other in the name of Peace and Joy.

China has become so Paranoid it's afraid of it's own shadow.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 01:25 PM

more people die in the name of religion than both world wars combined.

thats a variable society doesn't need anymore.

we used to pray to volcanoes, the oceans, and worship certain animals . the magical man in the sky watching everything we do waiting to exact his revenge .... that needs to go too.

i may not particularly agree with the execution, but good riddance.

a few less pedos and money hungry pastors
edit on 25-12-2018 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

To be quite frank you are completely WRONG, and by the way I am being nice because it is Christmas day.

Religion is belief and that is regardless of what you believe since whatever that is become's your personal religion.

Organized religion's arise out of a set of shared belief's or are spread by there devotee's.

Were there is an alter there you shall find civilization is an old saying and often the form that civilization takes is dictated by the values inherent in that religion.

Before Christianity which you so patently hate Celt's were cutting out the hearts of there enemy's and eating them, they were drinking ale from there skull's etc.
The South American cultures were flaying the skin from victim's after sacrificing them on top of pyramid's and letting there blood flow down the step's after offering there heart's to the sun and wearing that flayed skin as well as eating the flesh of there victim's.
All around the world primitive cannibal devil worshiping cult's flourished.
In china they had and still do have many different cultures and religion's including native one's and in China Cannibalism is not an unknown practice though it is at least a minority one but there are many account's about villages were cannibalistic practice still continues and indeed is tolerated by the ruling communist party with account's that some members of that party are themselves no stranger to this evil practice.

Child abuse - Sorry not a Christian phenomena BUT pedo's like to use ANY power base they can get be that priesthood's, police, social workers, school teachers you name it if the job offers them a chance to work there evil way's upon there victim's then some of them will do all they can to infiltrate that profession and abuse the position it grant's them.
So you will find that scum in ALL religion and also most of those are are in religion and are actually kiddy fiddlers are probably atheists themselves as they obviously know that the God they are mocking by attacking HIS children will most certainly destroy them in the most horrible way's imaginable and unimaginable so how could they believe in him unless indeed they are really Satanists and are a cancer within the Church.

You claim more people die because of religion, let's put that another way, MORE people are alive today because of Christianity than at any other time in the history of the world - how about that as a come back at ya.

Christian missionary's treating diseases, unifying or trying to community's, educating children to read and write and know there numbers, teaching sanitation, better farming techniques and of course the resultant population explosion helped along by this, by the more stable governments of the world the AGE of Christianity brought about when the scourge of Islam was forced back.

But in your defense not everyone that preaches Christianity is a Christian, it is a useful tool for power mongers.

Of course those power mongers would still exist, remove religion and people need to find an identity so they would fall back on ethnicity and scapegoating of those not them would continue, there would be no morality based on the idea of an all powerful God they would have to answer to though so they would commit atrocity's beyond the worst thing's you can imagine and the world in general would become a dangerous and hellish place, city's would burn, murder would become far more frequent, rule of law would break down, government's would lose there power and humanity would descent into a true dark age as the world burned around them.

So which do YOU think is better.
To try to fix our religion BY ACTUALLY trying to obey what it preaches and not what we want it to mean.
To abolish religion and let mankind become the godless cannibalistic murderous and savage beast he would then be.

So how will the commies hang onto power, if they have time to develop and implement it then you can expect all newborn's to some day be implanted with a brain regulating device, they will think what the state want's them to think and do what the state want's them to do and be a nation of virtual zombies controlled by the all powerful party and it's abuse of technology.

edit on 25-12-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

more people die in the name of religion than both world wars combined.

thats a variable society doesn't need anymore.

we used to pray to volcanoes, the oceans, and worship certain animals . the magical man in the sky watching everything we do waiting to exact his revenge .... that needs to go too.

i may not particularly agree with the execution, but good riddance.

a few less pedos and money hungry pastors

LOL tell that to the vietnamese people,russians in WW1 and 2 about death tolls. Those were all aetheist killings.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: yuppa

historically, religious crusades have killed more than the world wars combined...

religion is a brainwashing machine.

theres no all powerful guy watching , the earth is not 5000 years old, theres no hell or heaven, and there was no ark where 2 of EVERY SPECIES were stowed to wait for a giant flood....and the earth and cosmos weren't ceeated in 7 days...

religion needs to be abolished. all of them.

and there's no Santa either... i dont care the margins 😎
edit on 25-12-2018 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Jihad killed far more than the Crusades which only occurred after story's of Christian pilgrim's to the holy land having there belly's slit and there intestines tied to a tree them being whipped so that they would run around the tree pulling there own intestines from there gut's by Turk's were relayed from the eastern Orthodox (Byzantium) to the Western Orthodox (Roman Catholic) church's, this cry for help by the dying Byzantine empire sparked the pope of the time to call upon all faithful christian's to rush to there brothers aid and fight the godless heathen's - whom had spread out of Arabia murdering, looting, raping and massacring far more than the entire period the Christian Crusades ever did in there complete history.

As an Example of the ruthless barbarity of the Islamic hoard's of the time the entire Hindu Cush - that is Afghanistan and much of what is now part's of other country's in the region - was filled with city's, civilized with many religions some now vanished others such as Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism etc still known today.

These Muslim army's did not take prisoners and they burned city's to the ground, leveled the university's, monastery's and library's of these cultures before finally invading India and only then coming almost to a stop.

The Muslim Jihad's upon Europe several time's nearly wiped out the European civilization only for provenance to turn against the invaders, at one time after raping the countryside, enslaving millions of European's in the process the Turk's were holding the city of Vienna under siege and had it fallen the rest of Europe would have followed in short order but in a twist of fate a religious festival for there religion came about and the entire army of Muhammadan's were praying when the defenders launched a surprise counter attack, though outnumbered by perhaps a thousand to one the Viennese cavalry were able to sweep along the praying row's of Muslim soldiers and in a morbid incident sweep there head's from there body's as they were kneeling in prayer so routing the much more heavily armed and numerous force whose survivor's never stopped until they were back in fully controlled Muslim territory.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Marxism legitimates violence, without any clear limiting principle, because it rejects moral and ethical norms as constructs of the dominant class and "states that it would be conceivable for revolutionaries to commit atrocious crimes in bringing about a socialist system, with the belief that their crimes will be retroactively absolved by the new system of ethics put in place by the proletariat.

About 110 million people, foreign and domestic, were killed by communist democide from 1900 to 1987. That number could be larger, around 162 million.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 03:08 PM
Romans 13

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Matthew 5

11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

more people die in the name of religion than both world wars combined.

thats a variable society doesn't need anymore.

we used to pray to volcanoes, the oceans, and worship certain animals . the magical man in the sky watching everything we do waiting to exact his revenge .... that needs to go too.

i may not particularly agree with the execution, but good riddance.

a few less pedos and money hungry pastors

It is justice to punish the perpetrators of a crime, not the victims.

You have every thing arse-about.

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
a reply to: yuppa

historically, religious crusades have killed more than the world wars combined...

That is incorrect.

Wars are fought over power and resources.

About 12% of all wars have a religious component.

List of wars by death toll From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

religion is a brainwashing machine.

It doesn't seem to work, then. Most countries allow religious freedom. The freedom to choose, even the freedom to not believe. Even in countries where one religion is in the majority, there are minority religions and unbelievers.

theres no all powerful guy watching , the earth is not 5000 years old, theres no hell or heaven, and there was no ark where 2 of EVERY SPECIES were stowed to wait for a giant flood....and the earth and cosmos weren't ceeated in 7 days...

religion needs to be abolished. all of them.

You are suggesting a tyranny of enforcement of your belief. You have no evidence that any of what you said is true, in fact, the primary Atheist argument is that there is an absence of evidence. While evidence proves a postulate, an absence of evidence proves nothing - it is unevidenced.

and there's no Santa either... i dont care the margins 😎

Bah, humbug.

Of course Santa is a fictional character. 'Reductio ad absurdum' is very poor argument.

One might ask what sort of cognitive dissonance could make one so vehemently opposed to what they believe is absolutely nothing at all?

posted on Dec, 25 2018 @ 11:55 PM
Cmon people rejoices the other day in the thread about Muslim's being made into forced labor camp whatever. Not that I have any love for them. Nor the Chinese government. The Chinese people tho, I actually enjoy them.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 12:14 PM
I'm telling you, the world is weird when it comes to Christians.

There in China, Christianity is banned, the excuse is, it 'promotes rights'

Then in the West, Christianity is hated, because it 'prevents people having rights', eg the right to abort (murder) etc.

Truly, John the Baptist didn't eat, and he was criticized for it, the Son of man came eating and drinking, and He too was criticized for that.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: infolurker

Communist Chinese have been kicking our butts lately. When I was in Beijing I had the realization it is impossible to compete with the Chinese. Unlike American companies where 1/3 of the profit goes to CEOs and product branding, almost 100% of a Chinese company's profit goes into hire more cheap labor. The companies my company bought from all share trade secrets. Everything in China is about full employment. At least it was when I was there in 2005.

And have you looked at the conditions they work under? Most Americans wouldn't take those unless forced to them.

Nearly slave labor ... But, hey! Theyre all working ... themselves to death.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Cmon people rejoices the other day in the thread about Muslim's being made into forced labor camp whatever. Not that I have any love for them. Nor the Chinese government. The Chinese people tho, I actually enjoy them.

It won't be long before both religions are in those forced labor camps assuming they aren't already and we just haven't been allowed to hear about it.

And when the 1st Amendment falls here, there's that prevents it from going on here, either.

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

But these people being disappeared is totally fine huh?

Because you don't like religion?

What's it like to be that miserable of a person

posted on Dec, 26 2018 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

The ironic thing about you is that you are supporting China because it's atheist. Which is precisely a country renown for it's atrocities committed towards people.

Great argument against religion

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