posted on Dec, 24 2018 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to:
They are nice ship's but as we say over here in the UK a bit of a white elephant, as Dubiousatworst point's out they seem to have been a mean's to
funnel money into private contractors pockets.
The technology in them is still state of the art of last generation stealth but they are too large and with the advent of ever more advanced radar
systems including quantum radar technology's there stealth capability's may already be compromised but even so in almost ALL theaters they still offer
a tactical advantage - especially if the full fleet had been built which it has not.
The VLS had some advantages BUT it also had some disadvantages and so was not really that much of a development in and of itself.
Now to my mind Stealth capability in today's world is a necessity, stealth ship's are a necessity as are more stealthy submarines for both attack and
defensive roles.
Since the planned fleet is now cancelled these ship's now have most potential suitability as training and research vessel's, since there own stealth
tech is now last generation - if still state of the art at that - they can also serve in development of ever more stealth bypassing technology's
designed to detect stealth vessel's and also to continue to develop new method's to counter these anti stealth technology's and as such they still
have an invaluable role in your arsenal and should not ever be simply mothballed - at least until the next generation of stealth ship and
submersible's are in service in your naval forces.
But remember give them enough of there planned ordnance and these are highly capable vessel's that would have no rival in the world - which given the
price tag you would expect.
I see your Obama coming in for some flak again, remember a project of the magnitude of these vessel's was probably planned long before his term in
office and he only rubber stamped it when it was already under way so these are probably really clinton era or even Bush Jnr era projects but if the
us does move faster than we do on these type of projects I may be wrong there.
I mean look over the other side of the pond to us and see how we have our own problem's.
The first one ran aground because the crew made some error's and remember these are supposed to be the best submarines in the world, already out
dated and probably with there secrets stolen of leaked to the likes of China - but maybe not we do have good security most of the time - I hope ha.
edit on 24-12-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)