posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 07:50 PM
Ahhh , the age old paradox
To shut down , or not to shut down
This battle was furiously waged from the early 80s until the 21st century with the outcome a complete and total draw.
And now , you want to reignite the firestorm
Shutting a PC down does no harm to the components whatsoever. And will extend the life.(unless one shuts it down and immediately turns it back on ,
causing a temp spike)
To leave one on can (theoretically) shorten the span of life . Hibernation lessens it . (although this shortening of lifespan is very minimal
The key term is MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure(s) ). This is operational time including "sleep" as in sleep mode the power is still flowing through
the System Board .
The only computer one should leave on is a server for obvious reasons.
Hope this helps
(Highly trained professional and I shut mine down)
edit on 12/16/18 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)
edit on 12/16/18 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)