I have four theories on what happens after death. The first three theorems are based on the subsiding of brain activity. As the brain drains of all
its electrical activity the last few moments of conscious experience are so profound and intense it feels like it lasts for all eternity. The
brain’s near death experience just feels like it lasts for all eternity. In our reality, it only lasts just a few nanoseconds in real time.
The first theory is the one found in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. How the last few moments of conscious experience play out is determined by a
person's character. If you are full of hate you will experience profound hatred and torturing experiences filling you with profound fear. The
experience of your own hatred and fear is the same experience of going to Hell to suffer eternal damnation as described in the Bible. The Tibetan Book
of the Dead is a set of prayers and rituals guiding you past your own death experiences which are based your own inner hatred and fears. By using
these prayers and rituals some people achieve the final state of communion with God and their cycle of death and rebirth comes to an end. While
others are unable to let go of what it is they are clinging to. When you unable to let go of all your fears and hatreds you are forced down a painful
path leading to a new reincarnation. A new reincarnation is needed in order to experience another cycle of working out all your remaining fears and
The second theory has to do with what people say happens during near death experiences. When you die you have two choices. Your first choice is you
bravely face the light, and then go into the light. When you go into the light you look directly into the face of God. When you look into the face
of God you experience God’s infinite beauty. You become so enamored with God’s infinite beauty, all time ceases to exist, you stop having
conscious thoughts, and you melt into the mind of God experiencing eternal Heavenly bliss.
The God experience is greatest possible experience one can have by definition. No other experience is as fulfilling and complete than the God
experience, again, by definition. The God experience is like every cell in your entire body is having a simultaneous orgasm. Even though this only
happens for a few nanoseconds before physical death, with your brain operating at 100% capacity from maximum neural excitation, it feels like eternity
to the conscious self which becomes oblivious to the brains final shut down.
The next question is what happens with the second theory’s second choice. Your second choice, for whatever reason you feel you are not worthy of
staring into the face of God, each of us being our own worse critics, and you turn away from looking into God's face. So what happens when you turn
The Bible tells us when you turn away from choosing God you will go to Hell to experience eternal damnation. I thought about this for a long time. It
seems to me an omnipotent God of unconditional love would want to see every facet of His creation achieve its best possible final result. So I think
at the moment you turn away from God you are immediately given the power of omnipotence. Your mind enters into a free-form delusional state where
anything you imagine spontaneously comes into existence and is experience. Again, with every cell in your body heightened in excitation time slows
down. For just a few nanoseconds you experience having the power of omnipotence for what is essentially eternity. An omnipotent God can certainly
dole out the power of omnipotence while still retaining all His primary powers.
If you combine this idea of having a free-form delusion with Rubert Sheldrakes idea of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance you will not only be able
to re-experience everything you've experience before in your own life, but you will be able to tap into other people's experiences. And by tapping
into other people's experiences you will have access to say reading every book ever written to date. Or experience winning an Olympic medal. Or
experience what your life would have been like if you married Jane instead of Sally. Or re-experience any life decision and make a different choice.
Of course, some people think Morphic Fields and Resonance might also span time forwards and backwards beyond the present.
Now at first all this may sound like a really good thing. But after millions and millions of years, or what just seems like millions of years, which
is only nanoseconds real time, living out all your petty profane desires and imaginations you will become extremely bored. Your mind will have
exhausted every possible thing it is capable of imagining. Every possible conceivable scenario of experience you are capable of imagining will have
been played out millions of times over. After having sex with two chicks 10,000 times is probably enough. Eventually you will decide there's no
point in turning away from God any longer. You will decide with having absolutely nothing left worthwhile to do you will turn back and look into the
face of God. However, this time you don't look away. All the reasons you would have to look away have been resolved during your stint with omnipotent
powers. And just after you look into the face of God you have a very brief thought where you think, “What the heck was I thinking when I turned
away the first time?” Time will then cease to exist and you experience eternal heavenly bliss.
Now some of you may be thinking, “Gee, you die, you turn away from God and you get rewarded with the power of having omnipotence.” This may sound
unfair if you are immature in your thinking and you take pleasure in the thought of sinners suffering eternal damnation. Or maybe your heart is full
of hate and you are seeking revenge against all the people who have sinned against you. But from our omnipotent all-loving God's perspective, what
better way to win over someone’s love so completely and absolutely than by perfectly giving someone everything their heart desires? The real sad
thing is why anyone would ever waste any time at all with their own petty and profane desires when they can be looking into the face of God
experiencing God’s infinite beauty and basking in the glow of eternal heavenly bliss. Nothing we can imagine or invent could ever come close to
experiencing God's infinite beauty. And from our omnipotent God's perspective, that is from the perspective of a God of unconditional love, everyone
is eventually saved and gets to experience eternally heavenly bliss. Again, there are a lot of haters out there who want revenge so this idea
everyone is saved regardless of our Earthly sins or how we practiced our religion, or not practiced our religion, doesn't work for them. But it
really doesn’t matter if everyone is saved. This is because since everyone is having their own ultimate good-time experience communing with God,
you will be too busy enamored with God’s infinite beauty to care one iota about your neighbor next to you who slept with your wife. Or your
brother-in-law on your other side in heaven who stole all your money from your business to pay off his gambling debts.
edit on 15-12-2018 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)