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Should States give away free Naloxone?

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posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 05:56 AM
They should give away life sentences for the idiots funding Chinas gangster based efforts to destroy Western Culture. Mj is legal in many places...time to reinvest that time and money into stopping the hard drug trade….something Law Enforcement has been encouraged NOT TO DO FOR DECADES....because of how rotten the Government extra 25 years on top of every opiate production or high level trafficking charge...not street now put the Big Boys down.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

originally posted by: pteridine
So these selfish dopers keep tying up resources while those that are injured or having a medical emergency have to wait. I proposed a simple solution. After a Narcan intervention, the doper is placed in an observation cell just long enough for a cold turkey withdrawal. The cell is lined with ceramic tile and has a floor drain for easy cleanup. When the happy doper is done puking and comes around, he/she is cleaned up, fed and sent on their way.

What you are suggesting is nothing short of torture.
Sleep deprivation, beatings and waterboarding would have nothing on your solution.

OK, then give them all they dope they want. Hand it out like candy and let Darwin fix the problem.

How about a partial withdrawal just to make them a little sick and then provide methadone to ease them off. People take drugs for one reason; it makes them feel good [or not feel bad].

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Yours is a noble profession.

Thank you for the thought. I and my fellow responders, team-mates...we all...and prob because we do this so much...see it differently.

For 1, someone, right now, right here, man, woman or child who we don't really even know, let alone their life history... are just in trouble.

If we stop long enough to get social...bad or fatal consequences follow. Someone has to step in, and right now.

The topic as to O.P-thread question? Yes, expensive or should be everywhere as the opioid epidemic is.

I think this generation mostly carries or keeps a small first aid-bandaid kit, right? And none of those who do...yells at the injured..."You hurt yourself AGAIN!?"

I approach an addict...even the repeat o.d.'s...the same even if it's the ump-teenth time...they get saved hopefully 1 more time...right now, right here...even if we're sure we'll probably be back.

Hopefully, we wont see them again...and yes...we've lost many I can't count...but we've SAVED all right in that live another day no matter.

Noble? "Necessary" is better...and yet some even call us "nuts" for even wasting the time and resources on an addict...especially since they'll prob do it again.

But at minimum...they'll at least be alive to make their choices...we gotta give them the option to do that.


posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

They would be better off giving them clean opioids.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: one4all
They should give away life sentences for the idiots funding Chinas gangster based efforts to destroy Western Culture. Mj is legal in many places...time to reinvest that time and money into stopping the hard drug trade….something Law Enforcement has been encouraged NOT TO DO FOR DECADES....because of how rotten the Government extra 25 years on top of every opiate production or high level trafficking charge...not street now put the Big Boys down.

Think you should look a little higher up the ladder. The US was the last nation to invade the Opium producer for the world and whilst the occupation took place opium production increased.

All for a reason.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 11:41 AM
Personally I think cancer treatment, insulin, prescription drugs, naloxone and many other things should not cost the patient anything, but I guess that kind of thinking is just a little to 'commie' for some people.

The war on drugs is a huge failure and in the end it is all about supply and demand. If there is a demand for drugs (and there always will be) there will be a supply as there is just too much money to be made and people are willing to take risks. If you cut off all the supply of narcotics coming into the country, you would not stop anything as addicts would just change their drug of choice to something like crystal meth that can be made by a bunch of teenagers shaking a plastic soda bottle while driving around town in their pimped out car. The way we handle the drug issue in both Canada and the US is clearly not working, and perhaps we should try something different like Portugal is doing. Perhaps not a perfect solution, but could be better than what we are currently doing and keep money out of the hands of organized crime and street gangs.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

Child’s leukemia ALL can be cured at 96%.

Yeah let me correct my statement. There are few cures sponsored by Pharmacopia (TM) and dispensed to the public. Although there is much snake oil out there, there are also genuine cures for many diseases that are super cheap or even free. But people have put their faith in pharmacopia, and due to the demand pharmacopia can charge outrageous prices. I seldom defend pharmacopia, but they finally got a pill that can actually save someone's life pretty effectively, and many of my friends have had problems with drug addiction and now are reformed, so I believe it is worth it to give people a second chance - even if they don't deserve it.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: pteridine

People take drugs for one reason - to feel good?
How about medical necessity ?
Nobody intends to become an addict.
If you are on them for more than a few weeks it's very likely you'll be addicted.
I've been on them for 10 years due to a damaged spinal cord.
If you think everyone ends up addicted by choice I'm just letting you know otherwise.
How many wounded vets end up in this situation?
There is no simple easy fix to any of this.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 03:57 PM
What has the biggest benefit to society?
Controlling the spread of secondary infections, lawlessness etc or making life tougher on some people?

I know it can sometimes seem daft to throw a bit of money at say, junkies, but it is often cheaper for society than doing nothing.

If their health gets better, they cost less in medical bills, some will get clean, get jobs and pay taxes, some will not get caught up in an expensive criminal justice system etc.

It can be counterintuitive but if the sums add up, why not?

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Sheye

What they should have done when we went to Afghanistan was destroy the poppy farms .
Then make it criminal for pharaceticals to mass produce iPods and send them in mass to poor areas with out substation supervision . Case in point one town I think it was in Colorado was having enough Percocet every month to there little towns pharmacy to give every man woman and child a 2 year twice a day dose. Pharmaceutical company knew this was extremely irregular but they just kept taking the money every momth..

Do not enable behavior stamp out the source
Fentanyl and carfentanyl are both man made substances being made in China and shipped here we need to make importation of these substances a death penalty class felony . Why you ask because it is extremely deadly to just carry. Let alone use.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: pteridine

People take drugs for one reason - to feel good?
How about medical necessity ?
Nobody intends to become an addict.
If you are on them for more than a few weeks it's very likely you'll be addicted.
I've been on them for 10 years due to a damaged spinal cord.
If you think everyone ends up addicted by choice I'm just letting you know otherwise.
How many wounded vets end up in this situation?
There is no simple easy fix to any of this.

I should have excluded medical necessity from my comments. I was mainly speaking of recreational users that have no underlying medical necessity other than the fact that they are addicted. Docs should not be holding back painkillers from those who need them merely because others abuse them.
Not that many years ago patients dying of cancer were restricted because "we don't want them to become addicted." Yeah, they'll stagger around in agony and mug old ladies for dope money.
For those who are addicted because of recreational use, required detox sounds like it may bring them around. Maybe a boot camp detox program with physical labor and education. Just removing them from their environment could help.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Neither should deliberately over consuming sugar and getting diabetes.

Point being there is a lot of things people consume legally (because the FDA says it's ok) that cause health problems and we should not be bailing them out either.

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: Breakthestreak

Neither should deliberately over consuming sugar and getting diabetes.

Point being there is a lot of things people consume legally (because the FDA says it's ok) that cause health problems and we should not be bailing them out either.

I have a theory that it's the people that abuse the legal stuff that have the most disdain for people that abuse illegal stuff .

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 11:30 PM
Hmm, I am getting a bit tired of the people who have been revived multiple times, I mean 5 or more, sometimes it has happened multiple times the same day. People having heart attacks, and car accidents are left waiting due to services being used reviving addicted people..around here anyway(Vancouver)

Maybe we should just give them what they need..mixed feelings on this, but probably the only real solution, along with detox and treatment options.

I speak as a former addict who pulled himself out of the trap, I don't think I'm anything special, so I don't have a huge amount of patience for those that OD, 5, 10, 20+ what point do you see the light?

I am human, and do have sympathy, people with chronic pain..hard to blame them, and many other addicts are self medicating personal pain, so..kinda the same I guess.

edit on 16-12-2018 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
.at what point do you see the light?

Pretty much when you don't get revived...

posted on Dec, 16 2018 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed kidding.

posted on Dec, 17 2018 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: purplemer

originally posted by: one4all
They should give away life sentences for the idiots funding Chinas gangster based efforts to destroy Western Culture. Mj is legal in many places...time to reinvest that time and money into stopping the hard drug trade….something Law Enforcement has been encouraged NOT TO DO FOR DECADES....because of how rotten the Government extra 25 years on top of every opiate production or high level trafficking charge...not street now put the Big Boys down.

Think you should look a little higher up the ladder. The US was the last nation to invade the Opium producer for the world and whilst the occupation took place opium production increased.

All for a reason.

We know the ladder exists but we CANT GET UP IT...and we still have to SAVE LIVES...and today China has flooded the world with their opiate ripoffs ...there are pills everywhere man....this is no coincidence it is a global business plan....this is about poisoning people not about providing drugs to people....if law enforcement pulled their heads out of their arses and Government did not stop them from doing their jobs
and we legalised the exchange of drugs and possession of drugs to reduce criminal convictions but HAMMERED THE SNOT OUT OF PRODUCERS AND DEALERS...the so-called crisis would be over.....look at the MJ mess in Canada and the USA now....BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS invested in the new MJ Industry wasted IMHO....because as we see in Canada the supply ran out in less than one month...meaning there is no data to validate nor disvalidate the FALSE VALUES put on BILLONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF STOCKS...and because it will take a minimum of a year to e-establish supply and then find a baseline for what is actually beng earned Industry wide we are PREVENTED from BURSTING THE MJ STOCK BUBBLE...… in Canada you can legally give up to 30 grms of MJ to a friend who is of legal busting people for the exchange of MJ is not reasonably possible..however it is now extremely easy to trace track and trample illegal sources of MJ from the growing side of things....meaning we will now see a massive loss of volume in small drug possession type arrests and a big jump in long jail terms for growers who try to cut into the governments money crop and a huge increase in so-called MJ impaired driving charges.....if the opiate drug trade is handled the same ways we can easily identify find and remediate the illegal producers and suppliers and because Opiates kill we needed to do that first..but seeing as MJ was first we are now under realistic evidence based pressure to now follow up by treating Opiates and other drugs the same ways so we can stop ILLEGAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION GLOBALLY in much much quicker less labour intensive ways..

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 12:53 PM
People will stop drugs when they see other die.

This coddling by liberals is disgusting. Giving away needles, really.

This is telling people in the back of their heads who were thinking about doing it or not that they now have a safety blanket

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

How do taxpayers eat the cost? Just curious....

posted on Dec, 18 2018 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Bloodworth don't understand any of this.

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