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posted on Dec, 13 2018 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: toms54
a reply to: amazing

Maybe you have some ex cons. They didn't join to overthrow the govt, they joined for protection from black gangs, latino gangs, etc. Prison gangs organize along racial lines.

Maybe you have have some bikers. They aren't trying to kill Jews. They joined because they wanted to be criminals and sell drugs.

These types of people are not going to take over the US and impose some kind of white supremacy. These were not the type of people at UTR. What you had at UTR were mostly younger people, not hardened criminals. Some of them dressed up in stupid clothes. They were people that felt they had a right to speak up for the interests of their own people just like everyone else can. But if you're white, they call you a Nazi. In America today the word Nazi has become a racial slur just like many others that I decline to list here.

To tell the truth, I am getting tired of the rabid hate toward white people we see and hear every day from the media and activists. And they say Trump is divisive. Not only is every group in the Democrat party united in their hatred of white people but they all mostly hate each other.

When the Democrats convene the house of representatives next year there will probably be so much infighting, they won't get much accomplished. One thing is sure. They will continue to drive all the white people out of their party. First the men, then the women.

There really are groups of people that hate minorities and jews and homosexuals. It is a serious issue.

Now, being a white male, myself. I can tell you that in nearly 50 years on earth living in multiple states, big cities, rural cities, Good parts of town, bad parts of town etc. I've never felt any rabid hate towards white people. It only exists on Fox News and the internet. There is no anti white discrimination. If there was, I would have experienced it. Unless i'm just the luckiest guy on earth, somehow?

posted on Dec, 13 2018 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: toms54

UTR were straight up Nazis. It was organized by neo-Nazi groups. They told people to dial back the Nazi iconography and instead opt for Confederate flags to be more appealing to those people that might be on the edge of converting to white supremacy.

Why do you want to ignore these facts?

If I were to answer that question, based on the post I'm responding to, you sound like the kind of person UTR were targeting for conversion.

"Why do you want to ignore these facts?" Because I don't recall it that way. I understood it was about statues and history. I admit there was anti semetic sentiments expressed there. But not everyone that wants to preserve history is a Nazi.

White people have interests too. There is increasingly hateful sentiments toward especially white men from nearly every group in the democratic party and also the media. We are not permitted freedom of speech or association, we are increasingly discriminated against in a wide variety of ways. Now they want to destroy the history of the country we founded (One of the few countries on earth where white people are even welcome.) White people are not the majority. We are 15% of the world. Drive us out of our own country, where are we able to go?

I am not a Nazi. I don't want to kill anyone. But I believe we must work to serve our own interests the same as everyone else does. We don't have thousands of ethnic organizations. What do you expect us to do?

I don't know much about you but after hearing you imply I am a Nazi, I'm starting to believe you have some kind of agenda.

posted on Dec, 13 2018 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: amazing

I'm sure all these hostile mobs like Antifa and BLM don't exist. I'm sure we are not being swarmed on our southern border by caravans of central americans organized by socialist organizations. I'm sure that feminists are not holding massive demonstrations giving speeches about the patriarchy of white men. It's all fake news made up by fox. Right? Never happened.

I could go on but what's the point?

We are so polarized today, we really do live in different worlds, with completely different realities.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: toms54

I didn't imply you are a Nazi. I simply said that the views you've expressed in this thread make you a prime candidate to be targeted by neo-Nazi groups.

While the may have been a small minority in the UTR rally that actually cared about the statue the truth is that the whole thing was coopted by white supremacist groups. So much so that the non-racially motivated groups on the alt-Right told their members not to participate. This is why groups like the Oathkeepers weren't in attendance at the event.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Yes. That is an accurate summation of what Antifa and much of the media was saying.

I'm sorry, I'm not a communist and I don't see everything through a racial lens. We are going to have to agree to disagree. Just because you say something is a fact and call me a few names doesn't mean I'll come to your point of view.

I'm starting to find the things you are implying offensive.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: toms54

What I'm saying comes directly from the UTR Discord channel. Nothing I've said wasn't said by the very people that were running the show. This is just one of the many articles written about what these people discussed in the lead up to the event. Feel free to read through everything they said and then come back and tell me that what I'm saying isn't true.

Charlottesville Violence Planned Over Discord Servers

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: toms54

"It's about the statue!!!"
do you live in charlottesville? nearby?? in the state even? how often have you visited the city in the past?
ya see, this is what I don't understand.
it's a statue on city property, under the control of the city gov't. a statue of a guy who even said that he didn't feel it was right to erect statues of himself!!
how many historical statues do you have in your neck of the woods? how many give recognition to the confederate soldiers? how many schools, streets carry their names? Well, I live in a city close to charlottesville, and I can tell you, we have plenty!! some states have even taken measure to protect the confederate statues to the point of forcing city gov'ts to keep maintaining them regardless of weather they want them or not.

my view on all this is that I am a transplanted northern, so I refrain from giving my input on weather my own city should or shouldn't change their streets names or their schools. I don't feel right about even trying to influence the people in my own city when it comes to such things, I certainly wouldn't travel to your neck of the woods along with hundreds of others trying to force your city to see things my way at least not about a stupid statue!! and yet, for some odd reason, it seems that people from canada saw fit to flock to charlottesville even went through legal means to force the city to allow them to have their gig where they wanted even when the city said that it would be safer for all somewhere else.
then, as they left, after all the chaos and violence, they promised they would be back...that the city would be sorry. so, let's see...
the cost of the original utr rally, as far as security, loss of business, and well, the cost of treating all the injured some of whom are still in treatment, plus the cost of shutting down part of the city and increasing security this year because there was rumblings that they were planning something for charlottesville on it's anniversary. can you at least see why some might think that this is coercion....
kind of like, let us stick our noses into your city's business and force our will onto your city or we will come in and cause so much chaos you'll be paying out the arse for years to come!!!

whites still hold the majority in the US. women and their children still make up the majority of those living in poverty.
the majority of domestic assault victims are women and children. and there are many more male rapists walking away practically scott free than their are males being falsely accused of rape. a while male can walk around a city openly carrying a military style assault rifle, but let a black male try that and see what happens. and it's probably white males that hold the majority of wealth in this country.

so, please, tell me, just how are white males being discriminated against???

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

I am no longer interested. Your last three posts have called me a racist. Am I calling you names? Do I troll your threads?

Please just go away. I have tried to be polite but you are purposely acting in an obnoxious manner.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: toms54

I never called you racist. I said you're the kind of person that UTR was trying gain support from by opting for Confederate flags over Nazi flags.

If UTR had chosen to go overt Nazi I don't think you would be defending them now.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: toms54

I never called you racist. I said you're the kind of person that UTR was trying gain support from by opting for Confederate flags over Nazi flags.

Exactly what type of person is that? You are a name calling troll. Your personal insults are not only rude but also far off topic. Really, just stop.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 08:08 AM
Rwnj’s always see things in opposite. Just a fact. a reply to: Mandroid7

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: toms54

The kind of person that sees the country and world as being a very different place than when they were growing up. The kind of person that feels these changes are for worse. The kind of person that sees these changes but can't really put his finger on where things went wrong.

You care about this country and only want the best for it. The UTR crowd wants to take that concern and convince you that the reason things went wrong is because white people don't have all the power in this country anymore. But they're going to mask their true message behind a guise of promoting heritage.

Like I said, I don't think you're racist. In fact I even consider your concern for the country as admirable. But that concern is what also makes you a prime target for UTR.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

I never lived in Charlottesville. I lived in Richmond for 25-30 years until a few years ago. I have visited Charlottesville, did some work there a couple of times, and I had some friends that went to school there,

The demonstration in Charlottesville spilled over into Richmond. Richmond has serious civil war credentials, even more than Charlottesville. They also have a number of large statues of civil war figures. There were the same type of demonstrations with the same demands to demolish the statues. The same university crowd was there calling everyone racists and Nazis. Fortunately there was less violence. No one was killed. This did influence my views about Charlottesville.

I really don't agree with your argument that problems in Charlottesville were mostly caused by a large group of Canadian Nazis. I tend to place the blame on both sides.

As for that last paragraph, whites might be the majority here in the US. Should the will of the majority count? In a democracy? As to who controls the wealth, whites do not make up the entire 1% unless you consider Jews as white. They certainly are not the largest contributors to political causes. White people are not the leading cause of violent crime so you are mistaken there also.

I don't want want to get into discrimination against white males. If you are seriously trying to ask that question, I doubt it would be productive to try to explain it to you.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

go flood some other thread

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: toms54
a reply to: amazing

I'm sure all these hostile mobs like Antifa and BLM don't exist. I'm sure we are not being swarmed on our southern border by caravans of central americans organized by socialist organizations. I'm sure that feminists are not holding massive demonstrations giving speeches about the patriarchy of white men. It's all fake news made up by fox. Right? Never happened.

I could go on but what's the point?

We are so polarized today, we really do live in different worlds, with completely different realities.

Antifa is like 12 college guys that show up at rallies and protests and have a twitter presence. Fox News makes them appear much bigger than they are.

There is no Caravan Crisis at the border. There's a few people trying to get in just like always for the last decade.

Feminists exist, but why wouldn't you want equal pay, equal rights, for women? There are a few weird/extreme ones that get all the headlines. Don't believe everything you see on the news.

BLM started as a protest when minorities were being targeted/killed by police. It is a real issue in certain communities. Again, right wing media began portraying them as a huge violent Mob, when that isn't the case.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 10:25 AM
Dude should be hoisted up like a pinata and let the crowds go wild.

posted on Dec, 14 2018 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: amazing

You should try to convince those people what you say is true. I just think your comments are nonsense.

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