posted on Dec, 11 2018 @ 11:08 AM
Probably unsurprising, given my post history, but I think you are spot on.
Technology specifically really changes how we can actually organize society.
I think one of the core issues is the part of our Cultural Story that states the best way to get "ahead" is to exploit others. I suspect this began
long ago, when some random tribe found out they could improve their own lot by taking from another tribe.
Before modern times, this was actually an accurate assumption. But, I strongly believe technology enables us in a way that we can benefit more
from "giving" to that other tribe instead of exploiting. Maybe not the best way to describe it, and it would need to be done in a way that accounts
for long term impact and societal shaping..
We would start talking about consciously changing/writing our Cultural Story too, which in my opinion, may be one of the most powerful points of
leverage in really taking advantage of the tools at our disposal.
Its a massive, massive undertaking.. but there is a framework in place already in the form of everything from propaganda to psyops to the MindWar we
are currently embroiled. This framework operates under the premise of the ages old exploitation paradigm though, so even though this angle would
require convincing a smaller group of people.. they are also the ones that benefit the most currently.
The trick is in designing things in a way that benefits 'everyone' more than the current way of doing things. The biggest problem there is that, even
conceptually, this is completely unfathomable to the vast majority of our species.