a reply to:
Think people are more "programmed" to believe we are Not "special". At least, to me, that seems the harder reality to accept. That we really are "it".
Try taking it a step further...not only are we in the Real universe, but we are the only intelligent physical life.
(i wont get into ghosts and angels and gods and other "nonphysical" intelligent life, because that just a big question mark, but just play along and
see how "hard" it is to let yourself believe this...)
If that were true, then, that means, if we fail, then... thats it. That's the end of intelligent physical life in the universe. Perhaps the only
universe. The only physical form of existence. And intelligent life would be absent from it if we failed to continue existing.
It's much more comforting to think that:
this is just a simulation so nothing matters,
or its some kind of a test or game,
or aliens/god/etc will step in if something happens,
At the very least we like to think there are other people out there working on the problems that really matter. Someone whos job it is to do that sort
of thing. Someone whos getting paid to worry about it so we don't have to.
Either way, our participation (in the things that really matter, even providing our own food) is not really necessary. At the end of the day, it
really doesn't "matter" if I work day and night at something like linguistics or microbiology, become a career criminal, the best shoe polisher in the
world, or commit suicide.
I think thats how most people feel and I think convincing people they do matter is actually the greater challenge.
Edit to add
We have an urge to continue existing and to create more humans to keep existing after we die. What if that is "the trap" that keeps us in this "karmic
wheel" forever? Because people can't resist sexual pleasure. Do we really have an urge to create more humans to keep existing after we die, or are
children just a by product of the sex we love so much?
I guess women do have a genuine urge to have children... but for men, I think we find a woman we love being around and especially having sex with, and
if she doesn't want to have sex unless it leads to a possibility of conception, then all the sudden we are all for having children.
Sure, after the 1st child is born, the man sometimes forms a bond and enjoys being a parent. But up till that point he was just being a guy and doing
what it took to keep having sex.
So, maybe this is what keeps dragging us into this existence to suffer. 90% of humans on Earth are in what I would call various states of suffering
almost constantly. Poverty, Hunger, Unsanitary Conditions leading to constant illnesses. They didn't ask to be born. I can't blame their parents for
seeking a few moments of happiness. Even in 1st world nations we have lots of sex and drugs and what do we have to worry about? We have clean water
and medicine and food.
But, every selfish act of indulgence must be punished 7x. (maybe, i dont know)
In case you wondered, masturbating counts. Even if you were interrupted and didn't get to finish, it's the thought that counts! For every time you
ever did it or started doing it or even thought about it, you'll be doomed to 7 more lives on Prison- er I mean, PLANET Earth... 90% of those lives
will be lived in near constant misery... thats IF you are assigned a life in modern times. In the past, like before year 1950, it was closer to 99%
almost constantly miserable people, and back before 1800 it was more like 99.9% (even pharoes did not have cars, google maps, toilet paper, etc), and
if you go back far enough, rumor has it there was a Golden Age, but, who really knows? There was probably only a few hundred or thousands of people
back then, so, most of those lives have probably already been lived by other more deserving souls.
So, maybe the answer is to, like a Thanos style super villain, simply extermimate all life. Free it from it's bonds. This toxic addiction to life is
unsustainable. It breeds misery.
edit on 12/11/2018 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)