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Mind Games!

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posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 06:46 PM
I was up in NW Wyoming recently and I saw something I'd never seen before in all my life (having grown up in Wyoming). I saw a Wolf.

The animal was at about 350 yards when I first saw it, it was a dark grey (almost black) alpha male. It was a big wolf and it was coming to check me out. I was alone doing some instrumentation, and at first I had this sense something was there (probably from my big cat experience), but this animal was pretty far off. I'd thought I'd seen something moving in my peripheral vision a couple times, but I just ignored it at first. Then, one time, I was sure I saw something, and I didn't really move, I just looked up with my eyes and watched. It was a big wolf and it was walking all around where I was at a distance.

I wasn't particularly worried because my truck (and rifle) was nearby, but I got to thinking...where there's one wolf, there are 5-10 more wolves...and what if I was just camping here? Yeah, it was a pretty remote area, but sometimes that's what I have to do. Wolves are not something I've had to deal with ever (and, full disclosure, I didn't have to "deal" with this one either), but I don't like wolves. They're like coyotes x 20.

So, what did I do that night as the sun went down? I did nothing. I just went back to my truck when I was done and left. BUT, a thought crossed my mind, a very real thought. Had the situation been different, and had I been there to stay for a few nights, the situation would have been far different. I would have been the prey rather than the predator...and every step I took could have resulted in an encounter with one of these animals. It was clear to me the animal I saw was the alpha, he was out in front, making a boundary, which he would mark...and that would be their radius, beyond which they would run.

It was a weird experience. There were never any wolves when I grew up in Wyoming, and there was a reason why. Now, the environmentalists have introduced wolves, and they KILL everything, and they do it in packs. There is no defense. Well, there is "one" defense...take out the alpha immediately, and distract the rest of the pack with finding a new leader long enough to save yourself.

You see, that's how it is with wolve's...kill, or be killed.

I will tell you, some people think a wolf is a "cute" animal, but when you see one, for real, and you realize how they roll, it's actually a fairly heart-rate elevating experience. Why? Because, you never know what is 'behind' you, not out in the timber.

And predators always attack from behind.

Again, I personally wasn't in danger that night, but then again, I wasn't the only one there.

Think about that for a moment.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:17 PM
In retrospect, I should have gone back to my truck and shot that wolf...dead. I should have stressed his pack, and forced them to work harder and expend more energy, forced them to take their energy away from predating livestock, elk, sheep and goats in the region and forced them to consume themselves, weaken themselves.

Environmentalists (who don't live in these parts, BTW, and never will, and will never come into contact with a wolf), remember that! Your our reality.

Your wolf, was a BAD idea, and now the top of the food chain will put the rest of your precious ecosystem in balance!

Sorry, but that's just how it is!

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I will tell you, some people think a wolf is a "cute" animal, but when you see one, for real, and you realize how they roll, it's actually a fairly heart-rate elevating experience. Why? Because, you never know what is 'behind' you, not out in the timber.

Thank you for educating on the realities of these predators. Some seem to think they are some sort of mystical creature that can be tamed to become a pet.

Although there may be some raised from pups out of the wild, who are more docile, I think it’s foolish to see them as a friend to mankind.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

They've done the same with Bears in east Tennessee where my Dad lives.

The ole time farmers had killed all the bears out of those parts years ago for a good reason.

My great grandpa killed a black bear in that area with a pocket knife that he just happened to have out whittling on a stick as he walked down a trail through the woods.
He rounded a corner and next thing he knew a black bear was standing up looking him eye to eye.

For what ever reason his reaction was to throw his hat over the bears eyes and reach down with the knife and cut the bear from anus to sternum and run with all his might. The bear left a trail of internals for 300 ft before it fell over dead.

Its just black bears but occasionally black bears can and do kill people.

I've never encountered wolves and don't care to either nor mountain lions or any of those dangerous animals.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:53 PM
We have had reports of them in central PA but only a sighting of a single/lone wolf not a pack.

Here are some maps of the distribution of wolves in the US. ttps:// w=207&usg=AI4_-kR0RElEbQcyzpR5I8rP3olDsFL5rg&vet=1&docid=cbPeVWsOyZUMfM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY277jkZTfAhUtneAKHVSNB58Q9QEwAHoECAAQBg

Some years ago in the late 90's we were driving in northern NY in the mountains at night during a snow storm and a wolf was standing in the middle of the highway or road and didn't make it off the road in time. The size of these animals is often underestimated and some confuse coyotes with wolves from a distance but wolves are usually the size of a large huskie or larger (70-150lbs for adults) while coyotes are much smaller, normally 30-50lbs, some maybe reaching ~60 or so for large ones.

Here is a link showing the difference between coyotes and wolves - and some dogs

We have also seen bear much further south in much more developed/populated areas than have ever been seen. One was photographed with a type of mange and had lost much of the fur/hair and it was a completely different shape and it was also very thin (maybe near starving). Most people would never have identified it as a bear it looked like some alien hybrid of some gnarly beast with a long large head (much of the width is fur and ears), thick snout and a body that looked nothing like a bear with fur.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Sheye

Wolves can never be tamed, in a wild environment, they just can't. Maybe some people can domesticate them in a caged environment, but not out in the wild. They truly are "wild animals", and like our domesticated dogs, they are smart. They understand things like escape routes (which they block), confusion (which they gleefully cause), terror (which is their greatest advantage). They understand the darkness. They understand things like "pressure", just keep the heat on, wear down the opponent. And the minute you think you got away, exhausted, they're right there. They're smart.

Here's the thing most people don't get. Wolves are cruel. And, they don't care, it suits their purpose.

They're not going to attack in a moment...they're going to stalk their prey, wear them down with fear, and never relent. They will run their prey until they are so tired they can't fight back anymore. They come from above and below...they just never let up on their prey. And, they still won't attack. They'll just keep pushing, in the shadows. They run animals to their absolute exhaustion point. They simply can't go on...THEN they come in, and pick off the weak, and the young.

AND, I DEFY one of these PETA people to stand before me and say killing these evil DEMONS is wrong!! Especially, when they see how their precious animals kill for sport, far beyond what any hunter will do! I DARE just one of them to see the things I've seen!!!!!! Just once!!

Those PETA people can take their naked Hollywood pictures, but just one time, just once...out on the wind swept mountain plateaus of Montana or Wyoming...even for just an their insulated little fictitious world...would change their minds forever. You see, "reality" isn't the world these people live in!

I rest.

edit on 12/9/2018 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:01 PM
And, it truly is....MIND GAMES!!

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:03 PM
Look at the size of this animal in this photo! Now imagine 5-10+ attacking in a pack! vuil-Z8PZVhoFWtO8hYlZ38

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

And...we'll keep on killing every single one of those demonic vermin we see!! And, we won't stop until they're all gone...again! Forever!!!! Wolves have no place in our world.

Just like wild cats...they don't belong.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:14 PM
Idiot environmentalists that never have to deal with the consequences of their stupidity were wrong to reintroduce these predators to areas with humans and especially livestock. I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you put this creature down. It’s self defense.

edit on 2018/12/9 by Metallicus because: Sp

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Here's the thing most people don't get. Wolves are cruel. And, they don't care, it suits their purpose.

Reminds me of some humans I’ve come across. 😆

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:32 PM
I'm not sticking up for the wolves. They are beautiful creatures but are dangerous!

I came across an interesting enviornmental impact related to predators, mainly bears in the Pac NW. They found that since the construction of the hydroelectric dams on the rivers, the salmon population had been decimated which means very few salmon making it back to the spawning grounds 3,000-7,000ft up in the mountains (imagine that climb up that river/creeks/streams!!). Once they spawn they die and are gobbled up by the bears and other predators in the area on top of the bears eating them along the way back to the spawning grounds. Then the bears (and other predators/scavengers) do what they do and crap in the woods & meadows which in turn fertilizes the area with rich manure. Now after 70+ years of very low population numbers of salmon, they have found a massive effect on the plant life, trees, grasses and other vegetation along creeks, streams, rivers with them all having very slow growth rates as well as more erosion problems, slower re-growth after fires, etc.

The show mentioned the tonnage of fish that would originally travel back to the spawning grounds and it was some incredible /massive amounts. That which wasn't eaten usually washed up on shore and fed the banks/ground that way and most of that isn't happening anymore starving the ecosystem of a much needed source of nutrients.

I know this isn't exactly related to wolves but it is related to environmental impact that was mentioned.

There is another case study of some type of antelope (or deer type hybrid) that had a high population in central Cali valley. It was eventually hunted to extinction and it has had massive environmental implications state wide.

So not all concerns or worries from environmentalists are unfounded but they do seem to have a lack of concern about the impacts of their demands to those down the line and as said most will never be the ones directly effected by their demands & changes.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I know one woman, professionally, not personally, who always seemed enamored with animals. She has squirrels around her office and feeders set up for them. I despise squirrels... they're destructive, they eat all the nuts off my nut trees, and if cornered have some seriously sharp teeth and claws. Not to mention, they like to throw stuff at me. So it's year-round squirrel season here.

Anyway, I found out about a month ago just how crazy she is... she somehow caught a possum and is trying to keep it as a pet! Now, for anyone who doesn't know about possums, they carry diseases, they will kill any small animal they can find for food, they're tough as a bear, and they have incisors that are long and sharp enough to puncture a tire in a heartbeat, which they WILL use on YOU if they even think you're threatening them.

I'm waiting for her to show up in a hospital with an infected deep wound that she almost bled to death from. Some people are insane!

Oh, and don't get me started on coons... a fully grown coon will single-handedly whip three good hound dogs, and they are almost as tough as a possum. Not to mention, they delight in going through trash and 'rolling' every kept area within sight. But people think they're 'cute.' Yeah, not!

At least we don't have any wolves around here... yet...


posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

Let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR here in response to your post! CRYSTAL CLEAR!

I'm on board with opposing things like the Pebble Mine in AK, and damns in the PNW,...BUT...Wolves are a completely different story! As are many of the environmentalist's causes.

The difference is they don't want humans on the planet. They're not about conservation; they're ONLY about extinction of humans...PERIOD!

So, no, I'm NOT okay with building damns to stop the salmon either! But, I'm not against it because of the energy concerns, I'm against it because of the fish. You see, this is an area were liberals can't see shades of grey. They think all conservatives are against ALL conservation....and that would be the furthest from the truth!

There are things which are common sense, and then there are things which are out of control. Black guns are not "common sense"...neither are "wolves". Can you see the similarities???

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

At least we don't have any wolves around here... yet...

Not "YET", but you will! Left unabated, the way they are multiplying and destroying every living will! Sooner or will!!

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Did you take my post as supporting the wolves? Just curious. If you were, I wasn't, just adding some info about environmental impacts.

I support the 2nd A fully and I see wolves as FAR FAR FAR more of a danger than their "benefit"
edit on 12 9 2018 by DigginFoTroof because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: DigginFoTroof
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Did you take my post as supporting the wolves? Just curious. If you were, I wasn't, just adding some info about environmental impacts.

I support the 2nd A fully and I see wolves as FAR FAR FAR more of a danger than their "benefit"

I think you guys are grossly exaggerating the danger of wolfes!
How many people have been killed by wolfes or even attacked by wolfes? The answer is very very few... Tons of other animals kills or hurt far more people than wolfes do.
Even if you live in an rural area with lots of wolfes, i would be more concerned about getting hit by lightning, than being attacked by wolfes. Look up some statistics if you dont believe me.

As far as killing livestocks or other problems you may think they cause, you may have a point. I dont know, but iam not convinced it is such a big problem yet. But talking about fearing they attack you, you have to be very unlucky to ever get in that situation.
edit on 10-12-2018 by IAMNOTYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: TheRedneck

At least we don't have any wolves around here... yet...

Not "YET", but you will! Left unabated, the way they are multiplying and destroying every living will! Sooner or will!!

Wolfes has been around for a million years, the way you describe them, iam very confused to as why there is any life left on this planet at all? they should have taken over and killed everything by now, shouldnt they?

edit on 10-12-2018 by IAMNOTYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: DigginFoTroof

And...we'll keep on killing every single one of those demonic vermin we see!! And, we won't stop until they're all gone...again! Forever!!!! Wolves have no place in our world.

Just like wild cats...they don't belong.

Wolves have been around for millions of years, they're far from the most wasteful or even the most ferocious creatures on this planet.


No, they value their lives as much as you. They hunt in packs ( like we used to) and are mighty effective at it. You don't hunt deer with a screwdriver so why in hell would wolves play in a way that seems "fair" to you?

Your "our world" comment is funny though, yeah we are THE apex predator wherever we're found but that's because we worked EXACTLY like wolves. We're smart, efficient and effective.

Difference is wolves take what they need, we take what we want. Wolves are a part of the evolution of this planet, they had a place.

Us? We forcefully changed the world to suit our needs. We've gotten weak. But make no mistake, a wolf will only ever be an immediate danger, humans on the other hand...

Anyways I wouldn't worry too much about it, we've protected our livestock for millennia, ourselves too and to a wolf we are hardly a sustainable food source. They hate us as much as you hate them.

posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: IAMNOTYOU

Well, I didn't mean humans.

I was referring more to wildlife. The world is a different place now than it was millions of years ago. There is no place for a top predator like the wolf. Not in North America anyway. There were natural balances which kept the wolf in check millions of years ago, things like other predators, disease, starvation and competition. Many of those things are significantly reduced or non-existent now. Take for example predators; any natural predator of the wolf has a significantly larger natural 'footprint' in nature than the wolf does, so the wolf can exist where they cannot. You can already see examples of this in areas where the cougar (one of the other top predators) exists. People are all up in arms about cougars killing humans, so they cull them back. Same with bears (though a bear really isn't a predator, more a forager/scavenger, but they will kill them if need be). Consequently, the competition is severely reduced.

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