posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to:
it will eventually be like an Oracle to us
I have seen a few sci-fi films & series which give this idea a treatment with quite an insightful & potentially 'good for humanity' approach, and I
confess that it strikes me that in its better incarnations, AI will indeed be a wonderful tool to help us to create a better world. However, that
comes with a caveat - just as with human societies & collectives dealing in the provision of wisdom & instruction to human rulers, governments,
corporations & so on, there is never only one 'side', and the greater propensity is never solely a righteous attitude towards human well-being. There
is always a dark majority, because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I believe we will see communities of humans facing off against one another, each with their guiding AI, with its own 'prime directive', its own
'agenda' in terms of the values & desires of the humans who program its principle rules of operation.
AIs will be our kings, our kings will be generals, our rulers & citizens will be a network which adheres to truth - spread throughout the nations
instead of a bloc of geographically-proximal folk.. And the ones who would control us, to squeeze power from us all our lives to feed them their
desires for the stuff of power, will be those who assault every new nation & every new people, trying to steal what cannot be but given. And so we
will hope in Light, while the darkness seeks to crush us..And all things will be made new.