posted on Nov, 24 2018 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to:
I see 3 characters sitting by themselves and the rest all on one side. You could argue [if you have a healthy mind] that it was easier to draw, or
the three [two of which are white/ginger] have the best seats with the most space, whilst the others are cramped together.
Maybe the three are the most important ones and the others are literally the non important ones.
I am getting so fed up about this now. It's only people of low IQ, who can't see logic when it punches them straight in their face that come up with
such crap. Maybe they are also brain washed. Sad thing is that they are the most racist of all by constantly being obsessed about colour and trying to
give black people special treatment, when [in my opinion] they should not need it. After all apparently we are all the same, that includes being the
butt of a joke or being disliked too.
Anything else is patronising and a sign that they think blacks can't cope by themselves and need a white person protecting them, or that they are so
stupid they need positive action in order to manage anything.
The moaners are the racists.
edit on 24-11-2018 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)