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Secret Tibetan Yoga causes ufo appearances

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posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Yeah warns are great. I got three in one week. But I don't think it's a big deal. There are boundries here at ATS and sometimes they get in the way of really COMMUNICATING...I'm not afraid to speak my feelings and some people don't like that or me but I don't care.

I said I'll be frank and I am. I don't believe you. That's great if you have to have a new handle because you got lost and can't find your way back. I find that hard to believe too though. Anyways the biggest concern is that you might not be telling the truth about your activities. I highly doubt you are at an elevated level as such through Tibetan Yoga as you call it. Please be more specific. Also if I was at that state I would not be seeking advice from people on the internet about whats happening.

Who is your mentor? Do you have one? How did you learn this 'Yoga'. You didn't learn from a book did you

You must see, where I am in my geographical location, I take what you say all the way over there in the western world and iffy...not to be trusted.

If it's true thats cool. I use meditation to travel through the universe but I haven't got far, only away from the sun and to the asteroid belt.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:45 PM

ive got some pics that are yet to be developed ...but i cant afford a camera right now due to the fact that im laid off ....i would need to get a tri pod also.....i dont need to prove this to anyone ..... i know they exist and many around me need to draw more attention to whats happening any way

Helpful Hint:

When you get them developed, have them also give you a photo cd, usually only about $5 extra. Then use photobucket (free upload site) and post the pics...

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:47 PM
In due time i may say what my handle was on here.....but i do enjoy anonymity and dont feel pressed or pressured to reveal...believe what you want...but keep an open mind...just ask my old buddy "lilblam"......there are areas in the himalayas where buddhism and hinduism blend and the line becomes indiscernible....they are all practicing yoga......pantanjalis yoga sutras....dream yoga of the buddhists.....raja yoga....kriya yoga.....karma descendants of the great masters are able to vouch safe there psychic gift waves of blessings upon you depending on your inclination......they are all practicing yoga....unless they are fully realized then practice is no longer needed

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

ive got some pics that are yet to be developed ...but i cant afford a camera right now due to the fact that im laid off ....i would need to get a tri pod also.....i dont need to prove this to anyone ..... i know they exist and many around me need to draw more attention to whats happening any way

Helpful Hint:

When you get them developed, have them also give you a photo cd, usually only about $5 extra. Then use photobucket (free upload site) and post the pics...

Thanks gaz.....there was a posting once about a certain star system being taken off the official is also associated with a certain race of you remember this....can you fill me in and have you heard anything new...?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by suppers ready
there are areas in the himalayas where buddhism and hinduism blend and the line becomes indiscernible....

Lines are always indiscernible between the two, identity wise, but philisophically and spiritually you are correct there. You are practicing which form of yoga, I think you failed to mention that.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:09 PM

Thanks gaz.....there was a posting once about a certain star system being taken off the official is also associated with a certain race of you remember this....can you fill me in and have you heard anything new...?

Of course I do...silly question...

It wasn't a star system, it was a planet.

In about '91 I believe, they had announced the detection of a large gaseous planet in orbit around one of the Zeti Reticuli stars (it's a binary star system). The announcement was later retracted, citing a "correction" of data.

The Zeti Reticuli star system (specifically the fourth planet of the second star) has long been cited as a possible home for the grays. I believe the first mention of it was in the Hill abduction case, as featured on Betty's drawn starmap. It should be noted, that this map correctly showed the positions of stars (including their color, some of which wasn't even known at the time) as well as depicting other yellow suns. Likewise, it's a constellation not even visible in her native hemisphere....

Zeti Reticuli was also cited by Bob Lazar, a supposed physicist who claims to have worked out at a secret part of Area 51 known as S-4. While much evidence condemns Mr. Lazar, he does have a verified W-2 tax form showing employment with the Department of Naval Intelligence (a known leasee of Area 51) even with a "MAJ" (Majestic) prefix in the coding...

EDIT: No, nothing new on this...

[edit on 25-2-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Thanks gaz.....there was a posting once about a certain star system being taken off the official is also associated with a certain race of you remember this....can you fill me in and have you heard anything new...?

Of course I do...silly question...

It wasn't a star system, it was a planet.

In about '91 I believe, they had announced the detection of a large gaseous planet in orbit around one of the Zeti Reticuli stars (it's a binary star system). The announcement was later retracted, citing a "correction" of data.

The Zeti Reticuli star system (specifically the fourth planet of the second star) has long been cited as a possible home for the grays. I believe the first mention of it was in the Hill abduction case, as featured on Betty's drawn starmap. It should be noted, that this map correctly showed the positions of stars (including their color, some of which wasn't even known at the time) as well as depicting other yellow suns. Likewise, it's a constellation not even visible in her native hemisphere....

Zeti Reticuli was also cited by Bob Lazar, a supposed physicist who claims to have worked out at a secret part of Area 51 known as S-4. While much evidence condemns Mr. Lazar, he does have a verified W-2 tax form showing employment with the Department of Naval Intelligence (a known leasee of Area 51) even with a "MAJ" (Majestic) prefix in the coding...

EDIT: No, nothing new on this...

[edit on 25-2-2005 by Gazrok]

Any pics online of that W-2 taxform?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by suppers ready
In due time i may say what my handle was on here.....but i do enjoy anonymity and dont feel pressed or pressured to reveal...

Aaagh, come on...seriously. Whats the story?

You have ufo's visiting all the time when you meditate?? If you can buy a disposable camera or get someone with a camphone even & get once & for all indisputable proof that can't be likened to balloons or flares. Capture a ufo flying over or whatever...
SHEEESH! Im gonna fall over...

I beleive in UFOs because of a couple individual experience's, one was even was with a group of friends in my class in primary school. I cant prove but i can tell the story if wanted.

But seriously, make a plan bro`

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:18 PM
Yep....I'm sure a simple Google on "Lazar" and "W-2" will turn it up...

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Yep....I'm sure a simple Google on "Lazar" and "W-2" will turn it up...

When I searched for Lazar W-2 i found this lol:

Amen to this! Both Corso and Lazar embellished their
credentials, both told lies, both told tall tales which had no
supporting evidence whatsoever.

As one tiny example, one of Lazar's major supporters (G.H.)
circulated an IRS W-2 form that he claimed Lazar had found,
allegedly proving that Lazar had been on the payroll of a
government agency. Well, the zip code on the address of his
alleged employer did not exist at the time and does not exist
now. I have lived in the Washington, D.C., area all of my adult
life, was employed for many years by Congressional Information
Service, had access to all kinds of government directories, etc.
The document is a crude fraud.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:27 PM
Suppers ready, exactly what form of yoga are you practising?? I belive that in meditating, you are opening the doors to higher realms of perception from the five sense world and that is why you are able too see UFO's which also function on subtle and etheric dimensions!

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:29 PM
BTW, the planet was in '96, found a link for you...

Well, I wouldn't toss out the W-2 just yet, he actually did file it, and no mention of it not going through. Such a mention should be easy enough fodder for skeptics. Nor would I be surprised at his employer not having correct info especially if a covert project. Don't get me wrong, there are LOTS of reasons to discount Lazar's testimonials....and he has constantly had serious credibility issues. Still, it is a fact that he led others to a vantage point of Area 51 and KNEW exactly when certain test flights would be made. S-4 is interesting only because as a Lockheed brat, I did know a kid who once lived in a residential area of A-51 while his dad was stationed there....and he mentioned an off-base area they called the "hangar" in the mountain. So yeah, a little eerie for me.... Still, Lazar has WAY too much baggage to cite when trying to make the case for UFOs....

Corso on the other hand, sure, he's trying to recall things that happened years ago, and he embellished his own role in the scheme of things. Still, he is who he says he was. He worked for who he said he worked for. He knows who he said he knows. And he would have certainly been in the right position for the claims he makes.... I wouldn't dismiss Corso near as easily as Lazar....


Friendly reminder folks....don't forget the thread about ridiculing others...some on this thread are doing it...let's nip it... You don't have to agree, but don't ridicule....

[edit on 25-2-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 02:54 PM
look there is a much more reasonable answer for you seeing UFOs after meditation. You change your frequency/vibration thus you see UFOs. So you go to them, they dont come to you.

Oh and as for zeta reticuli system, isnt that the system of stars Sirius A,B,C, first one being known as the north star?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok

also try practicing at anothers home and see if ufos come there.

this will tell you if they are connected.

Good suggestion LA.........yes go to anothers home and practice your meditation and SEE.....heck they may even have a video camera or a dig cam.

You can come to MY house!
I make a nice cup of tea.....and Utah is kewl!

What form of meditation are you practicing????

[edit on 25-2-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:55 PM
I wanna know tooo.... I would like to try, my only ufo sighting wasn't even that good

I am practioner of hatha yoga and but I don't notice the sky when I am contorted
I also meditate using both mantras and yantras and while I have had quite a few interesting experiences I have yet to correlate meditation with ufo's.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 04:58 PM
Worldwatcher, what kind of experiences have you had while practising meditation using mantras and yantras?? I am very interested to know.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:46 PM

Thank you for the u2u, I have tried to reply but apparently I am unable to until i have sufficient posts. I was facinated by your response. I wanted to ask you several questions but I am unsure if you would like me to post. I will do so as soon as I am able to use the u2u function.
One Love

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:57 PM
Not a prob Jah, i'm always here, so whenever you can we'll talk, plus we don't want to hijack anyone's thread, it's not polite

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 06:03 PM
Cool, will do ww, am relativley new, so was unaware that you had to accumulate "currency" in order to chat!
Would very much like to chat once able 2!

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Jah Warrior 108
Suppers ready, exactly what form of yoga are you practising?? I belive that in meditating, you are opening the doors to higher realms of perception from the five sense world and that is why you are able too see UFO's which also function on subtle and etheric dimensions!

i am practicing a form of raja yoga which uses a mantra which i wrap around my chakras in certain ascending and descending order....specifics i will not or should not release .....if your interested you may study up and experiment your took me along time to get the math right on this form of yoga thru hints from a couple of different masters....practice bhakti yoga if you like ....its the yoga of pure devotion....if thats your will recieve a response if your are persistent and truly honest in your endeavor....dont expect ufos to show up though.....i dont even have to practice it for them to show up.....i will also tell you there are certain soma like substances that expand the consciousness that will also make this occur.....though im sure and positive not for everyone......

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