posted on Nov, 19 2018 @ 12:46 PM
Hello all,
I just wanted to post a friendly reminder to our membership about staff actions taken on posts or threads.
Any time a post is removed, the member receives a PM stating that a post has been removed and which staffer initiated the action.
The same is true any time a thread is trashed. An automated PM is sent and it states which staffer trashed it.
If you have a question about the action that a staff member has taken, please feel free to send them a PM and ask.
If you don't hear back right away, that's ok... our staff are volunteers and may be doing something else. Just click the little down arrow on the
toolbar at the top, click "Complain" and ask your question there. That will place a post in the Staff forum for ALL staff to see so someone will
answer you ASAP.
Public threads about staff actions serve no purpose. The membership at large does not have access to the staff discussions behind an action taken.
These threads, regardless of where posted (yes, even the Rant forum) will be trashed immediately.
Thank you.