posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 11:04 AM
Daedalus says:
"I haven't read the article buti always thought that the JSF hover fan system was too complex and intricate, for a main-stay non-niched fighter..
But that's what the brits want, given their reliance on micro carriers; and they've always been a major player as far as the design is concerned,
simply because they got on board as a partner for the JSF early on.
I haven't talked with anyone who's flown a JSF, although we had a couple of test article pilots come out and brief us (we're doing some weapons
integration for Lockmart). I don't think anyone that I or my colleagues know has any hands on with a STOVL JSF, but I have spoken with several St.
Louis guys on the AV-8B program and they all seem to think that the JSF is going to be a very easy plane to fly.
And if you haven't read the comments by "kurt plummer" on that site, do so. The guy is very obviously plugged into the business and not a
"poser" like the authors of a lot of these posts you read.