posted on Jul, 5 2003 @ 03:06 PM
Hey Mag
Putting maggots in wounds is age old practice and very successful!
Many civilisations..especially Greek, Roman and African used the maggots to stop Necrotising Faecitis(sp) with great success.
I have read in some Army journals that in u are in the jungle and one of your friends is shot what would u do?
1: treat him with the first aid kit u have and radio help!
Good answer and very correct...but what if u don't have a radio and first aid kit and the nearest town is a days walk from you?
This is what an army cadet i know said:
1: Cover and stop bleeding with your shirt u keep spare.
2: Find water and use the water purification tabs.
3: Find maggots and clean them in the water and put them on the flesh wounds.
One person i have briefly met has used this treatment is battle and saved both legs of the wounded man....his detailed report i will find later on for
Personally..if it meant that i could save a limb...then yes...i would use the treatment...on have to do with what u have handy!