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Don't want a prize....
Fresh off its bungled machine recount, Broward County’s second day of manual recounting temporarily stopped about an hour after it began Saturday when lawyers from both political parties pointed out that volunteers were counting the wrong ballots.
The languages, thè codes and thè System of symbols in contemporary magical movements come from thè most diverse sources: from Greece and China, from Pythagoras and thè Druids, and sometimes even from Christianity and modern Science...There is, for example, a vision of thè world shared by most of thè new magical movements, which posits that there has been a fall from thè originai perfect condition into thè limited world of matter and death, and that human beings may be reintegrated with their primitive state through techniques known by initiates.
The first of thè two quarantines of Cagliostro is a magical retreat of forty days consisting of rituals and prayers. After thirty-three days one commences to "enjoy thè favore of visible Communications with thè seven primevai angels and to know thè seals and thè numbere of these immortai Entities."...This constitutes thè theurgical ritual; his aim according to Cagliostro is to "obtain thè Pentagon and become morally perfect." The immediate antecedents of this ritual are found in thè masonic System utilized by thè Blazing Star ofTschoudi, and in thè rituals of thè Golden Rosy Cross...
In thè second quarantine, all is not entirely clear, perhaps in part because thè same ritual can probably be interpreted at various levels of understanding. Cagliostro knew both forms of alchemy mentioned by thè German Golden Rosy Cross, thè "laboratory" alchemy and thè "internai" or "spiritual" alchemy...
A significant antecedent of Cagliostro’s method of "becoming young again" is contained in thè Thesaurus Thesaurorum, a complex manual used by thè Golden Rosy Cross, which is dated 1580, but which is certainly more recent. Under thè title "How One Uses Magic to Change One’s Nature and to Become Young Again" there are prescriptions very similar to those of Cagliostro, and at times almost identical.
Things are being put in place to destroy it entirely. The FED is a collection agency for the IMF - Roths, and NOT your friend. They have taken you and put you in a trust, then borrowed money from that trust for them to play with - and YOU PAY IT BACK for them!!! The FED controls the politicians. Politicians take orders. Who's giving orders now????????