a reply to:
Actually that statement betray's a very and might I say EVIL attitude toward your fellow man, what make's you believe that you are so superior to
those people whom you mention, are they genetically stupid as you so evidently seem to believe and more than that I would say in the vain of Eugenic
belief's which the NAZI scum held so dear to there heart's.
Or could you possibly be mistaken, could you be so dumb that you can simply not see that you will not live for ever, that everything you so vainly
build will fall to dust and one day even your own descendant's will cease to exist that is assuming you have any and have not opted to edit your
inferior genes out from the human gene pool - you know put your money were your mouth is on that point.
Could low IQ be more related to poverty, malnutrition and let's remember Doping of the food and water supply as well as deliberate dumbing down of
sectors of the population deliberately or inadvertently by such as the government and private institutions as well as the food industry.
Sorry if I come across angry it is not you but that statement is literally unacceptably foul and so is the attitude behind it.
Let me rephrase it another way, YOU are most certainly not superior to anyone else, it may make you feel better in yourself to believe you are, to
sell yourself a thoroughbred Grey Hound but you are ethically, morally and factually wrong.
Michael Faraday, uneducated so worked as a book binder from the age of 14, you would not be typing on your electrical devices had it not been for his
contribution toward the field or electrical science.
William Herschel an Artisan, a musician and yet because of his self taught astronomy and early discovery's he is now a household name.
In fact most genius did not arise among the wealthy, the elite or the professional class but rather they arose from the common folk, those that are
NOT inbred.
The list goes on and on and on, let's just say that well fed, content fat kid's from rich family's with secured futures often do not have the impetus
that these kid's from poverty born in the slum's had and without the input of genius and thinkers rising from poverty, without the self taught
amateurs YOU would be - if you even existed today - living in a mud and straw and scavenging for your lunch.
Another one.
You really need to ditch the bigotry not only because you are wrong but because you are VERY wrong and in a very bad manner.
Most racial theory has been disproved by the fact that when kid's are given equal opportunity's and access to equal education then the illusion of
one group being superior to another vanishes.
Most class theory likewise fail's if put to the test.
But if you impoverish a group of people, they learn to survive any way they can and do not have the education, the entertainment and the opportunity'
that the rich kid's in another group get then you can see how they would then remain in that rut - as a group, individuals as I have discussed above
rise out of it due to there own inherent talent's - so generation poverty is born and this does not prove or suggest that they are in any way inferior
but rather that they have been denied the education and the opportunity whit
ch the self entitled often take for granted.
This is NOT genetic's, they are NOT inferior human being's.
edit on 5-11-2018 by LABTECH767 because: Damnable auto correction