posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 08:49 AM
Is it possible that when you tell her she can do better that you're mentioning it in passing? For example, when her bf does something rude and
intolerable, then leaves the room, you capitalize on that moment to whisper "This guy's a jerk - what are you doing with him?"
B/c I think that method is really never going to work - She's in that zone where she's in no mood to be made a fool out of, and all that's
happening is a little of this :bnghd: and a little of this
Sometimes you just have to get in the middle of things.....Tell, yell, scream into her bf's face that you and her are going somewhere for a nice and
quiet walk - stand between them if he tries to grab her (Maybe have an intimidating friend of yours as back up)....Get it across to this numbskull
that she's going to go on a walk with you, you'll be back whenever you get back, and leave....Again - someone capable of delivering an ominous glare
or two here would help out - hehe
And on this walk, in a private park or undisclosed location, you're going to pull your friend aside and open up to her how you feel - She'll be
surprised that you actually gave her a breath of freedom, and when she's alone with someone she really wants to be with, rather than a power-hungry
fool, hopefully she'll begin to realize what a horrible choice it was to stick around with him....
Don't make things look like they're her fault - Just point out the obvious and make it mean something to her when you say it....Then, if she decides
to leave him, see if she can have a police escort to remove her things from the house - Or a squad of beefy muscle heads would work too....