posted on Nov, 1 2018 @ 08:48 PM
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A lot of this stuff seems to be place specific.. Like your not likely to see Bigfoot in a Café , He is out in the wilds, UFO's are above the Earth,
Ghosts are in old houses, seems to be very organised as they don't have much overlapping. The brain will try to make logical sense of this something,
re. Like a stone on Mars looking like technology of some sort. Which begs the question are Biological forms especially ones human science cant
duplicate actually biological cybernetic technology .If this is so then what happens if the planet has another major meltdown or an extinction event.
Does evolution have a cheat card up its sleeve, where a time or dimensional slip, can be used to re seed what would have otherwise have been a
biological desert. Theirs plenty of evidence of mass extinction events, where layers devoid of fossils suddenly start a new biological library. We
don't know it all and fear would be a good reaction if suddenly a portal opens up, and nets some biology or anything else that happened to be in the
place at that given place in time. Since were talking that it takes great intelligence to create a complicated bio sphere, then it would be small
change to put some unwanted biology back to the place it had come from. Or to extinguish, something which doesn't have the general good of the overall
biosphere in its where with all. Because of the necessary interconnectedness of all living organisms , where each ones niche compliments another's.
So many OOParts, have turned up where they shouldn't have, these quantum gates might be more common. than previously thought and exist throughout
the universe as a means of starting life on otherwise devoid worlds. That's assuming that's what they are.