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What are the Migrants looking for in the US?

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posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: BoneSay

They will find a way in, you don't have the smarts to understand how they will do it but they will do

I'm sure they will. Wall or no wall.
But that's no reason to keep those with legitimate claims away.

edit on 10/27/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Phage

I will concede to you at this point, I feel like crud just medicated and wont be able to keep going.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I hope it's just antihistamines or something.

No need to elaborate.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Where did I say that? Let me quote my first sentence for you since you seems to have glazed over that.
“Migrants aren’t invaders, they come here to work.”

I said my region is dependent on migrant farm workers. Read it again.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Phage

Yes , this is not our way. The Liberator Will Weld the Law to Depose the " False Gods " who are Worshiped at the Alter of Depravity by the WEAK WILLED Ones . Justice is Not Blind to Injustice in Our Great Land .

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Very good.

So, were you trying to make some sort of point?

Yup. Just needed you to get the conversation there.

Hopefully we don't have to hear about walmarts etc, as the Geneva conventions states: Restrictions on their movement can be imposed until their status is regularized. The UNHCR considers that detention of asylum-seekers should be a measure of last resort. It has drafted a set of guidelines for the use of detention of asylum-seekers. In certain countries, refugees are confined to refugee camps and their movement is restricted. In other countries, including in many developed countries, detention of irregular migrants until their status as refugees is determined is a common practice.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Where did I say that? Let me quote my first sentence for you since you seems to have glazed over that.
“Migrants aren’t invaders, they come here to work.”

I said my region is dependent on migrant farm workers. Read it again.

No, no. Quote the whole thing.

I live in Napa Valley and this billion dollar region would tank without the migrant farm workers. How many of you eat fruit, vegetables, dairy (*cough* Devin Nunes *cough*) or drink wine? Do you think the bounty magically just appears at the store?

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Yeah. It did sound sort of preachy.

How about "we are a nation of law and order?"

Nope. Same effect.

Ya got me. Screw it, forget about our laws.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

In certain countries, refugees are confined to refugee camps and their movement is restricted. In other countries, including in many developed countries, detention of irregular migrants until their status as refugees is determined is a common practice.

But the US Constitution gives anyone on US soil some protections. Citizen or not.

Pesky thing, that Constitution.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Yeah. It did sound sort of preachy.

How about "we are a nation of law and order?"

Nope. Same effect.

Ya got me. Screw it, forget about our laws.

.....Da Da Da .Let......Freedom .....Ring ,,,

Yeah , that's the Ticket !

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

And? Where did I say migrant workers only come here to work the fields?

I can assure you, migrant farm workers are working the vineyards in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys.

You can try and twist my words into something they are not but at the end of the day the wine at the grocery store that is Napa Valley or Sonoma wine has been produced by vital law abiding members of my community.

Once again the first line of my first post since once again you have glazed over it. Migrants aren’t invaders, they come here to work.
edit on 27-10-2018 by Jennyfrenzy because: eta

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Wardaddy454

In certain countries, refugees are confined to refugee camps and their movement is restricted. In other countries, including in many developed countries, detention of irregular migrants until their status as refugees is determined is a common practice.

But the US Constitution gives anyone on US soil some protections. Citizen or not.

Pesky thing, that Constitution.

Except for unaccompanied minors.

And none of those protections conflict with international law.

Non-citizens have the rights to :

Equal protection of the laws
Political freedoms of speech and association,
Due process requirements of fair procedure where their lives, liberty, or property are at stake.

That last one is where people seem to be at odds. However, the border and immigration are under the purview of the President. Remember the travel ban being upheld?

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
a reply to: Wardaddy454


And, without those immigrants that seem to only be good enough to provide people their fine wine, Napa valley would necessarily have to entice people to work. How? Paying more.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

I wonder why there is no EO concerning immigration from Guatemala. Or Mexico, for that matter. Just stop it. Easy peasy.

Instead we get ineffectual threats to close the border.

edit on 10/27/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: BoneSay

They will find a way in, you don't have the smarts to understand how they will do it but they will do

I'm sure they will. Wall or no wall.
But that's no reason to keep those with legitimate claims away.

No you don't get it at all, the ones with legitimate reason for help have already applied for it on Mexico and they are getting it, the others went back, the remaining ones, don't want help from Mexico or anyone else. They are determined to reach the US and nothing else will do. Think about why

I feel like you don't want to listen to this, the remaining people don't want any help, asylum or anything but to reach the US, most of the people went back to their countries, some accepted asylum in Mexico, why go to the US if you have a new home and food and stuff and rights you did not had at all back in your country? Why reject that and insist and demand to be sent to the US?

Doesn't make any sense to me

The couple Mexican states that gave the migrants the offer of asylum make more GDP that the entire country these people are coming from, this is ridiculous, they don't want the help at all

You talk about laws and yet the people are going through somehow and the filter at this other border made sure only the worse people went through, basically you will get the most determined ugly guys at your door and they will find a way in. You don't get it at all

But still, i will continue to say, if the US had not messed up those countries down there then this would not happen at all, but oh well, past is the past, no way to change it now, right?

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

Migrants aren’t invaders, they come here to work

Most asylum applicants are not authorized to work.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

You are off the wall offensive. I take huge offense to you trying to imply I said migrants are only good for working the Fields’s. Who is the moderator on right now. Let me check.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Wardaddy454

I wonder why there is no EO concerning immigration from Guatemala. Or Mexico, for that matter. Just stop it. Easy peasy.

Instead we get ineffectual threats to close the border.

Because we aren't trying to stop immigration. You know what we're trying to stop.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: BoneSay

Maybe the ones that went back realized, when given the facts, that they didn't have legitimate claims for asylum. But maybe you are a mind reader. I'm not.

I do know that our laws allow anyone to seek asylum within our borders.

edit on 10/27/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

There would be no wine, it’s the talk of the town right now.

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