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#Mailbomber name is #CesarSayoc

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posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 04:50 PM
This makes no sense.

Packages received in NY, no processing on stamps, but he lives in Florida?

DNA? He has a record in which they had samples to cross check against? He showed up as a match?

Did he drive up there and deliver these?

I'm moving. This is stupid and clearly know one cares about the truth.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
The guy is supposedly a Trump supporter with pictures of Trump and Pence on his van. So the conservative conspiracies about liberals being behind the bombings are discredited for the most part.

Unless all the MSM viewing is part of the psy-ops.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: SR1TX

A planned psy-ops doesn't always have to cover all bases perfectly to be successful.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Vasa Croe

A man arrested on suspicion of being the MAGA bomber has been named as Native American Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc, 56. Sayoc, of Fort Lauderdale, is belived to have been arrested in Plantation, a suburb of Miami, Florida, Friday on suspicion of sending 12 pipe bombs to top Democrats and high-profile figures critical of Donald Trump.

Online records show Sayoc has owned companies called Native American Catering & Vending, as well as Proud Native America One Low Price Drycleaning.

Read more:

Twitter: | Facebook:

Looks like they highlighted his picture to make him look more white.

100% Photo-shopped

Photo is definitely making him look more white than he is. On page 2 of this thread you can see the ones he posted on his Twitter of himself.

Trouble is, you cant change his name or his affiliation with American Indians.

He is philipino, not seminole. He is a wannabe, he is a warren. We who do have native american backgrounds absolutely hate tards like this, because they make us look dumb. " oh, he's an injun. That explains it !".

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Wrapscalllionn

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Vasa Croe

A man arrested on suspicion of being the MAGA bomber has been named as Native American Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc, 56. Sayoc, of Fort Lauderdale, is belived to have been arrested in Plantation, a suburb of Miami, Florida, Friday on suspicion of sending 12 pipe bombs to top Democrats and high-profile figures critical of Donald Trump.

Online records show Sayoc has owned companies called Native American Catering & Vending, as well as Proud Native America One Low Price Drycleaning.

Read more:

Twitter: | Facebook:

Looks like they highlighted his picture to make him look more white.

100% Photo-shopped

Photo is definitely making him look more white than he is. On page 2 of this thread you can see the ones he posted on his Twitter of himself.

Trouble is, you cant change his name or his affiliation with American Indians.

He is philipino, not seminole. He is a wannabe, he is a warren. We who do have native american backgrounds absolutely hate tards like this, because they make us look dumb. " oh, he's an injun. That explains it !".

can you link to a source for that? It would be rather strange if true.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: network dude

I heard half Filipino half Italian. Altieri does sound like an Italian surname. It really doesn't matter what race he is all that matters is that the authorities get to the the bottom of this and if he is guilty that he is tried accordingly.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: soundguy
And as expected he is a MAGAt. Who coulda ever guessed. The whole lot of trumpkins are low life scum.

That's right, and we are taking over, and there is not a single thing any of you can do about it! You're just too weak and stupid to put up a fight. Everything you hold dear will be taken away from you and trampled forever and all you can do is sit there and cry.

The right to slaughter unborn babies just because you dont wanna man up, and didnt feel like wearing protection,

the right for men to compete against women in a womens only competition, just because they feel like a woman on the inside, and take home a 1st place trophy someone else deserved (what kind of sick, selfish person could do such a thing and live with themselves?) along with all the other nonsense that comes with LGBTQuakery.

the right to feel better about yourself by letting a bunch of illegals enter the country just because you yourself cannot do anything worth feeling good about so opening the wallets of others and distributing the contents is a workable substitution

the right to win any argument by calling racism

One by one, each of the things you hold sacred will be mocked, denounced, taken from you, and shattered to smithereens, never to return to these lands. HA-ha!

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: tommyjo

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Those stickers on the van sure look almost brand new, certainly in very good condition for baking in the south florida sun

Seriously? Here is the van pictured back in December 2017.

The suspect’s white van reminded David Cypkin and his girlfriend, who until recently lived in Aventura, Fla., of a van often parked in the parking lot of a local strip mall, the Shoppes at the Waterways. Mr. Cypkin shared photographs with The New York Times that showed a van covered with a number of stickers bearing the image of President Trump and at least one anti-CNN sticker.

Mr. Cypkin, 39, said he lived near the mall and would see the van in the early morning when he walked his dog. “It struck me because of the crazy conspiratorial stickers covering the windows,” said Mr. Cypkin, a documentary film producer and editor. “It was unsettling, and also it seemed to be occupied. Sometimes the door would be ajar or a window would be open, which indicated to me that maybe somebody was living in the van.” “I never wanted to get too close,” he added, though he saw the owner at least once. He described him as an older white man.

Mr. Cypkin shared a cellphone picture he took of the van in the early morning of Dec. 31. The photo shows a van similar to the one seen in footage being picked up by law enforcement this morning. He said he called the F.B.I. after learning of the arrest.

On Friday, his girlfriend saw the van on the TV news and sent him a screen shot: “Is this the van from the Waterways?”

NY Times Link

When you look at the recent images of the van it is clear that this guy regularly changed the stickers/decals on his van. There is a different set on the rear right panel.

So you agree they look new.

Thanks for adding some information but the mocking tone wasn't really necessary, unless you just had a bad day and are the type who likes to feel better by unloading your filthy stinkin baggage onto random strangers who have done nothing to you.

If you are that type of a person, then I actuallt feel kinda sorry for you so go ahead and do what you gotta do. We stronger types can take it.

Thank you for confirming that they do look new and providing a possible reason for why they do look new. The windows looked tinted to me, but now I'm kind of wondering if he had them taped to the inside of the windows. What do you think?

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Its been reported he lived in his van. So the covered windows served a purpose. Sadly i think being in jail will improve this mans life. He will have a real bed and 3 meals.
edit on 10/26/18 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Is this all you guys are clinging to, "he's not a white guy" as if that makes everything ok. Who knows what he is it makes no difference to me, what matters is he is a detriment to society and most likely "deplorable". Instead of breathing a sigh of relief that he is not Lily white how about denouncing his actions and the call by the far right and far left for violence!

Lol what the hell are you talking about?

Yes, we are all so desperately clinging to his non whiteness and we cannot shut up about it 3 pages in!

Maybe you just need some sleep...?

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

23andME is working on the DNA/Heritage report.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: 3n19m470

Its been reported he lived in his van. So the covered windows served a purpose. Sadly i think being in jail will improve this mans life. He will have a real bed and 3 meals.

So his days as a business owner were long ago?

Someone was saying earlier he may not even be a true native. That would help to explain the "mickey mouse" wonky ass devices.

I bet some rogue or ex FBI agent built all those devices, and they found this poor, mentally unstable sucker to deliver them.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

strange things that happen when strange things have already happened, I tend to cling to.
Just keeping up with the information.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: conspiracy nut
a reply to: network dude

I heard half Filipino half Italian. Altieri does sound like an Italian surname. It really doesn't matter what race he is all that matters is that the authorities get to the the bottom of this and if he is guilty that he is tried accordingly.

Damn here you are on page 6, chiming in on the race of the guy and even contributing to the rumor mill...

BUT "race doesnt matter and your all disgusting for even bringing it up".

Yeah we get it... since he isn't white, all the sudden race doesn't matter.

But if he had been white? The white guilt media machine would be cranked up to Biblical Proportions.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: 3n19m470

Its been reported he lived in his van. So the covered windows served a purpose. Sadly i think being in jail will improve this mans life. He will have a real bed and 3 meals.

So his days as a business owner were long ago?

Someone was saying earlier he may not even be a true native. That would help to explain the "mickey mouse" wonky ass devices.

I bet some rogue or ex FBI agent built all those devices, and they found this poor, mentally unstable sucker to deliver them.

I must have spent too much time here. I keep thinking, if there really was such a thing as "the Deep State", and they weren't with Trump, and didn't really like him, but decided to let him go on for a bit, Might do something just like this, with a "disposable", as this man seems to be on paper. His party affiliation or anyone involved for that matter, wouldn't matter, other than the continued effort to keep the country busy bitching at each other. It would explain why the Republicans don't seem to be doing much of anything other than talking a bit.

There are times I think a giant enema would be the correct course of action.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:49 PM
He's a violent nut with a criminal past. It really doesn't matter who he supports.

Keeping in mind, that with today's political intolerance and hatred spewed by all kinds of politicians and supposed leaders, we're going to influence and cause a few of these nuts to snap like this.

They're all to blame. Trump is to blame, Maxine Waters is to blame, but most of all "we" are to blame.

I got shamed and verbally attacked and insulted by many democrats and liberals because I didn't vote for Hillary. We don't respect each other anymore and we attack everyone on "the other team". Like we're a bunch of drunk college kids at a football game who are just itching for a fight.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Have you not noticed all the trump supporters gloating that he wasn't white as if that makes it all better? Maybe you need some sleep if you haven't noticed the deflection and deflation of the crimes committed by people on this board along with the support of "nationalism". Those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: amazing
He's a violent nut with a criminal past. It really doesn't matter who he supports.

Keeping in mind, that with today's political intolerance and hatred spewed by all kinds of politicians and supposed leaders, we're going to influence and cause a few of these nuts to snap like this.

They're all to blame. Trump is to blame, Maxine Waters is to blame, but most of all "we" are to blame.

I got shamed and verbally attacked and insulted by many democrats and liberals because I didn't vote for Hillary. We don't respect each other anymore and we attack everyone on "the other team". Like we're a bunch of drunk college kids at a football game who are just itching for a fight.

Im with you brother, we got to get back to basic respect for each other. An understanding that 280 million people arent going to agree on everything. Have got friends and business associates in every in every part of this spectrum from far left far right, apathy to anarchy. The football game is a good analog cause win or lose it doesnt effect our lives ;ike we are letting on. I'm not ashamed of our politicians on both sides, we know they are incompetent for the most part always has been. Im ashamed at confrontational the public is, its like if one of us was hanging off a cliff the person pulling you up would ask if you were Democrat or Republican. Our commonalities are greater than our differences, we are letting imbecilic politician's rhetoric effect or emotions and thought processes. Its high past time it stopped , we are still a nation of self determination, you alone are still the master of your fate, not some politician in their ivory towers. And yes this internal division turmoil and upheaval is exactly what our common enemies want . We are better than this...

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: tommyjo

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Those stickers on the van sure look almost brand new, certainly in very good condition for baking in the south florida sun

Seriously? Here is the van pictured back in December 2017.

The suspect’s white van reminded David Cypkin and his girlfriend, who until recently lived in Aventura, Fla., of a van often parked in the parking lot of a local strip mall, the Shoppes at the Waterways. Mr. Cypkin shared photographs with The New York Times that showed a van covered with a number of stickers bearing the image of President Trump and at least one anti-CNN sticker.

Mr. Cypkin, 39, said he lived near the mall and would see the van in the early morning when he walked his dog. “It struck me because of the crazy conspiratorial stickers covering the windows,” said Mr. Cypkin, a documentary film producer and editor. “It was unsettling, and also it seemed to be occupied. Sometimes the door would be ajar or a window would be open, which indicated to me that maybe somebody was living in the van.” “I never wanted to get too close,” he added, though he saw the owner at least once. He described him as an older white man.

Mr. Cypkin shared a cellphone picture he took of the van in the early morning of Dec. 31. The photo shows a van similar to the one seen in footage being picked up by law enforcement this morning. He said he called the F.B.I. after learning of the arrest.

On Friday, his girlfriend saw the van on the TV news and sent him a screen shot: “Is this the van from the Waterways?”

NY Times Link

When you look at the recent images of the van it is clear that this guy regularly changed the stickers/decals on his van. There is a different set on the rear right panel.

So you agree they look new.

Thanks for adding some information but the mocking tone wasn't really necessary, unless you just had a bad day and are the type who likes to feel better by unloading your filthy stinkin baggage onto random strangers who have done nothing to you.

If you are that type of a person, then I actuallt feel kinda sorry for you so go ahead and do what you gotta do. We stronger types can take it.

Thank you for confirming that they do look new and providing a possible reason for why they do look new. The windows looked tinted to me, but now I'm kind of wondering if he had them taped to the inside of the windows. What do you think?

Yes they are on the inside of the windows. You can see in some of the images the reflection in the outside of the window.

For example the cables reflecting in the following image.

posted on Oct, 27 2018 @ 07:23 AM
It appears that the guy is a fantasist and has nothing to do with the Seminole Tribe. His Father is Filipino and his Mother is Italian.

The Seminole Tribe of Florida says the man suspected of mailing bombs to prominent Democrats is not one of their own. “There’s no record of him being a member of the Tribe,” a spokesperson for the tribe said in a statement to Politico. “He’s not a member of the Seminole Tribe, has never been a member of the Seminole Tribe”

News Link 1

But the Seminole Tribe strongly denies that Sayoc has ever been a member of the prominent Native American group, which owns a global business of casinos, restaurants and hotels, including the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino near Hollywood. The Seminole entertainment empire generates an estimated annual operating profit of $1.5 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Tribe spokesman Gary Bitner, alluding to the many social media profiles that appear to be associated with Sayoc, flatly rejected the assertion that Sayoc is affiliated with the tribe. “We can find no evidence that Cesar Altieri, Caesar Altieri, Caesar Altieri Sayoc, Ceasar Altieri Randazzo (Facebook) or Julus Cesar Milan (Twitter) is or was a member or employee of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, or is or was an employee of Seminole Gaming or Hard Rock International,” Bitner said in an email.

News Link 2

LOWY: He even then drove a vehicle covered with Indian memorabilia because he believed himself to be an American Indian when in fact he has no Indian blood. His mother is Italian. His father is Filipino.And his mother would tell him constantly, why do you keep telling people you're Native American? Why do you put these things on your car? I mean, these are very odd behaviors of someone who doesn't live in reality.

KASTE: And Sayoc claimed to be Seminole. And the Seminole tribe has said today that they have no evidence in their records that he was.

News Link 3

edit on 27/10/2018 by tommyjo because: Additional info added

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