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The Pyramids Of Egypt: Relics Of An Advanced Prehistoric Civilization?

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posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY

Pyramids are located on the globe mathematically, so not primitives

What is the plan?
The best I saw up to now is that the pyramids layout is close to the layout of the stars in Orions belt, I think.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:13 AM
There has been some research done on the pyramids that show they may have possibly been underwater in the remote past.

An interesting excerpt from the article linked at the bottom of my post:

“During one of the documentations of the ancient coastline, I almost tripped with a block of the second level of a temple,” said Mr. Morsi in an article published on the website Gigal Research. “To my surprise, the bump on the top surface of the block that almost tripped me was in fact a exoskeleton of a fossil of what appears to be a echinoid (sea urchin) which are marine creatures that live in relatively shallow waters.”

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: ALSTA

No no, no worries, I saw horizontal water marks already.

But I still doubt that those are from being underwater for millions of years. And that is the lapse of time needed for continents to rise and fall (we are speaking of the Greater African Plate, thats one of the greatest continental plates on Earth).

They weren't underwater for millions of years. It was the deluge when the ice age suddenly ended.

There was an ancient civilization of extremely smart people and the evidence suggests they were giants.

Look at the dinosaurs. Some of them were huge because there was an abundance of oxygen. Who is to say that humans couldn't have been giants too?

We've seen the photos that most people dismiss as BS. Is it? Is it really?

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

originally posted by: GBP/JPY

Pyramids are located on the globe mathematically, so not primitives

What is the plan?
The best I saw up to now is that the pyramids layout is close to the layout of the stars in Orions belt, I think.

It's more than that. Do more research.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

Jeez mate im having real issues uploading videos. Once again if you google giza pyramid resonance you'll see some vids.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Naw.....not so, the old boy is using a doctrine of demons. Qi gong is horsecrap

Pyramids are located on the globe mathematically, so not primitives

This is what I always come back to when pyramids are discussed... it’s not just ancient Egypt but all over the world. And the only means of travel that we know of at this point that they had back then was walking across the northern ice cap.

Then they are all pointing north, south, east, and west... that’s some mighty fine coordination amirite?

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: ALSTA
nothing else than prolonged submersion coul do this.

Your ignorance is showing.

The sphinx was not constructed, it was carved into the bedrock.
That bedrock is limestone, which was deposited millions of years ago when the area was under the sea.

All over the world, limestone is deposited in layers and those layers everywhere vary in their physical properties.

What you are seeing in your photo is only the variation in those layers regarding hardness and erosion rates.
You can find layering exactly like that anywhere limestone is exposed.

Even the few people that still believe the idea that rainfall caused the visible erosion on the sphinx know this.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: [post=23895607]Harte[/post

I never said the sphinx was constucted i only said it had water marks.

Your the ignorant one here showing your ignorance in reading posts properly.

But you know i dont post anything other than a theory, to be somewhat proven or discredited if in this case your to be believed.

After all thats what this sites for.

But I'll say this........At least i can read, where did i say the sphinx was constucted.
I said points about the pyramids construction.

So considering your proven ability to not be able to read properly, you'll understand if i ignore your post.

edit on 26-10-2018 by ALSTA because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2018 by ALSTA because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: LitriumGem

I've asked the same questions about a civilization of humans that were here before and during the dinosaurs, only to be wiped out with the dinosaurs, and then our civilization began. The ATS posters verbally ripped my dominate arm and an ear off. There has been a fossil uncovered in Texas that officials think is a human footprint. The significance of it is that the print is below a dinosaur print. The same state found the same kind of hammer we would have used a century ago, so old it had been embedded in limestone. They call the London Hammer a hoax and the human footprint is supposedly just a print left by an animal that was covered up and distorted by winds.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: ALSTA

It's funny how in this particular forum people are quick to dismiss evidence that discredits their argument. It happens all the time.

In short though, no. Limestone can be eroded by wind, rain, sand (and other particulates). Also, because of how limestone forms, it would be unusual if it DIDN'T contain fossils.

Fossiliferous Limestone

For more emphasis, the bulk of the plateau is made up of stacked carbonate layers ranging from the late Cretaceous to the Eocene deposited on the bottom of the Tethys Sea. Khufu et all built the pyramids on the Mokattam Formation (part of the plateau) relatively hard mid Eocene layers of limestone and dolomite. Beacuse of how this particular formation was laid down, it breaks cleanly along the bedding layers and is also riddled with vertical joints - making it absolutely ideal for quarrying.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: ALSTA

In addition, particularly regarding the Sphinx:

The Sphinx was carved from three subunits of the Mokattam, and each subunit offers a glimpse of how variable the conditions were at the bottom of the Eocene Tethys Sea. The paws are part of the lowermost, and hence oldest, subunit, which consists of brittle material from an ancient, petrified reef. Most of the body was sculpted from a stack of alternating soft and hard layers that reflect small changes in water depth, grain size and depositional energy in an ancient lagoon environment. The Sphinx’s head and neck were carved from a harder limestone unit, which is why the face is so much better preserved than the body. Despite the general durability of limestone in arid climates, the Sphinx has frequently required repairs (beginning, according to New Kingdom records, at least as early as 1400 B.C.) The statue has continued to deteriorate from various causes, including vandalism, the misuse of grout, and a recent rise in groundwater levels caused by irrigation and leaking sewage. This rise is believed to have weakened the statue’s foundations and caused wicking of moisture up through the Sphinx to its surface, where evaporation causes material to flake off, grain by grain.
- Travels In Geology: The Pyramids of Giza

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: LitriumGem
The founder of Falun Dafa, Mr Li Hongzhi had this to say about the Pyramids Of Egypt:


"Modern people all say that the pyramids in ancient Egypt were built by Egyptians. But they have nothing to do with the present-day Egyptians whatsoever.

That is, humans and nations have a wrong understanding of their own history. The pyramids and the Egyptians have nothing to do with each other at all. Those pyramids were built during a prehistoric civilization, and sank under water during a continental shift.

When the civilization that followed was about to emerge and new continents were being created, they rose up from the depths of the water. That group of people was long gone, and then the present-day Egyptians came later. After discovering the functions of these pyramids, the Egyptians built some smaller pyramids like these.

They discovered that the pyramids were pretty good for storing coffins inside, so they put coffins in them. Some were newly built, some came from the distant past. This has made today’s people unable to figure out which period they really came from. History has been messed up."


I have also found a rather interesting article from a Falun Dafa practitioner where he talks about the Pyramids Of Egypt and their origins:


“As merchant traders crossed the expanse of desert, following the Nile
River to the Mediterranean Sea with camels carrying loads of merchandise,
they would often stop and stare at the great pyramids in awe. Human beings
have been ignorant of the true origin and function of the great
pyramids for a long time.

The great pyramids are evidence of pre-historic culture. Civilization
has appeared more than once in the Earth's history. These civilizations
were not all the same; the humans of different civilizations looked
quite distinct as well. In a period long before the current period of
civilization, there lived humans who were five meters (sixteen feet)
tall. Their science was advanced, and their astronomy was no exception.
Also, where now there is desert, at that time there were mountains all
around covered with lush trees and flowers.

So why did they build the pyramids? Their science could be
characterized as a mechanical science, which means that they used
mechanical devices as a source of convenience in daily life. They also
boasted an advanced space science, sending manned spacecraft to outer
space for exploration and travel. For this they needed a navigation
system, and the great pyramids were built for this purpose. So why does
the aperture at the top of one pyramid point towards Sirius? The reason
is that their culture originated from the "Dog Star."

As the scientific and moral components of the culture that developed on
the planets around Sirius became disproportionate, human conflicts
developed between people and man could no longer meet the basic
standards of being a human. As the resources of their star were about
to run out, people there started to move to other locations in the
universe. Although they found Earth to have a friendly environment very
supportive of life, higher beings in the universe could not allow them
to flock to Earth in multitudes, since they were humans destined to be
eliminated. But, in their own way, they passed on their culture and
science to the people on Earth. To honor their origin, the top of the
pyramid was built pointing toward Sirius.

People today are less than two meters tall and we build skyscrapers. It
stands to reason that men five meters tall would use much larger
mechanical equipment and find it relatively easy to move huge stones.
As a result, constructing the pyramids should not have been very
difficult for them. In history, the pyramids were meant to leave a
puzzle for humankind today.

At that time, when the men who built them set their mind on the
building process, as the character of the construction workers and
those who were in charge of the construction project reached a certain
level, wonders would happen. For example, if they became worried
because they could not lift some of the gigantic stones, the next day
they might find the stones were in place.

Many years after the construction of the great pyramids was complete,
the morality and virtue of the people deteriorated to such a level that
they could not be allowed to continue. The continent sank to the bottom
of the ocean and that civilization ceased to exist along with that
mankind. Later, the movements of the continental plate lifted the plate
up from the bottom of the ocean until it rose above sea level. Since
this movement brought with it a lot of sand, and as the area is
tropical and windy, a desert came into being. In order for culture to
develop there, the gods "drew and dug" a river, the Nile.

Civilization developed anew in the area. Men at the time thought it was
a good idea to keep dead bodies in the pyramids, so they put the bodies
into the great pyramids and built many smaller pyramids that mimicked
the gigantic ones. As such, this has confused historians and their
progeny alike.

It may not have occurred to us that all of these arrangements were
actually made by higher beings. Some of the arrangements were
constructive and others were negative and confusing. As someone who
knows the history of the great pyramids reveals the truth to mankind
today, people will hopefully start to have a new perspective when they
look at these wonderful buildings that have stood alone in the vast
desert for thousands of years.”

Original Article:

Yes, here on ATS we call the cyclical event which re-sets Humanity a Vlar Global Continental Displacement event which displaces Continents lifting and dropping them and which brings by proxy Vlar Global Continental Displacement Waves which inundate the now moving Continents with water .

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: LitriumGem

I've asked the same questions about a civilization of humans that were here before and during the dinosaurs, only to be wiped out with the dinosaurs, and then our civilization began. The ATS posters verbally ripped my dominate arm and an ear off. There has been a fossil uncovered in Texas that officials think is a human footprint. The significance of it is that the print is below a dinosaur print. The same state found the same kind of hammer we would have used a century ago, so old it had been embedded in limestone. They call the London Hammer a hoax and the human footprint is supposedly just a print left by an animal that was covered up and distorted by winds.

Fret not , the Vlar Global Continental Displacement Wave model has been jammed down their gullets....and with Mudfossil University and many other seemingly co-ordinated allys the VGCDW model is firmly supported and this support will grow exponentially as we go along.....right now we are waiting for someone to step up and write a White Paper on the topic.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: ALSTA
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I think you better re check those water marks.
Conductive metal strategically placed in cavities not embeded within stone.
I dont doubt your engineering credibility but in all honesty what do modern engineers educated with modern principles really understand about ancient engineering - Fact modern engineers with modern technology could not and cannot reproduce this structure.
Respectively theres more doubt than certainty in your view.
Water marks are vertical. Really lol have another look.

The ancient people, I would bet, were far more skilled than we are today. Perhaps so much so, that they became a threat to their race and in turn, it was ended. Just my opinion and nothing to back that up. But they aligned things up with the sun, the moon, and the stars for a reason which I doubt we'll ever know. Could today's humans do that without our astronomical tools? Psh, no way. If only I had a time machine.
edit on 26-10-2018 by LSU2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: ALSTA
a reply to: [post=23895607]Harte[/post

I never said the sphinx was constucted i only said it had water marks.

Your the ignorant one here showing your ignorance in reading posts properly.

But you know i dont post anything other than a theory, to be somewhat proven or discredited if in this case your to be believed.

After all thats what this sites for.

But I'll say this........At least i can read, where did i say the sphinx was constucted.
I said points about the pyramids construction.

So considering your proven ability to not be able to read properly, you'll understand if i ignore your post.

Of course you'll ignore my post.
My post shows that you have little or no knowledge whatsoever concerning the topic, but don't even hesitate to post utter garbage about it anyway.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Flavian
a reply to: ALSTA

It's funny how in this particular forum people are quick to dismiss evidence that discredits their argument. It happens all the time.

In short though, no. Limestone can be eroded by wind, rain, sand (and other particulates). Also, because of how limestone forms, it would be unusual if it DIDN'T contain fossils.

Fossiliferous Limestone

For more emphasis, the bulk of the plateau is made up of stacked carbonate layers ranging from the late Cretaceous to the Eocene deposited on the bottom of the Tethys Sea. Khufu et all built the pyramids on the Mokattam Formation (part of the plateau) relatively hard mid Eocene layers of limestone and dolomite. Beacuse of how this particular formation was laid down, it breaks cleanly along the bedding layers and is also riddled with vertical joints - making it absolutely ideal for quarrying.

He's already ignoring valid information such as what you posted here.


posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

originally posted by: GBP/JPY

Pyramids are located on the globe mathematically, so not primitives

What is the plan?
The best I saw up to now is that the pyramids layout is close to the layout of the stars in Orions belt, I think.

It's more than that. Do more research.

Thats not helpful. At all. I like this topic, but telling me to look at something mathematically about the locations of the pyramids is like telling me to read a book about the pyramids..

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:16 AM
Oh my space faring giants....who left writing inside the pyramids within sealed spaces - done with ocher paint- nothing like HIGH technology.

edit on 26/10/18 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

edit on 26/10/18 by Hanslune because: Added corrected image

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: ALSTA
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I think you better re check those water marks.
Conductive metal strategically placed in cavities not embeded within stone.
I dont doubt your engineering credibility but in all honesty what do modern engineers educated with modern principles really understand about ancient engineering - Fact modern engineers with modern technology could not and cannot reproduce this structure.
Respectively theres more doubt than certainty in your view.
Water marks are vertical. Really lol have another look.

The ancient people, I would bet, were far more skilled than we are today. Perhaps so much so, that they became a threat to their race and in turn, it was ended. Just my opinion and nothing to back that up. But they aligned things up with the sun, the moon, and the stars for a reason which I doubt we'll ever know. Could today's humans do that without our astronomical tools? Psh, no way. If only I had a time machine.

We can do it with our tools, as they did with their tools. If you have people watching the skies and taking notes for decades, there are some alignments to discover. Take a modern person with modern knowledge without modern tools and this person should be able to find those alignments.

What alignments are we talking about?

North/South? Because that would be invalid because of the polar precession.

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune
Oh my space faring giants....who left writing inside the pyramids within sealed spaced - done with ocher paint- nothing like HIGH technology.

What are we looking at? What is the specific anomaly with these hieroglyphs?

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